Chapter Seventy-One: Camelot Burns

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Gaius had been right; Merlyn's actions and choices had shaped the future. She just shaped it into the future she had saw and feared. She was seeing the images within the Crystal of Neahtid being played out in front of her, one by one.

Outside the castle was burning, the Lower Town was burning, great areas were covered in rumble and fallen stone. People were running around screaming in terror and pain. All the while Kilgharrah flew above and around the castle attacking different areas and different people; there was no rhyme or reason to his attacks, he was just attacking. Twenty years of prison were destroying the castle and Merlyn knew it was all her fault.

Due to the attacks, a makeshift hospital had been set up in the castle and people of all classes were packed inside with everyone trying to help those in need. Merlyn was inside gathering provisions for the "doctors" and those willing to help, taking a small break from finding people outside of the castle who needed help. Merlyn refused to let others risk their lives to find injured people when she could help.

"I know you are tired, but make one last effort for me. Every shot must count!" Arthur's voice carried from outside despite the loud clattering of people, burning objects and beat of the dragon's wings. Merlyn was glad to hear his voice strong and clear, indicating he had not been hurt yet. Truth be told indications was all Merlyn got of late.

Arthur had not spoken to her, beyond giving her commands as his servant, since she had admitted her part in Morgana's disappearance. He was hurt and avoiding her which she understood all too well. Two days and nights of this distance had prevailed so far and Merlyn hated it. What she wouldn't give for the prince to insult her again in his playful way.

"I don't think people can survive a third night of this" Anna said from beside Merlyn as she gathered clean bandages as well.

"They can't ... this is the combination of twenty years of unfair imprisonment, poor treatment and a promise" Merlyn rattled off, guilt creeping in towards the end of her words. However, Anna registered the words well, she heard what she said clearly.

"Emrys ..." she trailed off, her voice quiet and asking a silent question.

"Yeah I did" Merlyn admitted as she turned to her fellow witch with bandages in both hands. Her gaze began scanning around all those who were injured. The hospital was streaming with people, everyone was covered in grime, soot and so many were in pain from burns and torn flesh were objects had fallen on them or they'd been forced to drop to the floor and landed wrong. "These deaths are on my head ..."

"The fact you feel every death makes you a good leader" Anna said though the words did nothing to stop Merlyn's pain and guilt. Anna reached out and gently grasped Merlyn's arm bringing the witch's attention over to her. "You had your reasons."

"And he has his ..." Merlyn replied looking towards the dark skies which hid the Great Dragon. Merlyn had promised upon her mother's life that she would free him and now she was paying the price for that promise. Others were dying because she freed a friend who wanted revenge. Merlyn wanted to cry but knew it would do no good. She had to figure out a way to prevent more of these injures and potential deaths. As her eyes rested on Anna she suddenly gained an idea. "The Blood Guard, how many are in Camelot, in the castle, the Lower Town?"

"There isn't many of us in the Lower Town but there is a couple. I'll gather them for you" Anna said. Merlyn thanked her and nodded moments before the witch bounded off. The truth was to save people they needed more than what the knights could give. Kilgharrah was magic and only magic could help prevent his attacks which meant Merlyn was going to have to bite the bullet and command her Blood Guard, the only sorcerers around.


Across the way, in the main square Arthur bolted into the open with several knights on his tail. The square was full of people screaming and fire burning everything it touched. The sight was a horrible one. Arthur felt like he was just continuously failing his people. He couldn't understand why Kilgharrah was doing this, why he was hurting people who had never hurt him. Scanning the skies, Arthur watched as Kilgharrah began circling once more, he was right above the square where people were still running for cover.

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