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*ring ring

Jimin: whats up JK

Jungkook: We have got something important to do

Jimin: Is it about Lisa

Jungkook: Oh so Lisa is what you got in your mind

I could feel his smirk even though I couldn't see him

Jimin: you know I've got a girlfriend

Jungkook: I don't like her, she seems strange and fucking annoying

Jimin: how?

Jungkook: I don't know is just that there seems to be something about her li- just be careful bro ok.

Jimin: ok..? enough about them, why did you call?

Jungkook: we have got a mission to do I already informed the boys. there is a charity event and we have to save someone from committing suicide.

Jimin: are you fucking serious this mission is going to be shit I wanna get rid of someone.

Jungkook: damn chill I haven't got the full details yet, I know this may be the first good thing we are doing but this could bring our gang up.. you know what I mean..mooonnnneeeyyyyy

Money.. well I guess it won't be that bad...

Jimin: so give me the plan

Jungkook: we will go undercover as a guest and the co-assistant will try to commit suicide inside her bosses room.

Jimin: May I ask why the person is trying to commit suicide

Jungkook: I would but I can't, sorry oh yeah don't even think about bringing that slu- I mean seulgi with you, bring Lisa so we got a close eye on her and if anything bad happens then I'll tell you to bring her home ok

Jimin: Should I tell her about the mission?

jungkook: No, for safety reasons. get ready right now

Jin will come to pick you up

*call ended

rude much...

Time Skip


After cleaning the house I was about to go upstairs until that son of a bitch called my name.

"Lisa goes to your room."

i did as i was told because i didn't want to start anything

he came into my room and gave me a beautiful dress, the dress was kinda.. revealing.

he also gave me a pair of gold heels

"I'm going to a charity event and I'm taking you with me"

"cant you take your girlfriend"

"i- just wear the damn thing and come downstairs when you're ready"

I snatched the dress and shoes and waited for him to leave, instead of leaving he pulled out an earpiece

"don't forget to wear this in case anything happens."

he chucked on my bed and left.

I had a bad about something and I tried to ignore it

⚫️⚫️⚫️time skip

when I was done I stood in front of the mirror to see how I looked, and I did look pretty good

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