xvii. hidden revelations

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❀ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯: 𝘩𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴


𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞

     ALL KAYA CAN DO is cry.

     There's nothing worse than having to force yourself to leave behind the one you love, and that's what Kaya is having to do yet again. Kathleen knows that this has to be done, and Kaya is glad that she is not forced to argue with her daughter about leaving her father. Carlisle and his wife, Esme, agree with Kaya's decision as they both believe that their adoptive son will regress into the heartless, bloodthirsty beast he was when he first came to them with Alice — his apparent best friend. On the other hand, Jasper hasn't the faintest idea that his Mate and daughter are leaving, and the Cullen patriarch has made sure that Alice and their other adoptive son, Edward, will not tell Jasper anything about Kathleen's and Kaya's departure.

     Kaya has written him a letter, but she doubts it will allow him to find solace...

     Dearest Jasper,

     I am glad to have seen you again after all this time, even if it were only for a few days, but I fear that we cannot be together at this time. Kathleen and I belong with the Volturi, and you have found your place with the Cullens - an utterly different coven to our previous one with Maria. I hate to tell you this by letter, but, if we were to tell you in person, you would not let us go.

     Carlisle has agreed to give this letter to you once you and Edward return from hunting. He has been of great help these past three days, and both he and Esme understand why Kathleen and I must leave. We will cause you to become the monster you were almost a century ago, and I will not be able to live with myself if that were to happen. You have a life here, and Kathleen and I cannot become a part of it. For that, I apologise greatly, my love, but it is the truth.

     There are many things that I have withheld from you these past days, and I have only this paper to write them on. I do wish I could tell you in person, but I know that there would not be enough time to tell you everything. On second thought, I'll just leave this letter on your desk - you'll find it easier that way.

     When our coven burned to the ground 21 years ago, you left to go to the north. I was left behind until a man found me and took me to the Volturi - a place where vampires are basically royalty. I befriended them, and gave birth to our pureblood vampire daughter. That became my home for those 21 years, and it still is. I have friends and family there, and there's nothing better than knowing I finally belong somewhere that is not full of bloodshed and pain.

     My world was spun upside down that night you left, and I knew I had to survive in order for Kathleen to be born and live a happy life. She and two of the Volturi members have become like siblings, and I can tell that she misses them terribly. To tell you the truth, I miss the older vampires who have become like my older brothers, and the other vampire who became like sister to me. Kathleen and I desire to go back to them as much as we desire to stay here with you, but we know we can only do the former.

     There will be a time when we meet again, and I pray that it is soon, Jasper. Do not lose hope in seeing your daughter again, and do not lose hope in being able to live a happy life whilst she and I are not with you. There is something else you should know... None of your newfound coven will tell you where we are headed - or where the Volturi are located. Also, the wolf pack that live by have granted us...scent coverage so you are unable to track us. I am so sorry, Jasper, but it is necessary.

     With love,

     Miss Kaya Salvatore.

     Folding the paper into thirds, Kaya scrawls Jasper's name onto the thick paper and places it on the desk in his room. Looking around, there are many bookshelves with a hundred or more books decorating their shelves. One catches Kaya's eye — a familiar brown leather journal she thought that she had lost two decades ago. Smiling, she brushes her fingers over the worn spine, but leaves it upon she shelf as she leaves the room with hesitation that she knew would come into existence the moment Kathleen and Kaya decided to leave Jasper behind.

     Kaya passes by a pale blonde girl and a black haired male, her feet slowing to a stop in front of them. "Rose. Emmett. I really am going to miss you two."

     The pale blonde smiles sadly at her and pulls Kaya into a hug, her Mate watching with sad gold eyes. "We will see each other again, Kaya. I know we will."

     Emmett grins at her words. "Yeah, and don't you forget it, little sister."

     Kaya stares up at the black haired male in disbelief. "'Little sister'? I've got two things to say to that. 1: I am older than you by about 70 years, and 2: Emmett, I'm not a part of this family, and I never will be. I'm not like you, and there's no way I am going to be."

     "You're with Jasper," Alice cheerily states, making Kaya look over at the dark brown haired girl. She's been nothing but kind to Kaya since they met. "You are a part of this family — and nothing is going to change that, even the fact that you feed on humans."

     Rosalie and Emmett nod in agreement, matching smiles on their faces. His arm is around her petite waist and she is almost curled up against his chest. In that moment, Kaya's skin tingles and her mind twists their appearances and she swears that she sees herself and Jasper standing before her own eyes — Kaya's eyes a brilliant red, and his a calming orange-gold colour, and their skin a matching pale white. Shaking her head, Kaya lets go of the ability that she instinctively siphoned and blinks rapidly to clear her mind.

     "I'll stop feedin' on live humans when I get a job at the hospital," Kaya informs, her southern accent slipping out. "I just drink bagged blood. It'll be easier on everyone when I do that."

     Alice sucks in a sharp breath. "Kaya, you and Kathleen need to leave right now. Jasper and Edward are on their way back."

     Kaya gives the three vampires one final hug each and hurries out of the house, almost running into Carlisle, Esme, and Kathleen as Kaya does so. The Cullen's golden eyes are sad but understanding, and mixed emotions are rolling off Kathleen in waves as Kaya grips her daughter's hand. The two older vampires bid the females farewell with more hugs and they vanish into the darkening evening as Jasper's scent fills the air, making their way across the Treaty Line and into wolf territory.

     The Pack surround the female vampires almost instantly, and the second largest wolf steps forward, his eyes trained on Kathleen as she walks over to him and hugs him as best she can. This wolf Imprinted on her the day that Kaya and Kathleen arrived, and her leaving is utter misery for both of them — as well as Alice. Whilst also Imprinting on Kaya's daughter, the wolf made another Imprint on Alice. It's something that was only prophesied and was never believed to happen, but it has, and it will happen again when Kathleen and Kaya return to this small town.

     Moments later, the pack, Kathleen, and Kaya run into the night, heading south to the border, the stenches of the wolves masking Kaya's and Kathleen's. This is the last time this century that the females will be in the northern part of North America, and that fact brings a sting of pain to Kaya's heart.

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