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Jungkook's PoV

Hyung, Please dont leave me, I don't know how I'll be able to keep the team in control or myself. I can't loose you too we have already lost namjoon, we have been looking for him everywhere ever since that car accident, Come back to us. You must come back Home. I finally arrived home and decided to get to work, I must look for that cure.

Jimin's PoV

I Felt weird I also felt like I was floating I tried to open my eyes but it felt like I was infront of the sun. As I finally was able to open my eyes I looked at myself and I was wearing white clothed a man then suddenly came infront of me.


"Jimin How are you? I've see you have grown a lot."

"Thanks but, where am I."

"Calm down bro, your not dead your in a dream."

I then saw a fang come out of namjoon's teeth. I took step back
He looked at me confused then he smiled.
"Ah, this? Yes they exist, yes I am a vampire, but don't be scared I'm good."

N-no this cant be true this is only a dream.

"Anyways how my baby sister, I've seen you have grown feelings for her."
"Baby sister?, you've got a ba-"

That's when it hit me. The car accident his parents.

No this is just a dream Jimin.
Just a dream.....

Lisa's PoV

I was now outside of Jimins room, I told rest of the boys to go home and have some rest. Then some popped up in my head, how am I going to tell Jennie? She won't believe at all if I tell her that her brother got bit badly by a vampire.

The doctor then came out.

"He is in a coma, I have never seen this type of bite before so I don't know how I can treat it I'm really sorry"
He said then bowed.

'Should I tell him', no again he won't believe aswell.'
"Um it's ok if Anything happens then I'll call you, thank you very much" I showed her way out and went to my room so I could break the news to Jennie.

"Hello, Lisa is everything okay I know I've left without telling I just wanted a break that's all, anyways how my brother?"

"Jennie, um"
I took deep breath in and out and I continued.

"I know this might sound stupid but Jimin got bit by a vampire really bad that now he is inside a coma we are we are trying to find a cure even doctors don't know what this is."

She was completely silent.

"Yes" I replied back.

"Bit my brother"


"He is now in a coma"


Call ended
What the fuck. How dare she?
I then heard a knock on the front door and went to go see who it was.


"How the hell are you here."

" I was at the front door when you called me."

" oh, explain Lisa tell me everything."

Yoongi's PoV

I was laying down on my gold couch massage until. My my phone started to ring.
It was jungkook.
"Hey, you doing alright?"
I asked.

"Hyung I found out some information but we have to be quick. It says that he only has 3 days left and if we don't find it he'll loose his memory and he'll turn into a vampire. It says that the cure is in Brazil in a small cave."

"Get ready jungkook and tell the rest Lisa too, I guess we're going to Brazil."

⚫️⚫️⚫️ Time Skip.

We are on a private jet to Brazil now and the jet is landing all the members are here with me and even Jennie insisted to come.

She was so determined to find this cure and so was I. The jet finally landed and we went out of the jet Jungkook already booked a hotel For all of us so his assistant went to go drop all of our things off.

"Ok we have landed in a perfect place we're near the cave we just have to take a really long walk then turn left then tern right and we'll be there let's go.

Jungkook leaded the way and we all followed.


I finally Turned right and the cave was right infront of us.
Jungkook didn't look tired at all and I could see yoongi trying not to close his eyes at all, Jin,Hobi and v were all play I spy. And me and Jennie just finished a conversation.

Jungkook was just about to go in but this weird ass looking creature popped out of nowhere it then grabbed jungkook and we all screamed.


Hobi, Jin and v were all screaming like girls and Jennie was so shocked that she couldn't move at all.

I suddenly remembered that I forgot to take my weapons off of me.

So I was the only one capable of fighting,I had to do for judngkook and had to do it for Jimin too.

I slowly approached the 'troll' and slowly took out one of my weapons as I reached infront of it I pulled out my weapon and it was the stupid water gun Suga gave me incase Daniel tried to come to Jimin's house.

The monster smelled the garlic inside the water gun and dropped jungkook.the 'troll' the stick out his tongue like as if he was a puppy.

I looked at my water gun and I chucked it at the 'troll' if then ran off.

We remained calm that jungkook was okay and we went in the cave to grab what we needed and headed back.

⚫️⚫️⚫️ Jimin's House

We put the cure into a cup of water and before we passed it to him we all prayed that it worked Jungkook slowly walked to Jimin and sat on his bed. He placed the cup down, put Jimin up so he was sitting up.

He picked up the cup made and Jimin drink it. We waited to see what will happen.

Jungkook told us that it would work after 5 seconds. So I counted up to 5


But He didn't wake up, instead we saw a fang forming in his mouth.

Will Jimin turn into a vampire what happened to Seulgi. Your welcome I finally updated you with two stories. Thanks so much for reading please VOTE.
Thanks again,
JamlessJamin ❤️

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