Chapter 22

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Peter sat awkwardly with his hands in his lap, his head down, while all the Avengers sat around him, watching him, studying him.

Tony was standing before him, tapping his foot repeatedly. "Peter," Tony warned. "I'm not sorry," Peter retorted, looking up at Tony with confidence. "Your wound, Pete. You should be resting--" Peter rolled his eyes. "I'm not your problem," Peter retorted with a hiss.

They all gave him a stern look. Peter grumbled something incoherent, before standing up and waddling to the coffee table and grabbing Tony's phone.

"What do you think you're doing?" Tony asked with a raised eyebrow. "Calling Aunt May. She not mean like 'ou," Peter stuck his tongue out at his mentor. Tony crossed his arms with a dry laugh. "Who do you think you're talking to?"

"You shouldn't talk to your father like that," Steve scolded. What they didn't expect was for Peter's head to lower in shame. "Sorry, Papa..." Everyone's eyes widen and Peter finally came to the realization of what he said.

"Ugh, I hate this bullshit!" Peter groaned. "Language," Steve murmured.

Bruce, who was leaning in the doorway, gently thought for a moment. 
"This is to be expected. Logically he'll hate this--" "No shit," Peter grumbled. Bruce shot him a warning look.

"Just another day kid, you'll live," Bruce assured him. "Like they'd let me live this down," Peter said, pointing to the room full of Avengers.

"Never said they wouldn't Peter," Bruce pointed out, before walking away. Pepper pulled Peter into her lap and ran her hands through his curls. "We love you like this--"

"That's a--" Peter saw the stern look Steve was giving him, "fudging lie."

Clint snorted. "Fudge?"

"No one asked you 'Lint!" Peter yelled. The archer rolled his eyes. "How about we watch movies until you shift back tomorrow, does that sound good?" Pepper asked, looking at Peter with a warm smile.

Peter thought for a moment, before sighing with a pout. "I guess so..." Peter mumbled.

Tony smirked that his fiance got Peter to calm down. "Fri, turn on the first Star Wars movie," Tony called. "Yes, Boss." Friday hummed. Peter reluctantly watched TV with his family, ignoring the cooing, when the elevator beeped.

Peter, along with Loki, Pepper, and Tony completely whipped their heads to look at who just arrived. Everyone else simply glanced.

Peter blushed darkly.


Wade smiled, completely in costume. "Hi, Baby Boy!" Wade waved wildly as he joyfully skipped and bounced down beside Pepper, taking Peter out of her arms.

"You know, Pete. The author nearly forgot about me, but then the comments started pouring in and--" Peter tilted his head to the side in confusion. Deadpool chuckled. "Nevermind, make a long story short, she only brought me back for the views, which is," Wade sniffled. "Very disheartening."

"Wade, why are you so weird?" Peter asked with a short giggle. Everyone wasn't even watching the movie anymore, just secretly listening in on their conversation. "That's like asking me how I break the fourth wall," Wade scoffed.

" 'Ourth Wall?" Peter babbled in confusion.
"I'm starting to think to bring you over was a bad idea, Wade," Tony grumbled. Peter brought his hands up to his face, mocking Wade's surprised look. "Wait, you brought Wade?!"

Wade bounced Peter on his knee, pinching Peter's cheek and pulling lightly in a teasing manner. "You don't like me being here, Baby Boy?"

"No no, it's not like that!" Peter whined back. "You are the mercenary, correct?" Loki asked. Wade puffed out his chest. "I am. You are the god of mischief?"

Loki raised an eyebrow. "How would you know that?"
"Fanfiction taught me," Wade answered simply. Loki gave a slow nod.

Steve, who had his arm wrapped around Bucky, sat up slightly with a stretch. "Can, we order pizza now?" Tony nodded quickly. "Sounds like a good idea," Tony replied swiftly, standing up.

"Friday, order the usual."
"Cheese! Cheese pizza!" Peter chanted. "I'll have whatever Peter's having," Wade said sweetly, gently pecking Peter's cheek, causing Peter to blush once again.

Now that Pete thought about, all Wade had done so far was make him blush. "Sure, kid."


Everyone sat in the dining room, eating their slices of pizzas, when Peter suddenly flung a piece of his crust at the wall, catching everyone off guard. "Hey!" Tony warned, looking at the boy with sauce all over his face. "I didn't mean that I swear," Peter said. In the tone Peter hand, Tony could tell he actually didn't mean it.

He simply was just a twitchy baby.

Tony looked over at Bruce, who was eating a slice of pizza with a fork and knife. Bruce was currently cutting off a tiny piece. "What time is he supposed to be back to normal exactly?"

Bruce paused, sticking his fork in his food. "Tomorrow at exactly 5:34 PM" Bruce informed, before shuffling his food into his mouth. Peter snickered, while Wade burst into complete laughter. "W-What?" Bruce asked.

Peter gave him a 'boi' hand, and giggled, his pearly baby teeth for all to see. "Who's man's is this?!" 

Peter was about to open his mouth to say something else that would probably set Bruce off, when Wade stopped him. "Save it until like," Wade had a distance look on his face as he did the math. "Two chapter to say anything else, okay Baby Boy?"

Peter reluncantly nodded as Wade removed his hands. "Tomorrow there's going to be a party right across the school, celebrating that's schools is over," Wade announced. Wade, along with everyone else, paused at those words. "I feel like I heard that before," Peter huffed, shoving the cheesy pizza in his mouth and shutting himself up.

"Wasn't that said in the other book?" Wade asked aloud.

"Maybe the author is too lazy to think of any other ideas?" 

"Yea, maybe you're right brain," Wade winked to himself.  "You're...insane?" Thor asked, a confused expression on his face.

"Of course!" Wade answered for all of Avengers. "All those experiments weren't for nothing you know. For example," Wade snatched the gun off of Natasha's utility belt before placing the gun under his chin. "Wait wait wait," Steve chanted, shooting up from his chair.

And at that moment, Wade shot his brains out, his body falling limply to the floor.

He didn't die, of course, he could regenerate his head and brain in a matter of 5 to 10 minutes, but the Spiderling didn't know that.

Peter let out a blood-curdling scream as he kicked his feet and banged his fist, tears in his eyes. 

Tony immediately cradling the crying child. "Aw, it's okay, he's fine. He simply a dick," Tony cooed.

"LANGUAGE!" Steve shouted.

Natasha kicked his body with a glare, picking up her gun and brushing it against her pants. "Who's gonna clean his blood up?" Natasha asked over the pitiful crying of Peter. "Wade will when he regenerates," Bucky said simply.

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