Chapter 5

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Peter POV

My head and stomach were killing me as I let out a soft groan, opening my eyes slightly. I could tell I was laying on something different and recognized the cushioning as the couch at the tower. I sat up slightly, only for a hand to gently push me down.

"You shouldn't move too much," a voice suggested gently. "Fucking hell," I cursed. "Language!" I could finally recognize the person sitting in front of me as Steve and I turned beet red. "Sorry, Cap," I muttered, rubbing my aching head. Steve smiled warmly at me. "You've been out for a while. Everyone was worried," Steve explained.

"Speaking of which," I say slowly, kicking my legs off the couch, "Where is everyone?" "In the kitchen. I came in here to watch a bit of tv but then I saw you waking up."

I stood up completely, slightly wincing when I felt a sharp sting run through my stomach. Steve frowned when he saw this. "Don't worry about me, Cap. It'll be healed by tomorrow. Tonight if I'm lucky," I assured him. He nodded slowly, not believing my words. "So kid," Steve grinned, "I bet you're starving. I'm guessing you didn't eat lunch since your friend...Ned was it?"

I nodded. "He called after school trying to find out what was wrong with you."
"Actually no, and secondly, I missed all my other classes?!" 

"You were sent home, kid. We didn't demand it," Steve explained with a soft sigh. "Also, what do you mean you're not hungry. What happened to metabolism?"

"Eh, I've lasted a long time without food anyway," I claimed. Steve rolled his eyes as he stood up. "I'll go make you a sandwich." Steve left the room without another word. I  cautiously patted my head to see if it hurt. It didn't. I walked out of the living room and looked around for Tony.

I may not remember much after Wade put me in the Nurse's office but I do know Tony was the one that picked me up. He talked to me and knows how I ended up there, I'm guessing. "Oh thank goodness you're up!"

I spun around only to be pulled into a powerful hug, causing my cry of pain to be muffled. "Everyone else was so worried, including me and Tony. But I'm guessing you already know that" Pepper chuckled.

"You're right about that one," I giggled, trying to escape her hold. Pepper sighed at my attempt before letting me go. "Natasha made some spaghetti. I could go fix you a plate if you like," Pepper offered. "No thanks, Pep. Cap's already making me a sandwich."

"Should have guessed," Pepper murmured, causing me to laugh. "He's forcing me anyway."

"Yeah, because Tony told all of them about your metabolism while you were out." "Wait," I said slowly," what?"
"Mhm," Pepper huffed, fidgeting with her collar. "Well, Tony's in the lab with Bruce. I have no idea where Natasha and Wanda are. However, I can tell you Bucky on the training floor with Clint."

"Sounds fun..." I say with clear sarcasm. "Don't push yourself too hard, or you-know-who is going to throw a fit!"  I nodded my head. "Noted." Pepper ruffled my hair before walking off.

I slowly made my way to the elevator and called out Friday's name. "ye Peter?" "Take me to the lab floor, please."

"Yes, Peter."
The elevator went straight to the lab floor, and I braced myself for a stern talking to. When I first stepped in a few things happened. Tony looked up from whatever he was doing and raced toward me. "Hey, Underoos!" Tony ruffled my hair before it was replaced with a serious stare. (Hehe, that rhymes!)

"Who did this to you," Tony glared. Bruce was slightly looking up from his hunched position near all the test tubes worth of chemicals. "I, uh, don't remember," I winced, holding my head, to sell the deal. Tony raised an eyebrow, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Mhm," Tony huffed, unconvinced. "Well, if it's worth it, I'm happy you're up," Bruce said, trying his best to change the mood. "Bruce," Tony said simply, looking in Bruce's direction while pointing at me. Bruce rolled his eyes before coming over and checking my bandages wrapped around my forehead.

"He's healed, but he should still take it easy," Bruce explained, pressing lightly on my forehead to see if it's hurt. "It still aches but it isn't unbearable," I informed the doctor. Bruce noted that before leaving me alone.

"Peter, Steve wishes to see you," Friday's voice rang through the room. I turned on my heels and began to head for the elevator, only for Tony to follow me. "What are you doing?" I asked with curiosity. "What does it look like?" Tony asked.

I pouted but continued on my way. When I got to the kitchen, Tony still on my ass, Steve handed me my sandwich before moving over to clean the dishes in the sink. "Let me repeat," Tony said again in a calm manner as I took a bite. "Who. Did that. To you."

"I honestly don't remember," I lied through my teeth. "I'm having a hard time believing that," Steve chuckled. "I know when you're lying, kid. No point in trying," Tony added. I shoved the rest of the sandwich in my mouth before shuffling to the elevator. "See you later, Mr. Stark," I tried to say, but it came out muffled like 'See 'ou waiter Mister Bark'.

"Wait where are you going," Clint asked, peeking his head through the vents. Where did he come from?

"Home," I huffed, finally able to talk. "Aren't you going to stay," Steve frowned. "Um, no, it's a school night," I said, turning to look at them as I walked back towards the elevator. "Actually, Underoos, it's Friday, meaning you stay here the whole weekend," Tony smirked.

My jaw dropped.
"But...but I--you can't just--wha--" I stuttered. Tony gestured for me to come closer and I huffed but did as told. "Sit down and eat more food," Tony ordered.

"Look, Dad. I literally was just forced to eat a sandwich," I joked. Tony seemed to pause when I said, Dad, along with Steve and Clint, only for Tony to smile. "Your ribs say otherwise, now sit down and eat some of Natasha's spaghetti. She should be coming back in a while and would happily ask you about your day at school," Tony sang.

I rolled my eyes with a groan as a big plate of spaghetti was placed in front of me.

Deadpool POV

"Well readers, you should have been expecting me to pop up somewhere. After I saved the little cutie pie it was only a matter of time."

I stared at him through the windows of the tower as he stuffed spaghetti into his cute mouth, his thin lips covered in sauce. "My heart, oh it aches so badly," I say dramatically, flipping my katanas around.

Why are you stalking him?

"Like you would like to know," I grumble. 

He doesn't even remember you.

"Yes he does, the author just hasn't given him a chance to think about me. Maybe in the next chapter, I think."

Maybe we should make him notice us.

"Good idea brain," I cheered, winking to myself and pointing to my head. I look directly towards the reader, smiling behind the mask. "This chapter is now basically over because the author's fingers are starting to ache so sorry about that."

"Now," I blurted, rubbing my chin while staring at the Spiderling, "Where were we?"

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