Chapter 19

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"Thank you, Papa, thank you, Dada!"  

Tony and Steve paused, sharing looks. "What did you say, Peter?" Tony asked with curiosity. Peter smiled, showing his small baby teeth covered in chocolate. As he opened his mouth to repeat what he said, he finally thought about it and turned a bright red. 

"I don't member," Peter stuttered. Steve smirked. "Nu-uh, I thought I was Papa," Steve smirked. Tony bounced Peter on his knee lightly, making the kid squirm in embarrassment. "Fri did you catch all that on video," Tony asked.

"Yes Boss, I did." Peter whined again.
"Let me guess, Pepper is--"

Pepper choose this moment to walk into the kitchen and looked at the three of them. "Ma--Pep! They makin' fun ah me," Peter cried out, reaching towards Pepper. "Yeah, Mama! Save the poor little Peter from the big monsters," Tony pleaded in a teasing way, tickling Peter's sensitive toes.

Peter cried/giggled reaching out for Pepper. Pepper smiled and happily took the toddler away from the two men. She grabbed a clean dish rag and gently cleaned Peter's face. "Who's idea was to give him sugar," Pepper asked, giving a pointed look at Tony and Steve. 

"He refused to eat his dinner," Tony shrugged, giving Peter a look. "Oh really," Pepper smirked at the child. "Meanie~" Peter stuck his tongue out at Tony, and Pepper ruffled his hair. "I think he might just be tired," Pepper thought aloud.

Peter squirmed and wiggled in her grasp. "Nu-uh," Peter whined. "Most definitely," Steve grinned, pinching Peter's cheek, pulling lightly before leaving. Pepper hugged Peter tightly, planting gentle kisses all over his face. "Mwah! Mwah!" Pepper said in a sweet obnoxious voice, causing Peter to giggle.

His body betraying him, Peter let out a short yawn, proving Pepper's point. Pepper held the Spiderling out to her partner. "I'll leave you to get him ready for bed. I'll be in the shower," Pepper explained. Tony gladly took the baby back.

"Mam--Pep," Peter whimpered, afraid of whatever embarrassing thing that was waiting for him. Pepper left, pretending not to hear him. Tony held the boy from underneath his armpits, sniffing behind Peter's sensitive neck.

"Woah, someones desperate for a bath," Tony teased, chuckling when Peter turned crimson. Tony carried the child to the bathroom and began to fill the tub with warm water, before turning the tap off and putting the child down on the counter.

"Uh, Tony--" Peter stiffened when he felt Tony pulling his clothes off. "Wait, I don't want you to see my--" "See what, Underoos? You a freaking baby, what's there to see?" Peter couldn't really argue with that as Tony continued on.

When Peter was out of his clothing he plopped the Spiderling into the water. Awkwardly, Peter ran his hand through the water. What Peter didn't expect, was for toys to be dumped in the tub with him. Peter tilted his head in confusion.

"Clint offered somethings he used and uses for his kids," Tony explained. Peter looked at the toys with interest but choose not to give in to his instincts. Tony put some soap on the wet rag. "Not playing with the toys only makes it more awkward," Tony informed the boy. Peter reluctantly played with the toys as Tony cleaned him off. 

Tony chuckled as Peter made high pitched voices and deep voices--well, as deep as a toddler can make their voice.

"You really smell kid, when was the last time you washed?"
Peter tiredly lad his head on the edge of the tub. 

"I smell like beef," Peter mumbled. Tony, who was currently dumping a warm cup of water over Peter's hair, paused for a moment. "What?"

"I smell like beef, I smell like beef," Peter whimpered. "More like dog breath..." Peter threw his head back. "I smell like beef!" Peter cried out happily. Tony rolled his eyes. "Fri--" "I caught it on the footage, Boss, don't worry." Peter went pale.

Tony rinsed him off and wrapped a fluffy duck towel around him; Peter whined, as he didn't want to leave his now treasured bath toys alone.

Tony carried the baby into Peter's room. It was the same, but instead, there was a crib that occupied the corner. Peter pouted. "Luckily for us, Clint still owns a foldable to-go crib," Tony chuckled, laying the baby on a blanket on the floor. He laid him flat on his back. Peter stared up at Tony in confusion, but it was immediately was replaced with horror when Tony held a Pull-Up in his hand.

"What?! No! I'm clear-wy potty trained," Peter retorted, backing away from Tony in a slight waddle. "Yeah, but what if you're uncontrollable when you sleep? May I add that you won't be able to get out of the crib to go to the bathroom if you wake up. The Pull-Up is just a safety precaution," Tony explained.

"Nu-Uh, no way!" Peter crossed his arms over his chest, standing in all his naked glory. Peter saw Tony was ready to tackle him down to get the job down, and at the last second, Peter dodged him, crawling back onto the ceiling where he was safe.

"Peter! I swear to god," Tony cursed loudly. That caused Clint and Bucky to wander in, tiredly. When they spotted the naked toddler on the ceiling, they nearly snickered. Peter didn't care about that. He wasn't going to be diapered, not without a fight.

"Petey-pie, didn't we have this situation earlier? How'd did that go," Clint asked, raising an eyebrow at the child. Peter gave off a dry laugh. "No way that happens, 'Int. No vent on da ceiling in 'ere," Peter pointed out.

He had a point, there wasn't a vent on the ceiling for Clint to sneak attack him. "What happened," Bucky asked, looking to Tony. He saw the Pull-Up and understood the situation completely.

Clint shook his head. "Look, Peter, you're lucky Tony's putting a Pull-Up on you. I also brought baby diapers, the kind that isn't meant for big boys. Do you want a big boy Pull-Up or a regular diaper?"

Peter crawled around, teasing them on the fact that they couldn't reach him. "No 'eed. I'm not putting one on an-way," Peter replied cockily. Tony could still slightly see the wounds on the child, the scar on his back and stomach, his arms and legs.


Ah, he couldn't wait to tear that kid apart. Peter did flips about Bucky's head. He was just out of reach. Clint tapped his foot repeatedly. 

"Peter Benjamin Parker, I will get you down, willingly or forcefully. And I also won't hesitate to wear your butt out. Now, let me repeat only one time. Get. Down. Here. Now."

Peter paled at the thought of his rear being the color of his suit. Peter reluctantly crawled down, and Clint scooped him up and again, gave him a warning swat to his thigh, before handing him back to Tony.

"Get your kid in check, Tones," Bucky called out as the men left out of the room. Tony could see Peter ready to cry in embarrassment and quickly changed the boy, putting his little onesie, hugging him tightly.

"Underoos, it's okay," Tony cooed. "He hit me," Peter whimpered. "I know I know~" Tony rubbed his back, letting Peter nuzzle into the crook of his neck. Tony sat on Peter's bed and pulled out the boy's phone.

"You have a few texts from a girl named MJ. Care to explain?"
"Dada stop," Peter whined, before yawning. Tony chuckled. "How about you head to bed, bud?" Tony was expecting the boy to argue, but Peter simply gave a slight nod. "Yeah, that sounds nice..." Tony smiled, putting the boy in his crib. Peter fell asleep instantly, and Tony ruffled his hair, before leaving him in the room.

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