Chapter Twelve: Little Warrior

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To say her head hurt would be an understatement. Merlyn's head pounded with pain as she slowly began to wake up. She couldn't recall what had happened at all. Groaning, she brought up her hand to her head, only for her fingertips to run across a collection of dry blood that was sticking to her skin and hair. That explained the pain.

"Merlyn? Are you alright?" a voice suddenly asked moments before two familiar faces appeared in front of her. It was Morgana and Gwen. Merlyn studied their concerned faces, the pair didn't seem injured. Scanning the area around her she realised they were in a tent. It seemed the bandits had caught them ... and for some reason had decided to take her with them.

"What's going on?" Merlyn asked as she sighed. It did not take much to figure out they were in trouble.

"A man named Kendrick has captured us but I have come up with a plan" Morgana stated simply. From the urgency in her voice, Merlyn assumed that they didn't know how long they had before a bandit was in the tent once more. Merlyn quietly sat and listened to Morgana's smart and simple plan whilst Gwen moved to the opening of the tent to watch the enemy.

"He's coming" Gwen suddenly said from her position.

"You know what you must do?" Morgana asked Gwen once again. The young servant nodded strongly. Merlyn could only hope this plan worked, she didn't really have time to think of another one. Suddenly, the tent flaps were thrown and held open by none other than the bandits' leader, Kendrick. The man stood leering at the Lady.

"I trust you are comfortable" Kendrick said with a smirk knowing perfectly well that she was not comfortable but who cares.

"I demand to know where you're taking us" Morgana stated strongly, stated as a Lady would.

"You'll find out soon enough" he sceptically said. The three ladies were worried by his words, there were plenty of bad people out there and there was plenty of situations they could find themselves in which would be awful. "We've a long journey ahead of us. Get some rest." Kendrick went to leave the tent when suddenly his eyes landed on Merlyn who was sitting up on the floor watching him closely. As they locked eyes, Merlyn knew she was in trouble. "Ah, I see the little warrior is awake." Merlyn grimaced as Kendrick made his way over to her, crouching down in front of her. He smirked as he gripped her chin in-between his fingers.

"Don't touch her" Morgana snapped, however, there was a shaky quality to her voice. They all knew that they couldn't do anything to stop Kendrick.

"Sorry, My Lady, but you have no authority here" Kendrick smugly stated whilst he continued to look into Merlyn's eyes. It took everything in Merlyn not to fight back but the truth was she had no weapon and Gwen and Morgana were still in danger. Merlyn knew she couldn't fight him without endangering Morgana and Gwen more, and worse still Kendrick knew it too. "Men, bring me some rope."

Morgana started arguing but Kendrick didn't listen all the while Merlyn tightened her hands into fists. Quickly, Kendrick's men came back with a rope that he took with a smirk before he roughly tugged Merlyn's hands behind her back. The young witch reluctantly released a small cry of discomfort as her arms were tugged at an odd angle. Suddenly, Merlyn felt Kendrick lean in close, his mouth centimetres from her ear. She cringed as she felt his horrid breath wave over her neck and ear.

"You see" Kendrick whispered harshly as he tightened the ropes around her wrists, making sure there was no wiggle room at all. "I'm not as stupid as my men." The rope rubbed her skin raw. "I watched you, I know your skill you killed many of my men." Merlyn flinched at how tight the ropes were tugged – there was no way she didn't know they were there. "And I can't have a little warrior ruining my plans." Suddenly, Merlyn was hauled to her feet before Kendrick made his way around to her front. He gently ran his fingers over her cheek which caused the young witch to fight back nausea. Kendrick only chuckled harshly at her reaction before he reached around to the back of her head and dragged Merlyn out of the tent despite Morgana's protests.

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