Chapter 21

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A few things happened...

Milk shot out of Clint's nose as he broke into a coughing-laughing fit. Steve looked at Peter in a stern disbelief, and everyone else seemed to be struggling not to laugh. Natasha, Sam, and Bruce looked between Peter and Tony, excitedly waiting for what was to come. 

Now that Peter realized it, he could see Tony's hand nearing him, and he screeched at it fear, shooting a web for the ceiling and sticking there, a safe distance from Tony.

Clint finally calmed down and began to pick (spoon?) at his bowl of cereal. "Watch yo profanity..." Tony shot him a glare before looking back at Peter.

"Peter Benjamin Parker! You know we don't use language like that in this tower," Tony scolded. Peter crossed his arms over his chest, feeling confident and rebellious. "Well, then I don't need to be here!" Peter retorted, swiftly swinging his body for the window and tensing for impact. The window was already open...luckily. 

Peter could slightly hear everyone screaming in horror as the two-year-old swung out of the building. Peter giggled to himself. Who knew he'd have so much fun as a Baby.

As Peter freely swung around, making sure not to cause any attention to himself, before he cringed at a slight realization that, he'd only be a Baby for another day before he turned back to his normal teen form, and when he does, Tony wouldn't hesitate to kick his ass.

"They won't find me," Peter sang to himself in a matter-of-factly tone. Peter reached into the top part of his onesie and pulled out his mask.

How he manage to snag his mask without the other knowing? He's freakin Spiderman, get with the program!

The mask let out a quiet hum before Karen tsked at him in a disappointed tone. "Boss is looking for you, Peter. It would be in your best interest to head back before he calls out, in a quote, 'the big guns'."  Peter giggled once again at the suggestion, swooping towards his school, which was closed today because of the heat.

"Dada is crazy if he thinks I'll come back," Peter pouted, not even realizing he said, Dada. As Peter swung around, making random turns cautiously, he came to a stop to cringe for a moment. "What's Ni doin now?" 

"Tracking the mask, Peter," Karen informed. "Aw crap," Peter murmured. Steve's voice came over the mask, "Language!"

Peter paled. He was in the close radius of Steve, That could only mean. "Where is the goddamn kid, I wanna go back to the tower," Bucky's voice grumbled. Peter stayed silent, swinging silently to the park near the forest area, taking shelter in a tall tree.

"Маленький паук can hear you, ya know," Natasha's voice came over the small walkie-talkie included inside the mask. "My foods getting cold, where is he?!" Sam's voice complained. "THE YOUNG SPIDER IS A TODDLER NOW?"

No way...


"Yes Brother, he is now a vulnerable baby and we stupidly came here just when he left. Now, we are included in the search to find the Spiderling,"Loki's voice spat in distaste. "Lord have mercy," Peter thought quietly, pulling off his mask and sticking it safely to the tree branch, before swinging to another random one.

With his super hearing, he could still hear the bickering of the gods and avengers. "Seriously, where are you, Underoos?" Peter held onto the branch he was sitting on lightly, pushing his body back and forth with a hum. He almost yelped when Wanda randomly appeared, using his magic to scan the tree with his mask in it.

The mask fell promptly into her hand and she frowned. "Found his mask," Wanda announced aloud. "But no kid?" Steve's voice questioned over the mask. Peter sat still and completely silent, in fear Wanda would sense him or hear him.

"No, but he's close. Extremely close," Wanda assured as Vision approached the scene. Peter backed away slowly. "Vision, where do you think he is,"  Wanda asked, turning to her lover, clutching the mask in her hand and feeling the fabric between her fingers. Vision closed his eyes looking for Peter's aura, and Peter nervously backed away too quickly, and the branched made a snap noise underneath him.

It didn't break, but it did alert the two Avengers of his presence. Vision opened his eyes immediately and pointed at the tree directly at Peter. "There he is!"

Peter screeched when he saw Wanda bringing her hands up, prepping her powers to grab him. Peter swung deeper into the forest like woods.

"You found him?" Tony's voice asked with concern.
"We're coming you're way," Bucky's voice replied.

"Ah shit," Peter muttered, not even caring that they could hear him.

A wild Steve Rogers appeared, running up to the scene. "Language!"

Peter yelped, and jumped into a random tree once again, this time, huddled upside down on a lower branch. The rest of the Avengers appeared, Tony in his suit looking around.

"Um, where is he?" Tony asked, flipping up his faceplate. "He jumped into another tree," Wanda grumbled in annoyance. Loki teleported in again, running a hand through his hair. "Should we start searching or..."

"Yeah, lets," Tony muttered as they all began to search intensely. None of them got close, and Natasha threw her head back. "Peter you're giving us a fucking headache!"

Peter held in a giggle. After another five minutes, Loki groaned with an eye roll. "I'll go search over here," Loki said, pointing over to a flat area of the park, clearly showing he wouldn't search at all.

"YOU DO THAT LOKI," Thor boomed, kneeling down in a bush and pushing it around. Another ten minutes, the group huddled together.

"Maybe he left again?" Sam suggested. Vision and Wanda shook their heads in unison. "He still has to be here. We feel it," Wanda retorted. "He can't be hiding for that fucking long," Tony shot back in disbelief. Steve shot him a glare.

"You know, this is all your fault," Steve pointed out. Tony's let out a sarcastic laugh. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Clint looked between them and glared at the two. "We don't need another fucking war, now do we?" Peter took this time to lower himself from his little hiding spot and crouched as he began to crawl away. Just as he was ready to run, unfamiliar hands wrapped around his lower abdomen and shuffled his small body under their arm.

"Found the Spiderling, can we head back now?" Loki announced as Peter kicked and squirmed. The Avengers looked over at the two, and relief flooded their faces. Tony placed a hand on his chest and took a deep breath, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. "Oh, my heart..."

Natasha placed her hand on her hip, looking at Peter with a knowing look. "Yeah, lets head back." Some of them flew, the others walked or teleported. Loki teleported with Peter. 

"You know, young Spider," Loki said, shuffling the boy back onto his feet, letting the boy walk by his side, his hand held tightly. "You're definitely in for it when we get to the tower."

Peter looked down at his feet with a pout, a huff escaping his lips. "Oh, I know."

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