Chapter 6

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Peter POV

"For the last time, Peter, who do I need to murder," Natasha said sternly, staring deep into m eyes to make sure I wouldn't lie to her. "I told you before, I don't remember," I retorted. "Clint, help me," Natasha grumbled. Clint wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, while Natasha pinched my cheek and pulled lightly.

"Tell me," Natasha pressured. "I don't know," I hissed. Her pinching my cheek didn't actually really hurt, but it was making my face sore. "Tell," Natasha continued.

"You might as well tell her, kid. I have things to do," Clint muttered. "Like what, kissing your pillow?" Bucky teased, peering into the living room where the three sat.

Clint immediately lets go and marched over to Bucky, giving me a chance to swat Natasha's hand away and scramble away from the scene. "Wanna say that to my face," Clint retorted. Bucky smirked sly, winking over at me. " Like what, kissing your pillow?" Bucky quoted. Clint tackled Bucky to the ground, giving him a playful yet rough noogie.

"Take that back," Clint exclaimed. "Never," Bucky grumbled out. Natasha looked over at them and groaned, rolling her eyes and placing her hand on her hip. "Clint, let him go," Natasha ordered, walking over to the two man-children.

I took this chance while they were distracted to head to my room. I grabbed my bag that was set on my bed and began to slip my suit out when Tony peered in.

"Tony," I whined, shoving the suit back into the bag. Tony didn't seem phased, squinting at me in the darkness of my room. "I hope you aren't planning on going on patrol with that injury on your stomach."

I subconsciously place my hand on my abdomen. It doesn't exactly hurt anymore. "Why would you think that Mr. Stark," I say innocently. Tony cocked his head to the side, studying me closely, before pointing up to the ceiling.

"Friday will alert me if you even step out of this door," Tony added, before turning on his heels gracefully before leaving, shutting the door behind him. I muttered incoherent things under my breath as I got out my laptop, hacking into Friday's system so Friday wouldn't be alerted of my absence.

I slipped on my suit before slipping out through the window. "Hello, Peter," Karen said sweetly as I did flips and gracefully webbed onto a different building. Speaking of which...

"Put your hands up where I can see them," A voice growled. My senses were heightened and I swung over to the corner store that was getting robbed by two guys (here's the funny part) wearing a horse mask and giraffe mask.

It reminded me of a video.

I giggled to myself as I climbed onto the ceiling of the store. The cashier had his hands up and could clearly see me, his jaw dropped in shock. "Hand the money over slowly," Horseman demanded. Giraffeman had derpy eyes that seemed to be staring at me, but I knew that they could only see through the mouth.

"I didn't know zoo animals went to corner stores. You learn something new every day," I murmured, loud enough for them to hear me. The Giraffe and Horse turned to look at me, gasping. "That's the Spiderboy I told you about, man," Giraffe stuttered, looking at the horse. Giraffe held a taser, while the Horse held a gun confidently.

"The Menace," Horse sneered. "Woah, I'm flattered you know about me," I spat back, webbing both their heads and headbutting them together, causing them to fall to the ground, groaning in pain. "Honestly," I sighed softly, using my webbing to snatch their weapons away,"I thought the zoo paid well."

I looked over to the cashier, who was looking at the criminals in disbelief. "Mind doing me a favor and call the zookeeper for these guys," I asked. The cashier nodded before pulling out a phone and stuttering for help. I webbed up the Horse and Giraffe to the floor, before jumping off the ceiling.

Snickering quietly at the two as they hissed out curses as they struggled to escape my webbing. "Don't worry, it dissolves, just in time for the police to come."

I smiled behind my mask. "Here, Spiderman. For saving the store," The cashier called, catching my attention. He threw a wrapped up deli sandwich at me, and I caught it. "Shouldn't," I asked unsurely. "It's on the house!"

"Thank you, sir!" I chirped happily, before swinging off into the darkness. The night was basically calm. Stopped mugging, an attempted kidnapping, the normal stuff. It was 2 AM when I finished and made my way back to the tower, and I immediately took off my suit and collapsed on my face, sitting the deli sandwich on my nightstand, before falling asleep.



"Kid wake up, your breakfast is getting cold," Tony called through the door. Peter groaned as the sunlight flooded his room through the window. Who knew patroling until two could leave someone like Peter so exhausted. Peter heard his door open, causing a new light to flood his vision. Peter saw the silhouette in the doorway, and he pulled the blanket over his head, burying his face into his pillow.

"Wake up, kid, everyone is waiting for you." This voice was different. Steve, again. "No," Peter moaned out. "Kid," Steven repeated in a stern tone. "Wanna sleep," Peter dragged out, slipping under again. Only for a cold feeling to run through his body, causing his hairs to stand on end and a shiver to run down his back.

"Cold, so cold," Peter whimpered, reaching for the blanket that was being held out above him. He was frankly too tired and just wanted to cuddle up with something warm. Steve rolled his eyes. "You slept all night, right. You shouldn't be actually so cranky," Steve claimed. Peter tense for a moment, before continuing to attempt to crawl underneath his pillow.

"You didn't go on patrol last night did you," Steve asked. "Nooo," Peter whined. "Wait till Pepper and Tony hear this after breakfast. Now come on," Steve chuckled, before walking to the doorway. "No, leave me to sleep," Peter pouted, sitting up and crossing his arms over his chest. You could confuse him for a very immature ten year old who was just woken up, with his bedhead sticking up in all types of directions while there was dried drool on his chin.

Steve smirked at Peter. "Get up or I'll carry you," Steve threatened. "Try me," Peter stuck his tongue out at him, rubbing his eyes with his fist. Before Peter could conprehend what was happening or what he was saying, Steve threw him over his shoulder like a rag doll and carried him down the hall.

"Put me down, lemme go!" Peter squealed in confusion. He was now completely awake and couldn't understand the situation that he was just in. "You brought this on yourself kid," Steve laughed at Peter's weak attempts to wiggle out of his grip.

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