Chapter Thirteen: A Situation Only Getting Worse

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Merlyn couldn't do a single thing. She had killed quite a few of Kendrick's men but the moment one of the bandits had placed a sword to Gwen's throat she knew she had to stop fighting. It didn't take long for Gwen and herself to be dragged back to the campsite where a furious Kendrick was waiting. Upon seeing the two servants his mood inevitably got worse - he didn't want the servants, he wanted the Lady Morgana.

"How could you let her escape?! Eh?! You bring me the servants! They're worthless to us!" He shouted in rage. His men cowered back at Kendrick's reaction. It was clear the man had lost a lot on this endeavour to catch the Lady Morgana but there was still more to lose if he didn't have her. Merlyn watched as the man punched his men and kicked items around in anger before he suddenly stopped, the only sound being his heavy breathing. Slowly the man turned to face Merlyn and Gwen who were stood in front of him surrounded by his men. Eyeing up Merlyn he noticed her hands were free once more. The moment Merlyn saw his gaze drop to her hands she knew what was coming. Angrily the lead bandit grabbed some rope and dragged Merlyn's hands tugging them behind her back again. Furiously, he tied her hands back up. Merlyn felt the rope snag on her skin. If she thought before the ropes were tight...

Merlyn's eyes watered. With Merlyn once again unable to use her hands, Kendrick stormed over to Gwen who was staring at Merlyn in horror. It was clear Gwen blamed herself for them being in this position. Had she not fallen they would have all escaped. Quickly, Kendrick's filthy fingers took a hold of Gwen's chin and roughly turned her head one way before snapping it back around the other.

"Get your hands off her" Merlyn snapped, taking a step towards Gwen and Kendrick. At the sound of her voice, Kendrick span around furious and slammed his hand over her mouth tightly. Merlyn grimaced against the pressure. His eyes were that of a mad man's. Lifting his finger, he pointed at Merlyn with a threat clear to see.

"Shut up" He snapped, "or I will kill you myself." Looking toward the ground Kendrick spotted the Lady Morgana's clothing that a bandit had brought back from the stream. His gaze flickered between Gwen and the clothing before he suddenly reached down, releasing Merlyn from his grasp, grabbed the clothing and threw them at Gwen.

"Put 'em on" Kendrick demanded. Gwen held the royal dress in her hands. It was clear that arguing with him was not the best idea at that moment. "Hengist has never met the Lady Morgana. For all he knows, this servant could be Uther Pendragon's ward." Everyone in his presence understood Kendrick's words and Merlyn's heart stopped at the name Hengist. She had of course heard of the man, Arthur had mentioned him before and she knew that this situation was going from bad to worse. "You will do as your told otherwise..." Kendrick unsheathed his sword and placed the sharp tip beneath Gwen's chin - a threat to both servants. "She will die where she stands."


Arthur couldn't bring himself to say it, he couldn't allow himself to say that Merlyn was gone. He had wanted to search for Merlyn, he had even begun to but Leon had had to tell the man that he couldn't. It wasn't proper. They had to return Morgana to Camelot. However, every step Arthur took further away from wherever Merlyn was, the more pain and guilt raced through him. He was wasting time heading back to Camelot because of his duty, time that could mean the difference between the life or death of Merlyn. Never before had Arthur regretted being a prince so much.

On returning to Camelot Morgana had been taken straight to her chambers where she had been able to put on some appropriate clothing and clean herself up, with Gaius tending to her wounds. It took less than half an hour before they were all gathering in the Council Chamber. Uther had yet to see his missing ward and Morgana had yet to demand Gwen and Merlyn's rescue.

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