Chapter 16

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Peter POV


I crawled up the walls to the Avenger Compound, I was not in the mood to confront the Avengers for kicking Flash's ass into dust, so I wore my thick hood that covered my face. I crawled through the window to my room and began to do my homework when--"Hey kid, I'm making spaghetti, just coming in here to tell you," Steve said sweetly.

"Mhm," I grunted, sitting at my desk with my back to him. Steve placed his hands on his hips, tsking walking up behind me. "You're still mad about that trip aren't you?" Steve asked softly, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off with a short whine.

Steve rolled his eyes, spinning me around. "I hate bullies, Pete. Always have and always will. If someone messes with our spider, you can bet your suit we'll go after that person. It's a reflex for us. Don't hold it against us, understood," Steve asked sternly. 

"Yeah, Cap," I grumbled. Steve smiled. "Now, come into the kitchen and wash the dishes." I made my way to the kitchen, Steve behind me. "Oh, he finally decided to come out of his room?" Tony grinned. I rolled my eyes, turning to the sink and pouring the soap on the dishes. "He's giving us the Silent Treatment,"  Steve explained for me.

Damn, right I am.

Tony fake pouted. "Oh, my boy is giving me the silent treatment?"
"Hell yeah," I replied simply. Steve gave me a light whack upside the head as he continued to prepare dinner. "Language!"

Clint burst from the vents in a superhero pose. "Ha! Father and Son moment right there! You called him your boy," Clint pointed out. "Fluff off," Tony said stupidly, gaining a smile from Steve. Hmm. I scrubbed the dishes carefully as Steve boiled the pasta. Tony was too occupied flicking at the counter in a fidgetting way. "So Pete," Steve began, turning to me with a calm expression.

"Who was that girl?"
Who is he talking about? What girl--Oh crap he's talking about MJ
"What girl?" I lied. Steve studied me before turning back to the boiling pasta. "The girl who was your partner."

"Oh, she was just my trip partner," I continued the lie. Tony looked up with a smirk. "Oh, MJ? That friend of yours? The one that constantly calls you Loser?" Tony asked. Clint peered into the kitchen, his attention caught. "Definitely likes you!" Clint said in a sing-song voice. "Nu-uh!" I retorted childishly.

"Oh my gawd you like her back," Wanda claimed, peering in from the doorway. I gawked back at her. "Since when do you ever talk in this book?!" 

I looked up into the vents and there he was, in his Deadpool outfit. He dropped out. "Who the fuck are you," Tony cursed. "Language," Steve yelled. "Wait wait wait," Wade cried out as Tony grabbed a broom and chased him out the window. "Did you just kill that man?" Clint asked in curiosity?"

Natasha chooses this moment to walk in, yippee. "He can't die. Intense healing factor or some shit," Natasha cursed. Steve threw his hands up. "Um, Language!" Steve's voice boomed. Everyone went silent. "Oooh," I sang. "Shut it," Clint hissed at me. Good thing it seemed like everyone forgot about our previous conversation, seeing that Wade randomly burst in. "While your right there, dice the vegetables," Steve added.

I gave his jazz hands. "Yes Master," I teased, grabbing the knife and began cutting swiftly and smoothly. A crush...on MJ. I never really thought about it that way, but I did automatically act like a child when they asked about her. Eh, whatever.

A stinging pain came from my finger, and I looked down to see I slightly cut it when I was spacing out. It was small, but it was still bleeding. It will heal in two hours. "Mother trucker man!" I said loudly. Steve snapped his head towards me and Tony choked on his coffee, yeah right. Coffee, more like vodka. I popped my finger into my mouth, sucking the blood. "That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick!"

Clint snickered. "Did the pour baby cut his finger?"
I pulled my finger out of my mouth. It was no longer bleeding. "How about I shove my foot up your," I thought for a moment,"Cracker!" Pepper walked in at that very moment. "Cracker? What?" Pepper asked.

"Nothing honey dearest," Tony said in a light tone that was not meant to really be taken seriously. "Peter's making substitutes for curse words," Steve explained, shooting me a dirty look.

"What a little shit," Wanda giggled, causing Steve to glare at her instead. I pointed straight at her. "Watch yo profanity!" I scolded. Everyone laughed after that. Steve turned to me and clapped his hands. "Thank you!" He cried out. Tony tilted his head as I sat beside him. "Does Aunt Hottie know you talk like that?" Tony asked. "Better question, does she even care?"

Natasha nodded in agreement. "He's a teen, leave him be."
"He a kid," Steve retorted. "Uh huh," Natasha replied. The spaghetti was finished and everyone was served a plate. "So, Underoos. Summer is coming up and considering your aunt is always working, especially during the Summer, why don't you stay?" Tony offered. "Spend my whole Summer here," I asked in disbelief. "Why do you want the kid to be here for a full three months? That'll mess up my Summer," Clint pouted.

I looked at Clint and scrunched up my nose. "I don't even bother you," I pointed out. "That's what you think," Clint frowned. "I think Peter staying here is a good idea. He shouldn't be alone all Summer by himself in the apartment," Pepper finally spoke softly. I pointed to myself. "I'm right here ya know," I hissed. Everyone spared me a glance. "We know," They said in sync.

"I know you don't want to say know, Pete, so don't even bother. Your aunt already agreed to let you stay, and you wouldn't go back on her word," Tony finally answered for me.  I held my hand out in a 'bruh' tone.

"Then why'd you ask?"
Tony smirked his Stark smirk. "It was a test," he said wisely. "A test," Steve repeated smoothly. I stuffed my face once again. "There are two weeks of school left, and I'm already always here soo," I muffled. "Eat with your mouth closed," Steve reminded me.

 I swallowed. "Sorry Cap," I said sweetly. I finished my food and stood up, only for Tony to grab my shoulders and pulled me down. "Eat more," Tony ordered. I whined quietly.

"I already ate though. A large plate that would even fill the Hulk," I squirmed, trying to stand up again. "Yeah, but you're a growing boy with powers that give him extreme metabolism," Tony said in a monotone voice. "What he's trying to say is that he worries for your well being," Wanda grinned as she backed out of the kitchen.

"I could have told you that," I giggled, only for Tony to take the opportunity to shove a forkful of spaghetti into my mouth. I facepalmed. "Some-a-body touch my spaghet!" I squealed. Tony rolled his eyes. "I will never understand you kids."

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