Chapter Twenty-One: Morgana's Disappearance

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Merlyn hated Kilgharrah. He always left her with awful decisions; it was always ultimatums with the reptile. Merlyn was currently sat back in her chambers, at the table she usually shared with Gaius, her fingers running over the small parchment scroll she had unravelled. It only held three words, three simple words that could help Morgana but help her do what was something Merlyn was hesitating over – the Druids could teach her things that would later bring Merlyn to her knees. Merlyn's fingertip traced the words, each letter sharp and concise. This was how Gaius found her.

"Merlyn?" he asked as he slowly made his way to her side. He could tell that she was battling over something internally. She looked exhausted. As he grew closer to her, he noticed the small parchment which he knew was not his own. "What is that?"

"The location of the Druids" Merlyn admitted. The girl sighed as she waited for Gaius' scolding. She knew he wasn't going to be happy about her actions as he would immediately know she got the location for Morgana.

"Merlyn why do you have that? I told you not to get involved" he said strongly and with a hint of anger in his voice.

"And I haven't ... much" Merlyn said, lifting her head to look at Gaius. The older physician was looking at Merlyn expectedly. "I told Morgana that she has magic which she strongly believed she did but I said no more." Gaius was clearly annoyed with Merlyn's actions but she hadn't done anything that was not fixable, not irreversible. "I got the location of the Druids but ... Kilgharrah warned me against giving it to her. He said she was Morgan Le Fay from legend."

"Morgan Le Fay?!" Gaius repeated in utter shock. After Merlyn had arrived in Camelot and he realised the legend she was a part of, Gaius had researched the legend and knew about the foretold tale involving four main characters – the Once and Future King, Emrys, Mordred and Morgan Le Fay. Gaius had never thought that Morgana was Morgan Le Fay, there had been no signals to this. But if it was true, life in Camelot was going to become much more strained. Silence reigned for a while as both of them tried to wrap their head around the entire situation. Eventually, Merlyn released a heavy sigh.

"I have been sitting her for hours looking at this location of the Druids unknowing if I should give it to Morgana or not?" Merlyn said, her fingers tapping the scroll. "The druids could help her but this is so dangerous." Seeing Merlyn's distress, Gaius sat down beside her and gently took the parchment from her, rolling the scroll back up before he placed it further away. No more was said between the pair. Merlyn's tired and sad features told Gaius everything before the young witch rested her head against his shoulder. What neither of them noticed was the pair of beautiful eyes, hidden behind the heavy wooden door, that were locked upon the small seemingly insignificant scroll that sat upon the table.


Morning came much sooner than Merlyn liked. At a ridiculous time in the morning, the damn warning balls echoed through the castle bringing everyone to attention. The bells continued to ring as the city was searched and encircled by guards who would not allow anyone in or out but Merlyn knew that they just would not find Morgana. She had disappeared in the middle of the night. However, the scenario confused Merlyn immensely, there was no sign of struggle. It was like Morgana had left on her own accord but left to where was the question that kept bugging Merlyn. Where would she have gone without informing Uther?

Merlyn was back in her chambers racking her brains. Whilst Gaius was elsewhere in the castle Merlyn was grounding up some of his ingredients, restocking his shelves whilst she had the time. As the pestle smashed against the ingredient in the mortar, Merlyn's eyes drifted around the room where they landed on the large table she had been sat at the night before with Gaius. She guessed she couldn't give Morgana the Druids' location now. With a sigh, Merlyn placed down her pestle and moved over to the table. She had to dispose of the evidence of her connection to the Druids or she would be next in the jail.

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