Chapter 11

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Peter POV

I slipped through the window carefully. With the black eye, Aunt May insisted I stay home and sleep. I told her I would be careful. Anyway, I was sitting on a rooftop, looking for trouble, when suddenly.

"Heyah!" A loud confident yelp echoed from an alleyway. Curiosity took over my mind and I stealthily made my way to the alleyway where I heard the manly yelp. A man in red and black was ruthlessly stabbing a man in the stomach with his katanas.


I heard so much of him, well, from Natasha and Sam anyway. Sam says he sometimes bumps into him on patrol, and Natasha tells me about Deadpool through Fury. Apparently, Fury is not a fan of him and constantly talks about him. "Hey!" I yelled over the commotion of the blood splattering onto the alley floor. Deadpool looked in my direction and I could basically see a smile behind his mask.

"Spiderboy! I'm such a huge fan! Can you sign my katana?!" Deadpool asked excited, swiftly bringing his katana upward, slicing the man's neck and freeing his katana. He held the bloody thing out to me with a sharpie in his other hand. My eyes, however, were glued to the man that was just killed, his slumped form on the ground.

"Too bloody?" Deadpool asked with a pout in his voice. "I personally don't have a good signature," I shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah, I know who he is," Deadpool whisper-yelled turning, away from me. I was utterly confused. "Wait what," I slurred in confusion. Deadpool continued to mutter incoherent things. Suddenly, my Spidey Sense began to tingle. I looked around, but couldn't seem to see anything. Deadpool finally turned back to me with an irritated sigh.

It sounded as if he had just gotten off the phone with someone was annoying. "You might want to take care of that guy behind you," Deadpool suggested, before jumping up onto the roof. I swiftly dodged a punch aimed for my head and turned to see one of the other men, and he looked mad.

"You aren't who we're looking for," He growled.
"I'm not? That's disappointing," I frowned as he tried to kick me again. I webbed him against the wall and disarmed him of his weapons. "I wasn't expecting this tonight," I sigh tiredly. I hopped onto the roof to follow Deadpool and there he was, sitting on the edge and twiddling the katanas between his fingers.

You're too innocent for the job," Deadpool said matter-of-factly. "Excuse me?" I asked. Deadpool looked back up at me for a moment and giggled. "Wanna date me? Fanservice will definitely love it," Deadpool blurted.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Yeah, people definitely ship him with Shuri," Deadpool answered his own question. Shuri? How did he know Shuri? Deadpool stood up and began to do yoga stretches. "Well, I'll be on my way. See you around cutie," Deadpool winked, before hopping off of the tall building.



I was frozen for a while before I webbed away. I stopped a robbing, a mugging, and another kidnapping before calling it a night and crawling into bed.


The morning and school day went by normally until my final teacher pulled out permission slips. "The class has been invited to Stark Industries! For free!" The female teacher announced, squealing with delight. The whole class cheered, and the color drained from my face. 

I...I didn't give Tony any ideas, did I? Oh, who am I kidding, of course, he got the idea from me! The teacher pulled her hair back with an evident smile on her face. "Now, even though it is free for all students, you still need permission slips to participate," The teacher continued, her eyes scanning the room.

"George, would you be a dear and pass out the permission slips?" The boy named George nodded and began to hand them out to each row of students.

Wait, I can still fix this!

George set a slip on my desk and walked away to pass out more and I immediately shoved them into my pocket. Once the slips were all passed out, everyone was excitedly talking about the trip. Flash was silently glaring at the back of my head, but I ignored him. Ned looked over at me with excitement. "Isn't this awesome?!" 

I nodded slowly," sure is."
Another five minutes went by, and the bell rang. Everyone rushed out, the commotion was loud and ringing. Making my way to the front of the school, where there were fewer people. Happy is suppose to pick me up today and drive me home.  I looked down at the blue permission slip, and I balled it up and threw it into the trashcan beside me.

"Kid!" I snapped my head in the direction of the limo. Happy was in the driver's seat, looking back at me. I gave him a quick nod, made sure no one was watching me, and sprinted toward the car and hopped in. Happy remained silent, as normal. I looked out the window as Happy drove down the road.

"So kid, what were you doing earlier?" Happy asked suddenly. "Hm? What are you talking about?"

Happy grunted. "You threw something away," Happy concluded. "It was an old piece of paper, no reason in keeping it," I replied. Happy nodded. We pulled up to my apartment building and I got out and Happy pulled away quickly.

 As I walked into the apartment, I plopped my bag on the floor. Aunt May gets home thirty minutes after I do, so I spend that time doing my homework.

Deadpool...being Wade?

I mean, that doesn't seem possible. He's just some kid who's in my school. No, I can't be so closedminded. If anyone were to suspect I was Spiderman, they'd excuse the thought thinking I was just a puny shy boy in high school, and they'd be right! I groaned loudly, my pencil tip breaking against the hard pressure. If he's Deadpool, it doesn't change anything. Just like how I'm Spiderman, it doesn't change Peter Parker.

"I'm home," Aunt May announced as she strutted into the house, throwing her purse skillfully on the couch while holding paper bags of food. "Hey," I grunted. Aunt May sent me a sympathetic smile as she walked into the kitchen and set the groceries down. "Work was laid back today, what about you," Aunt May asked, plopping the chicken into the freezer and the milk in the fridge.

"Eh, not much happened really. Same same," I sighed softly in relief as I finished my homework. I happily shoved it back into my bag. "Tony said he'll be coming over in a bit, why don't you go and wash or something," Aunt May asked as she continued to fill the kitchen with all sorts of food she bought from the store. I rolled my eyes but nonetheless, I went and took a quick shower, put on a plain white T-shirt, and the same jeans I wore before the shower.

I didn't hear the front door opening or anything so I cleaned up my room a little bit. "Peter," I heard Aunt May call me. "Coming!" I sang back, running out of my room and into the living room. Sitting on the couch was Tony and Aunt May. Tony had a sly smirk on his face, and Aunt May looked slightly confused.

"So, Peter, Tones tells me that your class is taking a field trip to his tower! Isn't that exciting?" Aunt May asked. I tilt my head, looking at Tony with a pleading look, but he ignores me.

"Where's your slip, Peter," Aunt May smiled, looking at Tony and hitting his knee half-heartedly. "Uh, I didn't get one. I was in the bathroom when they were passing them out," I lied straight through my teeth.

Tony shook his head. "Lucky for you, I just so happened to be carrying one of the slips with me," Tony admitted, slipping the blue piece of paper out of his pocket in what looked like slow motion.

It was crumpled and wrinkled. The slip I threw away.
Tony handed the slip to Aunt May and she pulled a pen behind her ear as she written down her signature, all while Tony stared back at me.

"Honestly Peter! Think about that. You might be able to help with the tour, seeing that it's practically your second home," Aunt May giggled at her own joke. My stomach did backflips as Tony rubbed my chin.

"I'll think about that," Tony chuckled.

Aunt May handed the slip back to me and turned back to Tony and began to him. But everything they said sounded like trumpets.

I'm fucked.

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