Chapter Forty-Two: One Way To End A Fight

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Merlyn did not like nor trust Morgause but despite her feelings on the topic the fight was to go ahead with neither Arthur nor Morgause backing down. The morning had come and with it the tension that raced across Camelot whenever a fight was to take place. However, this time the air was filled with anticipation of the unknown. This tension ran into Arthur's chambers as well. Arthur and Merlyn were completely silent as they got him ready for the fight. Arthur couldn't figure out how he was going to fight Morgause whilst Merlyn was highly concerned over Arthur's clear doubts over the subject. She feared greatly that he would second-guess himself, second-guess his actions which would cause his death.

With Arthur dressed for the fight, the pair had silently made their way down to the arena where the crowds had filled the stands, Morgana and Uther in the royal box, and standing in the middle of the circular arena stood the short female knight. She was in her armour, her helmet already covering her head, concealing her face and hair. Merlyn had a bad feeling about this. As Arthur stepped into the arena applause and cheering crowds filled the silence but the sounds of encouragement fell on deaf ears. Merlyn frowned as she bit her lip and she fiddled with her hands. She was worried.

Arthur stopped beside Morgause, facing the king as he was supposed to. The moment Arthur locked eyes on his father he could tell the older man was concerned and fretting. He hated the fact he had no say it what happened. Not wanting to prolong the inevitable, Uther quickly go to his feet, leaving his elaborate throne. Morgana stood up as well, her beautiful sparkly cream coloured gown flowing to the floor, whilst the crowds immediately fell silent.

"The fight is by the Knights' Rules" Uther began, his words echoing around the arena. No one made a move. "And to the death." Merlyn stood on the side of the arena nervously biting her lip, the flesh indented with her teeth. Merlyn trusted in Arthur's abilities but Morgause unsettled Merlyn ... if Morgause went to kill Arthur Merlyn had no idea what she was going to do.

Uther said no more but it seemed that Arthur had something he wanted to say. Everyone silently watched as Arthur suddenly walked over to Morgause's side. Merlyn could only assume that Arthur was trying to give Morgause a final opportunity to withdraw but Morgause, Arthur and Merlyn already knew that wasn't going to be an option. With a single look Morgause portrayed that message and Arthur was moving back to his position.

Arthur grasped his helmet tightly and readied himself to pull the metal over his head but before he brought it up the prince lifted his gaze and locked eyes onto Merlyn. To anyone who was watching it was a simple locking of the eyes almost by accident but that look said a lot, a message moving between the two silently - he was clearly nervous.

As usual, the competitors fell into their fighting stances moments before their swords inevitably clashed fiercely. A block, a parry, a swing. The crowd ooh'ed and ahh'ed as usually at each move whilst the king grimaced at every hit that was too close to his son but Merlyn was the one watching with an unflinching gaze. If she had to use a little magic, she damn well would.

It didn't take long before Arthur's strength began to bare down on Morgause, his repeated downward strikes on her sword was too much and eventually the tip of his sword nicked Morgause's inner arm, in the space where no armour rested. The sudden attack resulted in Morgause dropping her sword and studying her injury, all the while Arthur stood pointing his sword at her. A motion to the left of Merlyn caught her attention: the Lady Morgana had shot forward in her chair with quite distress and concern at Morgause's injury. That was strange. But Arthur's next actions caught Merlyn's attention once more. A second later, Arthur gestured with his own sword for Morgause to pick up hers that lay on the floor between them.

Merlyn closed her eyes and almost growled in annoyance at Arthur's actions. It was a fight to the death yet the honourable man was allowing his opponent to pick up their sword. Arthur was trying to avoid killing the woman. But Merlyn feared that the woman most certainly wasn't trying to avoid killing Arthur.

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