Chapter Thirty-Two: A Troll As The Rightful Heir

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The Hall of Ceremonies was once again decorated beautifully though in a much more hurried fashion than usual for Uther had demanded a crowning ceremony for Catrina as fast as possible. Somehow the servants had managed to set the room up in half a day and the ceremony was taking place in the mid afternoon when the sun was high in the sky illuminating the room.

Whilst the hall was packed full of people, Morgana at the front of the crowd with Arthur who wanted to be anywhere else but there, Merlyn was up on the balcony above everyone. She was still a fugitive and still had to keep herself hidden. Merlyn frankly couldn't believe she was witnessing this ceremony, it was preposterous. If Uther died, Catrina was going to rule Camelot – Camelot was going to be under the command of a troll!

"We are gathered here to bear witness to the naming of Queen Catrina as the rightful heir to Camelot" Geoffrey of Monmouth announced gaining everyone's attention. Geoffrey turned around to face Catrina and the king. Uther was sat on his throne with his ceremonial crown watching Catrina proudly whilst Catrina was knelt down in front of her throne on a red velvet pillow. She wore a beautiful white gown that was interlaced with gold twirls very similar to her wedding dress she had worn only a week prior. "Are you willing to take the oath?" Catrina looked at Geoffrey with great grace and fake pride.

"I am" she said with a smile upon her face but all Merlyn could see was fake-ness on top of fake-ness. Looking around the room no one bar the king who had a look of puppy-love on his face, Catrina who looked smug and Jonas who was overexcited, was happy. They clearly all disagreed with what was occurring but what could they do.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Camelot, to uphold the laws and customs of the land?" Geoffrey asked as he read from an ancient scroll he held in his hands – it was the same words that had always been spoken when appointing an heir. They were sacred words and binding.

"I ... do" Catrina stumbled. Merlyn narrowed her eyes as she watched Catrina frown and her right hand begin to scratch her left forearm. Merlyn recognised that itch. A smile began to creep onto her face as she watched Catrina's constant itching at her arm.

"Will you, to your power cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgments?" Geoffrey asked next oblivious to the transformation that was beginning to take place. Clearly, Catrina had drank the fake potion and the troll magic was beginning to wear off.

"I will" Catrina answered trying her hardness not to show her discomfort. Even though Geoffrey moved on to the next part of the ceremony, Catrina finally got annoyed and lifted her long sleeve up to see what was irritating her skin. However, as she lifted her arm to her horror and Jonas' spots of troll skin was appearing. Merlyn smiled brightly at the sight of concern on Catrina's face as she quickly covered her arm back up and looked at Jonas with panic. If Catrina changed before the ceremony finished then she wouldn't legally be heir. Merlyn prayed the potion would wear off faster.

"Yes, yes" Catrina interrupted Geoffrey to everyone's confusion. Well, someone was eager.

"I'm sorry, you-you must let me finish. The wording must be exactly right to be binding" Geoffrey said to Catrina but that wasn't the answer the troll wanted.

"Well, get on with it then. I mean, really, where did you dig up this old crone from?" Catrina replied turning to Uther who still had a love-stick look on his face. The rudeness of her countenance and words shocking everyone.

"She's right. Get on with it" Uther ordered Geoffrey giving the man a dangerous look. Merlyn frowned in utter confusion. What was going on with the king? Following his king's orders Geoffrey continued with the ceremony as best he could considering the queen of Camelot would not stop interrupting him.

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