Chapter Thirty-Seven: To Frame A Witch

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A day and a half that was all Aredian had taken to state he had a suspect. Aredian had demanded for a meeting with the king and council to show his findings, which worried Merlyn more than anything but also confused her. How did he have findings? And if she was right about him targeting herself, what evidence had he found that was concrete enough to point towards her?

As before (truly only two days prior) the council was back inside the throne room with the royals seated in their respective seats, looking out upon the small gathering. Aredian had taken centre stage and had three women presented to the king. The women were of clearly different peasantry jobs from the lower town and one was even a servant from within the palace – Merlyn recognising her face as Sophia.

Nervously, Merlyn stood and waited for the inevitable trial to begin. Aredian was walking around the three women with a grim face, his steely blue eyes piercing Merlyn as he passed.

"Speak, do not be afraid" Aredian ordered from behind Sophia, a young brunette from within the palace staff. Sophia's head turned towards Aredian, realising he was talking to her.

"I am Sophia, My Lord" she started shakily as she was meant to, "a-and I ... I was drawing water from the well, Sire, when I saw them: faces in the water, terrible faces." Merlyn frowned as Sophia choked up with tears, clearly scared by what she had seen. The look on her face seriously worried Merlyn. Sophia was acting as if she really had seen these faces ans the girl was no liar. Who had caused her to see those images? "Like people who were drowned. Screaming. Screaming." Aredian tapped Sophia's shoulder with a deep hum. His gaze looked on the king who was staring at Sophia in increasing horror and concern.

"I haven't done anything, I promise" Merlyn whispered to Gaius as she watched Aredian move onto the next woman. A blonde woman who pulled the red shawl she was wearing tighter around her shoulders.

"Tell them what you saw" Aredian ordered whilst he stood behind the new woman.

"I am C-Charlotte, My Lord, and I s-saw a goblin dancing on the coals" Charlotte explained in earnest. "It was dancing in the flames, and-and it spoke, Sire. My heart near stopped for fear of it." The crowd gasped as the king sat back in his chair, his back straightening. Again, this woman was convinced she saw the goblin in the coals.

"As you've heard, My Lord, the incident in the woods was only the beginning, hmm?" Aredian expressed as he made his way to the last woman who was practically shaking off her feet.

"I am Lucy, Sire, and there was a sorcerer ... in the square. There were creatures jumping right out of their mouth" Lucy answered. Merlyn shook her head in complete shock. How had no one else noticed such an event? How had no one noticed any of the events?

"And what manner of creature?" Aredian pressed strongly.

"Toads, Sire. Great green, slimy things as big as your fist" she replied bringing a small smile to the Witchfinder. By this point the king was breathing heavily in disbelief. Merlyn, however, had no idea how to contemplate such a thing. All of these women clearly believed that they saw these things yet no one else had ... unless Aredian has assured they saw the events. Was he perhaps a sorcerer?

"The sorcerer laughs in your face. Even now magic flourishes on the streets of Camelot" Aredian mocked openly though the king only saw it as the man pointing out a fact. Merlyn was so confused and the more Aredian spoke the more her hands ran along each other. Aredian was painting a bleak picture which the king was buying into.

"I can scarcely believe it" Uther said in horror.

"Yet it is the truth, My Lord" Aredian swiftly replied. With a great gate and strong steps, Aredian began to walk around the women, purposefully not looking at the king which only brought the king's attention further into himself. Aredian knew exactly how to play Uther. "Fortunately, I've utilised every facet of my craft to bring this matter to a swift resolution."

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