Chapter Thirty-One: The Heavy Price To Pay

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Arthur needed to get out of the castle, he needed to get away from Catrina and his father. However, as Arthur moved through the Lower Town, he certainly missed Merlyn's presence, he missed her altogether. She would know what to do about Catrina but he had no idea where she was. Arthur sighed as he made his way through his citizens but something was wrong. Arthur noticed that few were smiling like they usually did, some avoided looking at him, a couple even glared. What was going on?

As Arthur made his way further from the castle, he suddenly heard an older man's cry of pain. Moving forward, Arthur was shocked to see two of his own men manhandling a white haired old man, forcing him to the floor with his arm tight behind his back. He couldn't believe it; what did they think they were doing?

"What do you think you're doing?!" Arthur exclaimed catching the crowd's attention. His outrage was easy to see.

"He's refusing to pay the King's tax" the guard Arthur knew as Gregory answered. He was just following orders but Arthur couldn't believe it.

"You-you ask for too much" the citizen that Merlyn had discovered the name of to be Henry said pleadingly to the prince. Arthur recognised the older man; Merlyn always spoke to him and he was one of the kindest men. "I've given all I can."

"That's not enough" Gregory replied shaking the leather pouch he had taken off of the man. Arthur was stuck between his duty to his father and the duty to his people. Lifting his gaze Arthur noticed the entire crowd of citizens looking at him imploringly, they wanted him to help. They were silently asking for his help ... and he couldn't ignore them.

"Let me see" Arthur demanded softly holding his hand out. Gregory automatically gave the prince the leather pouch of coins. Arthur sighed as he opened the pouch to reveal the coins within. But the sight made him freeze for a moment. The king hadn't just increased the tax, he had tripled it. Arthur couldn't believe it. People couldn't afford this. Closing the pouch, Arthur immediately handed the pouch back to Henry who stared at him in complete shock. No one could believe it. "Release him."

"The King said..." Gregory argued back. Arthur understood why he questioned the order; he didn't want to face the king but Arthur knew that was going to be his job.

"Release him" Arthur softly ordered, he didn't need to shout like Uther, the soft but firm tone made sure no one argued with him. "Give them back their money. All of it." The crowd all looked at Arthur with brilliant and grateful smiles. Arthur however didn't believe he deserved the praise; he still had to stop this tax; it was ridiculous. Gregory began to return each and every pouch of money he had taken to the grateful citizens. Meanwhile, Arthur turned and left the people heading straight for the king. He had to sort this mess out.


"I gave you a direct order" Uther stated, his face furious over his son's actions. Arthur had known his actions would have consequences, he knew that his father would be furious, a state that would be inflamed by his vicious wife.

"The people cannot afford to pay the tax" Arthur said strongly. They were back in the Council chambers again and Arthur was before his father and Catrina. He had no idea how he was going to argue this and win, he had to fight her and his father. He knew that he was right and his father wouldn't make him regret his choice.

"Don't tell me you're naïve enough to take them at their word?" Catrina interrupted with a scoff.

"We have their loyalty, their goodwill. Do not forsake that by making unreasonable demands" Arthur replied, trying to hold his tongue. This woman was something else, she wanted to hurt his people but he had to protect his people from her.

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