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    ~*Its Happening*~
•1 Year Later•
Lisa's PoV
It's happening we failed, This is the first mission they have ever failed. We have got the news from Lee, the vampire leader that the war is going to come sooner or later and when we least expected it. We were know sitting in Jungkook's living planning what we had to do,to win this war. We had everything prepared, the stuff that would harm and kill a vampire. But we still have found a cure that would change vampires back to humans. And as for Jennie and me. We are kinda part of the team now, I taught Jennie everything She had to know I taught her everything what her brother taught me,Jimin.

•1 Year ago•
None of us had left Jimin side, we slowly saw him transform into a vampire and today was the day we had to say our goodbyes. He looked so pale and the fangs have already formed, but I have to say he did still look kind of attractive. As all of them slowly left one by one, it was my turn to say goodbye.
I slowly walked to the bed and help his cold hands.
I took out my phone and took a picture of him.
So that IF this war happens then we wouldn't have to kill him we would let him go.
After the picture was taken I accidentally dropped my phone. When I picked it up and looked back him, he was gone. I saw black dust coming out of nowhere and it went out of Jimin's window. So I guess this is a goodbye Jimin.
I finally cant hold back that.. I love you, We all do.

•Present Day•
Jungkook's PoV
We went to our hideout to get prepared because it was going to happen today. Yes the war.
We got all of our supplies and weapons and got into our trucks. While we were driving we saw dead bodies every of men,women and kids. I even saw an infants head hanging on top of a tree. It completely disgusted me to know Jimin actually turned into these vampires. As we got to where lee we should go we got out and we all saw a crowd of vampires at the end of the farm.

Me and Lee has a deal if we lost against them then we would all turn into vampires except Jennie and Lisa, they would have to be slaves and all of the young women they would have to be their slaves to any Vampire.

Lisa's PoV

As Lee and jungkook were having a tense staring contest from far. We heard cars coming from behinds us I turned around to see who it was, it was the groups They called to join the war.

Got7 and yes, EXO they were the only ones available the rest of them moved to another country but at least we have enough protection.

But it wasn't down their more cars came I mean TANKS
The Army came by our side, at this moment I felt even more confident.

"Let me remind you"

Lee shouted out

"If we bite the most of your people then you MUST surrender and if you kill most of us then we will stop."

It then when silent, the the group started to shake we then saw more vampires coming out from another direction???!!

We got ready and attacked.

Jin's PoV

We ran towards them and I killed any vampire that came my way, we also had to look out for Jimin which also made me really nervous what happens if he attacks me then what will I do?

As I was fighting I vampire jumped on me I fell back with him. As I got my garlic and gun ready he said my name.


I looked up at the vampires face to see who it was...no
"N-namjoon?,your a vampire how come you remember me."

We both stood up

"I just my memory back a week ago, I got bit by a vampire while the ambulance was there but they never saw me the ambulance came and I appeared in like another world."

"That's why you went missing after the car accident."

⚫️⚫️⚫️ Time Skip

Jungkook's Pov

We were losing so quickly I didn't think we were going to win.

V ran up to me and what he said.. I didn't even know how to react.

All of the army have turned into vampires, it's just us. And we found namjoon he is a vampire.

I didn't know how to react and the only thing I had to do is stop this. I got out my gun and I shot three bullets out. And I called That son of a bitch name.
"LEE,.......YOU WIN."

⚫️⚫️⚫️ Time skip.

We were now in handcuffs taken to a small den they also to Jennie and Lisa some place else.

Were we then hanged on a wall so we couldn't escape.
The door opened and Lee appeared.

"Since I won,the deal was to take your blood but I wanted to do something else, turn you useless mother fuckers into vampires, bring him in."
He ordered one of his guards to bring in a guy.

It was namjoon.

"Namjoon, I know your really close to them, now you have got two choices, you turn them into a vampire or you kill them.

Namjoon 's PoV

He gave me the two choices and I looked up at my boys, but I noticed one was missing, where's Jimin?


"Looked at Jin as he was the oldest and he mouthed
"It's ok Bite us"

He then smiled and closed his eyes. I walked up to them and I used my speed and bit them all. They all cried in pain. And I hate it.

I hated myself for doing this
Lee, I'll get you back for this, you don't know that you
Are facing the God of destruction
Just wait.
Yes. I know I turned the all into to vampires. DEAL WITH IT.

Thanks for reading. And pleease Vote.
Thanks again,
JamlessJamin ❤️

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