One Random Day 2

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The Avengers, along with T'challa, were having a meeting that night about boring adult things, leaving Shuri and Peter to mess around in the lab. Shuri held out Peter's web shooter. "Meet the new and improved web shooter," Shuri announced, attaching it to Peter's wrist. Peter rubbed it in relief. "Cool! Wha-what does it do?" Peter asked. Shuri smiled cockily, pressing a button on the web shooter, causing it to go invisible. "Woah," Peter said in on, running his fingers over the transparent weapon.

"It is 20x stronger than it was before, thanks to my vibranium. Also, with a little bit of water of science and other chemicals, the webbing fluid will never run out," Shuri explained cheerfully. Peter paused. "It will...never run out?" Peter asked in disbelief. Shuri tilted her head, blushing lightly as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Mixing it with a fine amount of H20, so whenever you're in a moist area, it will refill itself. Science," Shuri explained simply.

There was awkward silence as Peter stared at the transparent object in awe. "Why don't you try it out?" Shuri offered with a chuckle. Peter excitedly began to web around the lab, sticking to walls and pulled harshly on the webbing to see if it would break. It didn't. "It would take a much larger force to break that thing," Shuri continued, watching Peter in amusement.

"Can I do the same to your other web shoote--" Peter threw the old one at her, continuing to play around with his new one. As she tinkered with it, Peter finally came to a stop. "Has anyone ever told you, you look like Beyonce?" Peter asked. Shuri paused, looking up from her work with a blank expression.

"No, they usually tell me I look like Shalisa (That's how I want to spell it. I'm lazy)" Peter scrunched up his nose. "The fuck is that?"

"Me," Shuri replied with sass. The two laughed once again. "Language," Steve's voice echoed down in the hall. "He can hear us," Shuri asked.

"Yup," Peter chirped, before looking up at Shuri. "Hey, you like star wars?" Peter asked. Shuri's head perked up. "Do you like lightsabers," she asked in return.

"I like the way you think, Princess," Peter teased lightly. Shuri snorted but continued her work. "Hey, I have an idea," Shuri said, finishing up the web shooter in record time, throwing it back to Peter. "Blow me away," Peter smiled.


T'challa and Shuri had their own personal rooms to themselves that night, and earlier that morning, everyone slept in late. Now, that wouldn't be a problem, it was Summertime after all, but Tony had another conference that morning. Peter and Shuri were sitting in the kitchen, eating cereal. Shuri looked over at Peter and his bedhead and snickered.

"Did you set his alarm clock back?" Shuri asked.
"I also set Friday back, along with Jarvis," Peter replied with a tired smile. Just as Peter finished that sentence, Tony rushed in, sliding on his socks, a comb in his hand brushing his hair down. "I slept in," Tony huffed, patting his pockets down in his suit.

 "Goddamnit," Tony growled lowly.
"Language!" Steve's voice echoed. Shuri snickered under her breath as Tony looked around for his keys desperately, peering underneath chairs and on top of the fridge, in his shoes and under dishes. "My keys where are my keys," Tony cried in frustration, rushing to the elevator as it opened for him.

"Oh I have them," Peter admitted. Tony rolled his eyes letting out a sigh of relief. Tony brought his hand up. "Toss me my keys, Underoos."

Tony blinked and saw a printer crash down beside him, breaking on impact against the elevator floor. Tony tilted his head, looking at Peter in confusion. "I said keys."

Peter shrugged his shoulder with an apologetic smile. "I thought you said printer." "Why the fuck would I say," Tony noticed Peter and Shuri fighting back on laughing,"You're giving me gray hair, kid!" Peter shook his head with a slight smirk. "Sorry, Mr. Stark. Here," Peter pulled the keys out his pocket,"YEET!"

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