Dare #1 Winter's Confession

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Oceanbreeze: And welcome back!

Qibli: She is weird.

Moon: Agreed.

Oceanbreeze: *turns to the Jade Winglet*
We have our first dare...
*Clicks her fingers and a scavenger with a scroll appears*

Everyone: A scavenger????

Oceanbreeze: *makes the scavenger disappear and opens the scroll*
This dare is from megawesome7, it says that one of you has to tell your crush you like them-

Peril: *interrupts* but that's a truth not a dare.

Oceanbreeze: *continues* -and THEN you have to... KISS THEM!!!!

Jade Winglet: !!!!!!!!!! *thinking* please don't be me, please don't be me, please don't be me...

Oceanbreeze: *smiles wickedly*

Winter: She's creeping me out, stupid hybrid...

Oceanbreeze: Winter! Thank you for volunteering!

Winter: *shocked* Wh-WHAT! But I didn't

Oceanbreeze: *laughs evily* Hmmm... well we need someone to start... sooooo who do you like ice-breath?

Kinkajou: Oooooo this is gonna be sooo goooood!!!

Qibli: *tenses up*

Winter: Um... w-well *starts getting nervous* you see... it is ahhmmm.... *glances at Moon in Qibli's wings* I can't do it! This game is stupid!

Oceanbreeze: You can't chicken out *makes a scroll appear out if nowhere* it says in the rules.

Winter: You just enchanted the rules just then!

Oceanbreeze: So?

Jade Winglet: *waits for Winter's answer*

Qibli: *knows what is going to happen, lets go of Moon.*

Winter: *cracks under pressure* I LIKE MOON! *gets up and presses his snout onto Moons, kissing her*

Moon: *Sits in shock as he kisses her*

Everyone: °○° !!!!!!!!

Winter: *lets go and shuffles back to his seat, embarrassed*

Kinkajou: YUS MY SHIP SAILED... well kind of...

Qibli: *Glares at her and stalks off*

Winter: *feeling stupid*

Oceanbreeze: Well that was.... interesting.

Moon: I-I never knew you felt that way... *not sure what to do* I'm gonna see how Qibli's going... *hurries off*

Winter: *covers his face with his claws* Ugh I HATE THIS GAME!

Oceanbreeze: *feels slightly sorry for him* I promise you this, dear Winter, things will get alot better...

Turtle: I hope so... that was very... dramatic

Peril: *Nods head in agreement*

Oceanbreeze: Well that is all for now! *turns to camera* Seeya after the break!

Thankyou megawesome7 for the fabulous dare!

So I'd like to here what you want to happen in the next chapter, I'd kinda like Winterwatcher to sail in this book, since most Tod books make Moonbli happen.. but idk yet. Anyway, who should Qibli be shipped with if Winterwatcher does sail, who will be the next dragon to be dared??? Will Oceanbreeze get tricked by her own game? Look out for new updates to this book to find out! And remember to comment your ideas, Oc's and, of course, your truths and dares!

-Winter (aka Winter_Can_Hurt)

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