Chapter One: A Tomb of Treasures

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Camelot had grown quiet after Nimueh's defeat but the city was no longer quiet. The King had wanted more wealth and was adamant that treasures were to be found underneath Camelot. This had led to the constant, nosy work being performed day and night. No one in the castle had slept in days. It was ridiculous and Merlyn was definitely struggling with the lack of sleep. And tonight was no different.

Merlyn lay wide awake on her bed as the digging workers pounded in her head. With an irritated shout, Merlyn slammed her fists down on either side of her. She just wanted to sleep, was that too much to ask? Knowing she was not getting to sleep, Merlyn rolled out of her bed and quickly grabbed her long cloak for warmth. As she trudged her way into Gaius' chambers, her hair sticking up in every direction, she found the old man sitting with a cup of tea in his hand.

"You can't sleep either" Merlyn commented as she tiredly grabbed a cup and took some tea for herself. Gaius nodded at his (practical) daughter. As Merlyn sat opposite Gaius with her eyes barely open, the digging picked up again louder than before.

"Why don't they shut up?!" Merlyn shouted at the floor, as if she was able to shout at the workers themselves.

"They are doing the King's work" Gaius replied even though the lack of sleep was taking its toll on him as well.

"Well, screw the king some of us are trying to sleep!" Merlyn complained loudly before she took a sip of her hot tea. She was tired and grumpy and annoyed. Suddenly, a knock pounded on the door. Gaius and Merlyn frowned at one another before Gaius answered the knock. The door opened to reveal one of the Night Guards.

"Gaius, you are needed immediately, a worker has died in a secret tomb" the Guard announced catching both Gaius' and Merlyn's attention. A secret tomb? A dead man? Merlyn guessed that was a good enough reason to stay awake.


The tomb was beautiful and full of treasures. It annoyed Merlyn that Uther had been right: there were treasures beneath Camelot. Merlyn stood still in the middle of the tomb, taking in each of the treasures: plates of gold, jewels galore, great statues of ravens ... Merlyn did notice the pattern of ravens that filled the tomb. Merlyn assumed that whoever's tomb this was loved ravens or it was there signal. However, in the middle of the tomb sat the stone sarcophagus that held the body of the owner but it was the decoration that caught Merlyn's attention. On the lid of the coffin was the carving of a man who had a circle in his chest that contained a large blue jewel heart. The jewel glowed blue in time with a heartbeat, it was beautiful.

The room had been lit by workers using fires and the light showed everything ... especially the dead man on the floor beside the sarcophagus. The man's mouth was open as if he had screamed as were his eyes but it was his deathly white skin that had thick black veins running over it that told Merlyn this man had not died a usual death. Bending down beside the man Merlyn studied his skin.

"How do you think he died?" Merlyn questioned, she didn't dare touch the body. However, after several minutes of silence, Merlyn looked over her shoulder at her mentor whose eyes were locked on the blue jewel heart - his concerning frown in place. What did he know? "Gaius?" But the man didn't answer. "Do you know whose tomb it is?" Merlyn asked as she made her way to his side.

"I'm not sure" Gaius replied as his eyes locked on the raven statue that flanked the sarcophagus.

"Do you think it might be cursed?" Merlyn asked, it wasn't a crazy question to ask. After everything Merlyn had seen last year a cursed tomb was not farfetched. Gaius did not answer her which meant he did not know. Swiftly the man made his way over to the body, taking the side closest to the sarcophagus but that was the wrong choice. As Gaius stepped up onto the small platform that ran around the sarcophagus a rumbling sound echoed through the tomb moments before a deadly arrow shot out of the mouth of one of the raven statues. Gaius had no time to move but Merlyn's magic did not fail her and it slowed time down long enough for Merlyn's eyes to glow golden again and lift a plate up in-between the hazardous dart and Gaius.

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