xii. world of abilities

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❀ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦: 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴


𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞

     SINCE JOINING THE VOLTURI, Kaya has met an array of vampires from many different times and parts of the world. However, many originate from what is now known as the Middle East and also from other parts of Europe, and their accents have almost faded and are being replaced with Italian ones. She has become close with the twins, Jane and Alec; the physically strongest of the Volturi, Felix; the tracker by sensing the terrors of one's mind, Demetri; and the girl who controls alliances, Chelsea — as well as her mate, who has the ability to make himself invisible, Afton.

     Kaya has learned that Aro — the man with the black hair who greeted her — has the ability to read every single thought that one has had throughout their entire life, and that Marcus — the long haired brunet — has the ability of relationship identification, which tells of the relationship that exists between two beings no matter their species.

     Her pregnancy has almost come to full term, and Kaya can feel her daughter moving inside her. They all ask Kaya how she knows that her child is a girl, and Kaya tells them the truth: that she siphoned a vampire's ability to see into his own future and saw her own. That brings up memories of Kaya's time with Jasper in the dusty plains of Texas, and the years they spent living in the mansions they compelled from their former owners — as well as the last time Kaya saw him walking into the dark of the night.

     Only a second after his smile appears in Kaya's mind's eye, pain shoots through her body and her eyes roll back into her head as her legs give out. All Kaya can hear is Jane and Chelsea screaming her name, and Alec yelling for someone to get Marcus. Felix's arms are holding Kaya tightly and she is being held against his marble chest. As such, she makes the assumption that he caught her before she hit the ground. Seconds later, they are moving, and then she is lain on a soft surface as pain flows through her.

     In her head, Kaya curses everything good that has happened to her; she curses Jasper to no end. But she knows that she cannot put all the blame on him as her becoming this monster was not his doing, but Maria's. Then again, not all the blame rests on her either. The majority of it rests on Kaya's mother, who mutilated her daughter in the hopes that she would not produce children so she could sell Kaya to men by the night in order to support the family. 

     That's where the blame lies: on Kaya's very own flesh and blood.

     Amidst the hatred and pain, Kaya clings on to the love that she has for Jasper despite the fact that he left her to burn in the coven he tore apart. All she can do is pray this child looks like him so that she has something else to remember him by than the heartbreak and grief that has made its home inside her body. As the screams and begging for Kaya to push continue, she finds herself slipping away into a world without pain; a world that has a man with blood red eyes and short, honey blond hair; a world that makes Kaya cry.

     What feels like seconds later, but must be hours, a shrill cry mingles in with Kaya's screams and cries. Breaths of relief sound around the female vampire and she looks over to see a petite blonde smiling softly at her, a bloody, crying mass in her arms. Sitting up, Kaya gently takes the child from Jane and smiles down at her daughter, watching as the baby's eyes open as soon as Kaya's arms are holding her. They're a blood red, and it makes everyone around Kaya suck in a sharp breath.

     "I just gave birth to a pure blooded vampire," Kaya murmurs in disbelief, looking up to see Jane and Chelsea staring at both the female vampire and her child with wonder.

     "She's beautiful," Jane breathes. "What's her name, Kaya?"

     "I haven't picked one. What do you think?"

     Chelsea smiles at Kaya, her red eyes twinkling. "How about 'Kathleen'? It's Gaelic for pure and unsullied."

     Jane tilts her head. "Kathleen. I like it. What about you, Kaya?"

     Looking down at her daughter, memories run through her mind of the time Jasper and herself were debating baby names when he accidentally insulted her daughter's name. "Kathleen."

     Kaya's daughter's eyes shine and she smiles up at her, giggling and making grabby motions with her hands.

     "She likes it," Marcus informs, making Kaya look up to see him in the doorway. "She is already attached to you, Miss Salvatore, as you are to her. Another thing, Kathleen is attached to her father, even though she's never met him."

     At the mention of Jasper, Kaya feels her heart break and her happiness dissipate. Pain fills her chest and her eyes begin to burn with tears, eliciting looks and exclamations of shock from the vampires in the room. Marcus' expression turns pained as he identifies the relationship that once existed between Jasper and Kaya — or the one that still exists. It must still exist for Kaya to react the way that she is.

     "I wish he didn't leave," Kaya grits out, feeling every single pair of eyes move to her. "He could be here with us; he could be a part of the Volturi. He's the only one of his kind that I've met in my eighty-five years."

     "What ability does he have?" Aro asks almost hesitantly, his red eyes flickering over the female vampire and her wiggling baby. "He sounds interesting."

     "He has the ability to feel and manipulate emotions. They have a name for that now — pathokinesis."

◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Hey, readers.

Well, that was intense... I've never written a birthing scene before, and I've never been with or seen anyone giving birth unless it's on a movie, so I'm hoping that mine is as accurate as can be.

I know that I've currently cut Jasper out of this story, but he is going to come back into it very soon - right about the time I get to the 1950's, which is the decade where Jasper and Alice join with the Cullen family.

Also, just curious, how are you liking this book so far? I mean, I know it's one hell of a mess, but I'm trying my best to make it a story that people on this site want to read. So, let me know what you think and any changes or improvements/alterations I can make to this story to make it better?

- Chey xo -

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