Chapter Fifty-Five: Magic Wasn't Enough

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The next morning came and with it the news of the tournament, the challenge that was to be held midday. The castle had scrambled to get the arena and subsequent tents ready as well as set everything in place for such a challenge. No one was sure how to act or what to do. One minute they were signing a peace treaty the next they were getting themselves ready to watch a match that would plunge the kingdoms into war whatever the outcome unless the challenge was stopped.

Arthur was acting as if nothing had happened whilst Merlyn had spent the morning readying his armour, though first she had had to hide herself as she cried her pain away. Even though it was all caused by magic Merlyn still felt the pain. Worse thing was she knew one day that would be her reality, one day Arthur would have to marry a princess and Merlyn would have to watch after all she had promised to always be by his side no matter what - despite the legend and Galahad's passing words of her being queen Merlyn couldn't let herself believe such a thing, if she did it would hurt so much more when she lost him. It was her destiny.

Merlyn was in Arthur's chambers cleaning his armour whilst Uther had came to talk to Arthur. It was clear he was trying to stop this challenge diplomatically. For once Uther's reaction was tamed. The pressure of the treaty was still very much on his shoulders. Uther didn't want to plunge his kingdom into a war but it seemed his son was on the verge of doing just that. However as long as Uther didn't take sides there was an unsteady stalemate between the kingdoms - Uther had to respect the Knight's Code of which Olaf had used to demand recompense when he had thrown down the gauntlet so was stuck in no position to help his son.

"It's no good. I've spoken to Olaf, he will not rescind the challenge. He says his honour has been tainted. He demands recompense" Uther said some what calmly whilst his son practically pranced around his room, clearly happy to have had his feelings reciprocated.

"You didn't have to do that, Father" Arthur replied as he stopped before the king.

"The fight is to the death. What did you think you were doing?" Uther snapped, his true feelings of anger surfacing for a moment before he pushed them aside. He would have time to kill his son later.

"You cannot help who you fall in love with" Arthur replied. Merlyn watched as Uther took a deep breath trying his hardest to keep his head - the king was glad his son had set his eyes on a royal woman of great advantage but he was furious that his son had chosen the inaccessible one, the one woman in the Five Kingdoms whom no one could have.

"You do realise that your actions threaten the peace talks, and that it may yet bring war to Camelot?" Uther spat as he turned on his son. His words had little affect upon the prince though.

"I am happy to fight for what I believe in" Arthur stated simply with a shrug of his shoulders as if his actions were nothing. This wasn't Arthur, he would never endanger his people like this. But Merlyn had no idea how to stop him. Suddenly the king snapped around to face the servant in the room. Merlyn blinked in shock at the king's abrupt attention.

"What's happened to him?" The king asked Merlyn, pointing over his shoulder at the man in question. He was so exasperated by his son and the turn of events he was ignoring the fact that Merlyn was a mere servant and was talking to her, asking for answers.

'He's been enchanted by Trickler in the hopes of starting a war' Merlyn thought, however, she was well aware that that answer would only result in further disaster. All she could do was shrug her shoulders at her king whilst she kept her mouth shut. Thankfully Arthur answered for her.

"Lady Vivian. Nothing more. And yet, who could wish for more?" Arthur whimsically said, spinning back around to his bed. He threw himself down on his bed with a joyous laugh whilst the king stormed out of the chambers his hands held up in defeat, no happier than he was when he had entered. Merlyn however stood watching Arthur with great concern, she had no idea how to save him. Her magic hadn't worked. Did that mean he was permanently going to be enchanted with Vivian? Would it cause a war? Had she lost him forever?

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