Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Wedding

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Arthur's mind had been plagued for the last day by Merlyn's words. Merlyn was so instant on Catrina being a troll but it just couldn't be ... could it? He felt like he was stuck in between two impossible situations, if Merlyn was telling the truth (which he was more inclined to believe) then how the hell was he going to expose such a fact but if Merlyn was wrong and Arthur stopped the wedding ... he didn't want to think of the ending of that scenario.

Morning had come and without it, no Merlyn. He had had to get another servant to help him dress for the wedding much to his chagrin and concern. Once he was ready in his ceremonial red cape adorned with the Pendragon sigil and formal attire (with no armour), he stood outside of the Throne Room that had been decorated for the wedding waiting for his father. Everyone was already inside the ceremonial room standing in two columns, leaving a large aisle between the two sides. Knights, courtiers and even some of the Lower Town high status business owners had been invited to the impromptu wedding – normally such people would not attend but for a royal wedding the Hall had to be full even if it meant filling it with unimportant bodies.

Soon enough his father had arrived, the trumpets were playing and Arthur and Uther were making their way down the aisle together, the king and his heir. The king was beaming though Arthur's face did not show such enjoyment. As they passed, the people bowed as was customary to the royals. Eventually, they reached the front of the Hall where the handful of shallow steps led up to two royal thrones fit for a king and his queen, that were soon-to-be filled by a new queen and king.

Arthur left his father at the front and stood off to the side where he had a better advantage to look for his missing servant. He knew it was obscene to believe, especially when he had no hint towards Merlyn's situation, but he just felt like something was wrong, like Merlyn was in trouble. His worry was leading to frustration quickly as he scanned each of the faces within the crowd yet not one of them was his blue-eyed beauty. Where was she?


Night had come and gone and morning risen but the wall of crumbled stone had not moved. Merlyn had been trying all night. Her limbs were tired from being held so rigid, her magic was tired from being constantly in use, her belief that she would get out had completely diminished. By this point Merlyn had even gotten used to the pungent smell of Catrina's old chambers.

The young witch wasn't even aware that morning had risen and that Catrina was moments away from her wedding. However, she still stood before the stone and raised her hand.

"Ic ábíetee pæt stánhol" Merlyn chanted unenthusiastically. The words pulled from her lips with great effort. Her eyes glowed golden and the magic raced from her palm only to bounce off the stone once again causing not even a single piece of debris to fall. Merlyn sighed heavily, her head hanging in defeat. What was she going to do?


A chatter fell over the crowd as they awaited the arrival of the Lady Catrina. There was always great anticipation of what a bride would wear and even from his position at the front Arthur could hear the question of what Catrina would look like echoing across the crowd. And the crowds did not have to wait long for their questions to be answered.

The trumpets rang out again through the hall announcing Lady Catrina's arrival. Silence filled the hall as everyone held their breaths in anticipation of the bride. As was expected, all eyes turned and locked on the double doors that two guards were opening, revealing Catrina. Arthur had to admit that Catrina did look beautiful. The floor length white gown with golden patterns swirling around the seams was a sight to behold. Arthur could only imagine what his father was feeling upon seeing his partner, the woman he loves, walking towards him in a royal white gown.

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