Chapter Twenty-Three: Lady Catrina

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With all the excitement concerning Morgana having died down, Merlyn had enjoyed a few months of quiet. There was no desperate need for her to save anyone, not Arthur, not Gaius, not Uther, not Camelot. For once Merlyn was able to just be a normal servant – well, her version of normal. She spent her days doing her chores and fighting the knights and Arthur on the training grounds before she would spend the evening with Arthur or at the tavern with Leon when she was able. Unfortunately, Merlyn's good fortunes were not to last long.

The cutting morning breeze attacked Merlyn's skin through her thin long-sleeved green tunic and corset as she obediently followed in her mentor's footsteps through the Lower Town. Merlyn didn't mind the cold too much especially at that moment in time since she was weighed down by a variety of pots upon a rope that Gaius had collected (had the sun been shining the task would have been decidedly more difficult to face).

"Keep up, Merlyn. We've got a busy day ahead" Gaius called from a few paces in front of her. Merlyn of course huffed in annoyance whilst she shifted the pots back up onto her shoulder.

"It's a busy day every day. You and Arthur, you work me to the bone" Merlyn complained loudly as she trailed after him. She was just highly annoyed by the fact that Gaius was carrying nothing in his arms yet she was loaded up with pots.

"Do stop moaning. At least the work's interesting" Gaius replied. Merlyn's brow creased in confusion and misbelief.

"Gaius, we're collecting pots!" Merlyn returned lifting up part of the rope to highlight her point. "We do the same thing each and every Thursday at exactly the same time and nothing interesting ever happens." Merlyn realised she should probably be thankful for that fact – it was rare that nothing interesting ever happened in Camelot. The moment the words passed her lips, Merlyn felt someone grasp her arm with bony fingers. Immediately, Merlyn's head whipped around to the figure who was wearing a ragged black cloak. The man was a skinny, bony figure whose eyes bulged from his skull whilst his skin stood out pale beneath his dark hair. 

"Please, we seek Uther Pendragon. Where can he be found?" the figure asked with a raspy voice that matched his uncomfortable appearance. Gaius stopped and began to walk towards Merlyn whilst the young witch struggled to find her words. What on earth was this random person wanting the king for? Suddenly, the figure reached into his robes and roughly forced a giant wax seal into her hand. Merlyn's eyes darted to the device in shock. Who the hell was this guy? "We have urgent business with the King."

"I'm sorry, any business you have with the King will have to be pursued through the usual channels" Gaius announced as he removed the seal from Merlyn's hand and went to hand it back to the man. However, Gaius' gaze fell upon the bottom of the wax seal in where the seal's engraving could be spotted. Merlyn watched Gaius closely and noticed that he immediately recognised the seal. Looking over Gaius' shoulder, Merlyn saw a large boat in the centre of the seal surrounding by a ring of ancient words.

"This is the seal of the House of Tregor. Where did you get this?" Gaius questioned, keeping the seal tightly in his hand.

"It does not belong to me" the figure admitted finally releasing Merlyn before he stepped aside just as another cloaked figure walked up to them. This time their hood was covering their face.

"It belongs to me" the figure announced as they pulled down their hood revealing their face. It was a middle-aged woman! A beautiful long, red-haired woman who was stood in a cream coloured dress fit for royalty. Slowly, Gaius bowed causing Merlyn to frown in confusion – who was this woman?

"My Lady" Gaius said before he eyed Merlyn standing up straight not bowing. Merlyn felt something in the air, something bad. Merlyn's eyes locked on the woman in concern. She hadn't started feeling anything until she had turned up. Merlyn, however, wasn't sure what she was feeling – it was like an uneasiness was settling in the air. "Merlyn!"

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