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Khushi reached the destination where Nihal and Azaan is waiting for her.

Nihal: Jai Hind Ma'am, your doubt is right Ma'am. The watch you found is actually Sameer's.

Khushi: I know he's the behind. You took arrest warrant??

Nihal: yes ma'am.

Khushi: what happened Azaan?? Why you so silent today??

Azaan: I think before we arrest him. Someone else will be do something to him.

Khushi: what?? How can you guess??

Azaan: come on Khushi, you know how ASR is, he will not sit silently about this matter. He know that Sameer is behind this.

Khushi: nothing like that Azaan, he will not do anything. He will not take law on his hand.

Azaan: I'm just praying that whatever you said become true. I don't want instead of arresting Sameer you arrest ASR.

Khushi: Azaan!! Please don't scare me saying these things. I don't want to lose him.

Khushi and her force is standing in front of Sameer location. Backside Arnav and Aman entered inside the place and searching for Sameer.

Arnav; are you sure that Sameer is here??

Aman: 100%, please think again Arnie, Bhabhi is standing with her force.

Arnav: shut up! We're not going to kill him. I will beat him in such way that he have to pray for his death.

Both silently entered inside. Khushi is tensed for the first time. She just praying to God that everything settle down without any problems. When Khushi and her team is going inside she can feel that Arnav is around her.

Azaan: what happened Khushi?? Why you stood here?? Move.

Khushi: Don't know I'm feeling that Arnav is around Azaan.

Azaan: come on Khushi, why he will be here?? He don't know anything about this place. You're missing him that's why these feelings are coming to you.

Khushi: shut up Azaan, just few hours before I met him. Let's go.

Police covered the entire house. Aman peeped in window and saw Khushi. He raised his eyebrows seeing her. She's perfect police officer. White Shirt, blue jeans the Gun belt around her shoulder that goggle and hairs are tied up. She's instructing her police force.

Aman: oh God!! Your Wife is here Arnie. Seeing her I'm scared. You know she have different expression today on her face.

Arnav: what do you mean?? You saw her in Mumbai as police officer then what's the difference now??

Aman: you didn't saw?? God her Expression is like she is going to kill Sameer.

Arnav: maybe with the case she also have responsibilities of daughter in-law. Both combination is making her look like that.

Aman: now how to escape from this?? Because police force is all around.

Arnav: don't worry I Know how to go from here. Let's go.

Khushi, Nihal and Azaan entered inside the house. Trio are searching in different directions. When Azaan entered in the one of the he was shocked seeing Sameer on the floor.

Azaan: Khushi, Nihal…. Come here.

Both came and saw Sameer on the floor. KHUSHI signaled him to check. Nihal checked his pulses.

Nihal: Ma'am he's dead.

Khushi and Azaan: WHAT???? DEAD??

Azaan: that's why I'm thinking that why he's not coming out. Because he's already dead. But how??

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