xxvii. high-school prom #10

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❀ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺-𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯: 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩-𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮 #10


𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞

     STANDING AT THE TOP of the stairs, looking down at her wide-eyed Mate is possibly the most wonderful experience Kaya has had this decade — second to that of finally seeing him again after decades apart. Jasper's suit clings to his body perfectly, and Kaya's maroon dress hugs the curves of her upper body, making her feel both in this century and the 1800's. At the base of the stairs, Kaya's arm links with his and they walk out of the Cullen residence, Kathleen and Alice by their sides as they climb into the limo Esme ordered for them.

     It's not as much struggle as Kaya thought it would be to get her dress into the car, but she guesses that's because they don't make 19th Century dresses like they used to. They make them more flexible and modern these days. Kaya does appreciate that fact, despite it being somewhat irritating that it's not "authentic" or "proper," as people would say. Also, it's much more comfortable than any dresses Kaya used to be forced to endure were.

     Minutes later, they pull up at the location of the prom, and find that Bella and Edward are already here, the young human left sitting alone on a stone seat whilst the "chivalrous" 20th Century vampire gets her ticket. Motioning for the others to go inside, Kaya walks over to the young brunette clad in a blue dress and dark tights, one foot clad with a sneaker and the other with a black moon boot.

     "You look worried, Isabella," Kaya muses, leaning against the tree beside her, looking up at the stars. "Did you truly want to die that much? Did you really want to become a beast who lusts for nothing but blood?"

     The girl looks up at Kaya with her dull, brown eyes. "What do you mean?"

     "I may not be able to read your mind, but I can feel your emotions and see your future. You're going down a dark path, Isabella Swan, and it's one you will not be able to reverse; you will make the worst decision, and choose the wrong life."

     Before she can speak, Kaya smells a wolf. A sharp growl leaves her chest, but it quietens as a Quileute walks from the trees, but there's something about him that's not right. Blood red eyes scanning over him, Kaya takes in the lack of muscle definition, the way he holds himself, and the god awful long, black hair. He hasn't shifted yet, but it's only a matter of time now that Kathleen and Kaya herself are semi-permanent residents with the Cullens.

     "Bella," the wolf boy calls out, walking over to the girls with his two top buttons undone and his tie loose. For some reason, he's half-dressed in a suit — pants, shoes, top, and tie only.

     The brunette girl turns and smiles. "Jacob. Hey!"

     "Nice." He motions to her dress before his eyes turn to the vampire. "You too, Kaya."

     "You too," Bella says, her smile bright.

     "Thanks, Black," Kaya replies. "Tell Billy we need to talk."

     "Are you crashing the prom or something?" Bella interrupts. "Did you come with a date?"

     "No." Jacob laughs slightly. "My dad paid me to come talk to you. Twenty bucks."

     "Let's hear it."

     "Just don't get mad, okay? He wants you to break up with your boyfriend. He's just... He said, quote: "We'll be watching you.""

     "Okay. Well, tell him thanks."


     "And to pay up."

     "Okay. Oh, let me help you."

     As she goes to stand, Jacob moves to help her, but the bronze-haired vampire Kaya reluctantly calls "family" swoops in at the last second and helps her, glaring at the tanned wolf before him. He mutters something about wolves descending, and Kaya can't help but let out a small cough and roll her eyes, turning to look at the wolf boy standing in the tree line. Sending him a nod, he returns it before leaving, sending one last longing stare after Bella.

     Muttering curses and disbeliefs under her breath in Italian, Kaya walks into the "prom" and is instantly bombarded by the overpowering scent of human blood. Her eyes find Jasper moments later and she weaves her way through the crowd, finding his hand and holding onto it, not letting him get the chance to feed on humans tonight. His golden eyes look down at her with thanks and adoration, and pulls his Mate closer, hand sliding around her back until his hand comes to rest on her right up, just above the beginning of the skirt of her dress.

     "You're fine, Jazz," Kaya reassures him, moving closer to the honey blond vampire. "If anyone is going to lose control tonight, it would be either Kathleen or myself. After all, she's only new to your "vegetarian" diet, and I'm not even a part of it."

     "That's reassuring, darlin'," Jasper teases, taking hold of Kaya's hand and spinning her away from his body before pulling her back. Kaya ends up flush against his front, one hand clasped in his and the other on his shoulder as his rests on my waist. "Can I be honest with you, Miss Kaya?"

     "Of course. You can tell me anything."

     "I'd much rather be at home with you right now, none of these humans around."

     "Well, if that were the case," Kaya murmurs into his ear, making him shudder. "We wouldn't be able to dance like in the old days."

     He chuckles lowly, the deep baritone rumble of his voice setting her alight. "If you say so, darlin'."

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