Chapter Eight: Sir Leon vs Prince Arthur

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It was the semi finals. Two more matches and the finalists would be chosen. William, Arthur and Merlyn were inside their tent waiting for their final match. Merlyn was stood by the tent's opening watching as the first finalist was determined. It took mere seconds for Sir Alynor's lance to smash into his opponent and knock the man off his horse.

"Sir Alynor has advanced to the final" Merlyn announced as she turned back to the two men. Arthur took a deep breath before he put his helmet on and steadied himself for his final ... against Leon. Merlyn was dreading this match - Arthur so desperately wanted to win against Leon and she feared how competitive he would get.

Soon enough Arthur and Leon were facing off against each other their lances primed. Arthur was first to start charging across the arena, determination clear in his stance. Meanwhile, Leon rode with a sort of held back nature as if he knew...

Quite suddenly Arthur's lance slammed into Leon's chest. The entire crowd gasped in shock as Leon was suddenly thrown off his horse, hanging off his horse by his reins. The horse continued to charge as Leon was hanging near the horses' hooves, it was a very precarious position.

Gasping, Merlyn raced out of the tent, forgetting about William. She had to get to Leon, she knew Arthur was fine but Leon ... she had no idea. Quickly Merlyn was by Leon's horse helping other servants get the man untangled from the reins. Thankfully, they got the man down and off the arena, back to his tent. Gaius was of course there and quickly was able to assure people that Leon was not too badly injured. However, Merlyn still wanted to hear it from the man himself. With Leon sitting on the bench in his tent Merlyn took a seat beside him.

"Leon, are you alright?" she asked clearly worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Leon said with a smile. But it was clear that he was feeling some sort of pain as he winced when he moved. Knowing she had to leave, Merlyn gave Leon a quick hug and told Gaius to look after him before she made her way back to Arthur/William's tent. She knew Arthur would be happy he was in the final. As Merlyn entered the tent William left with a smile. It was time for his role. Once she stepped inside the tent Arthur looked over to her and smiled proudly.

"No one can say Sir Leon let me win this time" Arthur announced. Merlyn frowned at his words. She could never understand knights, Leon could have been killed, maybe severely injured yet he didn't seem to care.

"Are you going to ask if he's ok? He is your friend, you should care" Merlyn replied sharply.

"Is he alright?" asked Arthur, he felt obliged to ask now.

"Of course" replied Merlyn. Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by loud cheering from the arena. Merlyn and Arthur's head snapped around to look towards the arena. "Sounds like the crowd've really taken to William."

"That will change when I reveal my identity" Arthur said as he took a grateful drink of water. Merlyn just rolled her eyes at Arthur's typical words.

"You really miss getting all the attention, don't you?" Merlyn asked knowing the answer already.

"Just go and water the horse, will you?" Arthur said dismissing her for her truthful words.


With the tournament over for the day, Arthur and Merlyn headed back to Gwen's house - Arthur of course disguised. The pair were just talking nonsense to one another, a usual sight for people to see. Once they were inside Gwen's home Arthur beelined straight for the bed that sat in Gwen's house. Merlyn stopped talking mid sentence upon seeing Arthur's actions.

"Have you been sleeping in Gwen's bed?" Merlyn questioned. She knew Gwen normally used that bed, the servant just assumed Gwen had given it to Arthur but then again she did know Arthur and what he was like. It was this thought that promoted her next question. "Did Gwen offer you her bed?"

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