Chapter Seventy: A Promise Is Kept

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Merlyn wasn't sure how to feel about anything. She had poisoned Morgana and then let her leave with Morgause. Frankly, it was a disaster. Morgana was now in the hands of the one woman who could and would blacken Morgana's heart forever. She would teach her dark magic and destiny would be ripe and ready for unfolding. All that was missing was Mordred.

The young witch sat upon her bed with her knees to her chest as she stared at her wooden door. She felt a sense of pending doom. She knew her actions would come to haunt her she just wasn't sure how they would.

It didn't help that Merlyn had been injured. She had awoken to find that Arthur had not been able to find Morgana, Uther blamed himself for not protecting her and Arthur in turn believed he should have protected Morgana all which piled on the guilt. Gaius had been able to restitch her arm and help her head that by some miracle hadn't cracked open. Though her throbbing head, which she believed she deserved, was not her only concern ... she still had Kilgharrah calling her from the caverns below.

Suddenly, Arthur entered Merlyn's chambers and closed the door behind him, leaning against the wood. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. Merlyn could see in his entire body he was tired and stressed, the events of the last few hours had taken their toll. His skin was still covered in a fine layer of dust and still shined with sweat. However, Merlyn couldn't care less, he looked so done with everything. Slowly the witch got to her feet and moved over to the prince.

Upon hearing her boots hitting the floor, Arthur opened his eyes and pushed off the door moving towards her. He gave her a tired smile before he reached out for her. She immediately slipped her hand into his and allowed him to pull her into his arms. Arthur hugged Merlyn tightly, closing his eyes as he rested his chin on her head, he kept an arm around her body whilst his spare hand sat in her hair rubbing unconsciously the back of her head where she had hit it against the wall - he was ensuring he knew she was okay.

Arthur certainly had been terrified upon watching Merlyn being thrown backwards into a stone pillar. The sound of her hitting the pillar and then the floor still echoed in Arthur's head. However, once she had woken up Gaius had checked her and deemed her okay, he had been able to breath properly again. At least he had not lost Merlyn and Morgana.

"I should have protected her Merlyn; I was so focused on my father..." Arthur said, his words trailing off as the guilt over came him once more. He was completely unaware of the guilt that ran over Merlyn. She cowered into Arthur upon hearing his words. He was punishing himself, blaming himself for something that wasn't his fault. Merlyn clutched Arthur's back tightly for a moment before she sighed heavily and pulled back so that she could look into his eyes.

"Arthur ... you did everything right. It wasn't Morgause ..." Merlyn trailed off unsure if what she was about to do was the right thing I'd not - or if it was just plain dumb or considerate. "Do you remember that I said that the magic, the sleeping spell, upon Camelot needed a vessel, a living source?" Arthur nodded his head slowly; he was highly concerned as to where this conversation was going. Merlyn was not acting normal; she was acting guilty and Arthur could see that. "That source was Morgana. Morgause cast the spell but Morgana was the source."

Arthur frowned at the revelation. He closed his eyes tightly as he tried to wrap his head around the concept, struggling with it all.

"To save Camelot, to save you, to save your father ... Morgana had to be killed."

Merlyn felt Arthur's body stiffen beneath her hands at her words. She knew he knew what was coming. She knew he dreaded her words. The prince lifted his head and locked eyes with her. Merlyn could only read longing for his belief to be wrong and the beginnings of anger at the words Merlyn had yet to speak. At that one look, Merlyn could feel her eyes gathering tears. She knew this was going to end badly.

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