Chapter Fifteen: The Tunnels of Andor

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They rode hard through the forest, and they rode long. Only stopping to allow them to sleep for a few hours before they were on the move once more. Eventually the pair had come to a crossroad leading to Leon and Arthur tying their horses up near some water and food whilst they stood debating which way they had to take to reach their destination. Stood upon a cliff, the pair studied the map that Arthur had brought with them.

"The ransom was supposed to be delivered to the Veil of Denaria. If they're holding Gwen and Merlyn anywhere, it has to be there" Arthur said as he studied the map seeing the Veil clearly, however, there was a large mountain range threat stood between them and the Veil. They had two options on how to get there. One involved walking around a mountain range whilst another involved going under the mountains. "Which means, it'd save a day's riding if we cut through the Tunnels of Andor."

"The Tunnels of Andor? As in the tunnels infested with Wilddeoren?" Leon questioned with a grimace. The pair looked up form the map at the entrance to the Tunnels. There were three large tunnels cut into the mountain and both the knights knew how they were made. The Wilddeoren that cut the path lived in the Tunnels, there was a reason that most choose to go around the mountain range.

"Yep, giant baby rats that feast on human flesh" Arthur replied uncomfortably. It was frankly unbelievable that they were even considering this but the pair knew that they had to get to the maidservants as quickly as they could which meant going through the Tunnels.

"How do we not get eaten?" Leon asked. Whilst he would follow Arthur anywhere and would do anything to help Merlyn, he still would prefer to at least have a plan that would save their skins. Arthur knew Leon's feelings for he felt the same. His gaze ran across their surroundings hoping to find something that would help them, surprisingly enough his eyes landed on something. Passing the map to Leon, Arthur quickly began picking off small red berries that adorned a nearby bush.

"Wilddeoren are completely blind, they hunt by sense of smell. Gaia berries will put them off the scent" Arthur stated as he looking down at the berries moments before he began to smear them onto his skin. "So, if we smear ourselves with them, perhaps we can pass through the tunnels undetected." Leon groaned before he picked off the berries too and followed Arthur's lead. Leon knew it was going to be a nightmare to remove the berries from his beard.

"These really stink" Leon commented causing Arthur to laugh.

"That is the point" Arthur replied with a smile. With their faces sticky and red from the berries, the men prepared two sturdy branches as torches for inside the Tunnels. Once they were lit, Leon and Arthur began to make their way through and under the mountain range. Upon seeing how many different tunnels there was in the network under the mountain range the pair realised just how many Wilddeoren there had to be wandering around. The rudimentary teeth grooves were carved into the walls bringing neither of them anymore comfort. Arthur led the way whilst Leon kept an eye on their backs. The further they trekked into the Tunnels the louder the Wilddeoren's screeches became, they were definitely not alone.

Suddenly, Arthur spotted a large shadow up ahead moments before another screech was let loose but this time it sounded much closer. Quickly Arthur threw his torch to the ground close to the Tunnel wall and grabbed Leon's to do the same.

"Wilddeoren, they're coming this way" Arthur whispered before he grabbed his knight and pulled him behind a ridge of rocks away from the torches – whilst the Wilddeoren couldn't see the torches it would feel the heat they produced confusing it. Suddenly, the two of them saw the Wilddeoren appear from a tunnel, the creature's great nose sniffed the air repeatedly before it scurried closer to them, releasing a squeal that belonged to a pig. Arthur and Leon stayed completely still even as the creature particularly stuck its nose in their faces. Leon however got it much easier than Arthur who the Wilddeoren had taken a liking to. The creature sniffed Arthur's face repeatedly, its wet nose rubbing against his skin – it took everything in Arthur not to move away but considering the fact the beast hadn't immediately tried to take their heads off Arthur believed the Gaia berries had to be working.

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