We Are the Champioooonnnsssss

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"Both groups of dragonets have succeeded with the first step of the plan to take down Leader Lyre. While one group has taken the Enchanted Book, the other has successfully avoided all Bushwings and Rainwings as they make their way to the Nightwing Kingdom, to save me and the other dragonet's asses-"

"Oceanbreeze, what are you saying?" Deathbringer grumbles from the back of the cell before coughing up the smoke that is trapped in his and everybody else's lungs.

"I'm just saying what the author would be saying right now."

"The what now?" Clay queries, rubbing his sore eyes.

"The author-"

"Oceanbreeze, we are in real life. Our story isn't being created by some author in a modern-day world where they have small devices that people create stories on." Starflight mumbles sleepily. Oceanbreeze snickers which cause confused looks to appear on the other dragons faces.

"What are those dragons on about?" One of the guards asks, as the other guard, shrugs back.

Somewhere between Jade Academy and the Hidden Kingdom....

"This is taking absolutely FOREVER!" Moondust yells at the sky as the sun slowly sinks behind the horizon.

"Ugh, I know right. My wings hurt like heck." Hazard agrees, trying to find a current of air he can glide on.

"Awww Hazard, are your teeny weeny wings paining you?? Do you need a little rest?" Seaflow teases the small Icewing/Nightwing. Hazard sends her daggers and snorts out frost breath from his nose as the normally calm hybrid attempts to lunge at her. Gazelle quickly pulls him back before he can do any damage,

"DON'T YOU DARE MAKE FUN OF MY SMALLNESS YOU-- %#@V$%**%7$6%#%657%*^(%&^$^" Everyone stares at him in horror as the small dragon continues to bag out Seaflow as he uses some very... questionable, words. The only one showing a positive reaction is Cumulus who nearly falls out of the sky from laughter. After Hazard is finished, Seaflow just stares at him in shock,

"You little--" But before she can spit back Gazelle flies in between them,

"ENOUGH OKAY! Can we pleaasseee just get to the Hidden Kingdom without fighting. Please? We can't save all of Pyrriah if we're tearing each other apart!" She turns to the two furious hybrids who slowly calm down and nod their heads. Gazelle lets out a huge sigh, "Okay, now that we're all good. Let's land on the ground and make the rest of the way on foot. Being in the sky at night is too dangerous." The other dragons agree and they make their way down to the ground.

As they walk, Crystal comes up to stride with Gazelle. "You did a great job back there by the way, it's not easy leading so many dragonets, especially ones who don't even really know each other." She says as she looks back at the other six dragonets.

"Thanks Crystal, it means a lot." Gazelle says with a weary smile, "I just hope keeping us all together is worth it in the end..."

"It will be, don't worry. We just gotta trust the others." The Sandwing nods at the Icewing/Nightwing's wise words.

The Old Nightwing Kingdom...

Taipan leads the group of dragonets through the twisted and burnt tunnels of the destroyed Nightwing kingdom.

Moonshadow wrinkles up her nose as smoke dares to choke her and an appalling smell can be smelt from an unknown source. "Ugh, I hate this place so much. Can't believe we actually use to live here." She mutters as Nightsky nods from next to her,

"It wasn't just the location though. The tribe itself was hideous. Seriously, what type of dragons pretend to have powers, has a hidden queen that watches her subjects from the shadows, AND throws anyone who MAY be a traitor into lava until they burn alive." Moonshadow shivers from next two him,

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