Chapter Seventy-Seven: A Final Fight

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The flames danced clearly in the black night, a haunting dance of death as the fires burned the grass and bodies it touched. Merlyn found herself clinging onto chainmail as her eyes filled with tears. They were all too still, too silent. Merlyn didn't know what to do.

Her fingers dig into the small links of the knight's hauberk wishing he would just open his eyes. But he didn't. He didn't move. He didn't seem to be breathing. He just lay upon the ground with no sign of life. Merlyn chanted his name as she struggled to find his pulse, this just couldn't happen. How had it lead to this?

Merlyn, Arthur and the knights had left the castle that night. They had picked a wide open area in the woods from where they would challenge the dragon. Kilgharrah had seemingly gotten the message as instead of heading towards the castle, he flew straight into the open area where they had all been waiting. The knights had surrounded the dragon but that had done nothing. The Great Dragon's tail slashed behind him, knocking knights from their horses including Arthur and Merlyn. Somehow Merlyn and Arthur were able to fall safely. From her place sprawled on the ground, she spotted the other fallen knights. To her horror, Merlyn had spotted Leon. He had been one of the knights to take the brunt of the dragon's tail attack. She had quickly crawled her way over to her friend. She helpless cupped his face as she felt her heart panicking. This was how Merlyn found herself struggling to find her friend's pulse.

By some miracle Merlyn finally got her fingers into the right position and felt the tell tale sign of a strong thump against her fingertips beneath Leon's skin. His heart was still beating. Merlyn nearly wept in joy; she hadn't lost her brother yet. Lifting her head she looked up in time to see another terrifying sight. Kilgharrah had turned his attention to the knights who were in front of him. They tried to throw their swords and spears but the dragon knocked them away before he roared fire out at them. Merlyn could only watch in horror as the men burned.

At the attack she saw Arthur stumble to his feet. She felt the same pain as him as they watched their men die. Arthur's face filled with determination as he suddenly grabbed a fallen spear and called up to the Great Dragon. Kilgharrah turned to face the prince, his eyes narrowing on him.

Merlyn feared she was about to see her prince burn. But before she could do anything a voice rang out all around her. A voice only she could hear. As to who spoke, Merlyn instantly knew - it was the voice of a man she would always feel with her but would never hear again.

Merlyn ... Emrys ... the power of the Dragonlords runs in your blood. You alone carry the ancient gift. You alone can harness the power and use it.

Merlyn trusted the voice and the words that came along. Her father's power had given him the ability to speak through time. Clinging to the words with determination, Merlyn narrowed out everything else and listened.

Deep within yourself, you must find the voice that you and Kilgharrah share, for your souls are family. When you speak to him as kin, he must obey your will.

Taking a shaky breath, Merlyn pushed herself to her feet. Finally she focused upon the scene before her. Arthur was before the dragon ready to kill him but he was hesitating and Merlyn could see that. Just as Kilgharrah reared his head back to send fire at Arthur, Merlyn raced forward her arm outstretched.

With a voice Merlyn did not know she could possess, she spoke to Kilgharrah. To everyone else her words came out in a foreign dialect with a dragon's roar beneath them - Arthur was utterly surprised by the sound and baffled as to how Merlyn was making the two noises at once. Arthur was shocked to see Merlyn place herself between them and for the dragon to listen. Merlyn's ancient words were full of authority and command, her stance spoke to her position above the dragon as did Kilgharrah's automatic bowing of his head. Arthur could only describe Kilgharrah as looking like a young child who had just been scolded by his mother. Eventually, Merlyn's words slowed and finished - though what she said was lost on Arthur.

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