Why are there so many Rainwings...

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"Come on Mist!" We don't have much time. We need to save Pyrriah!" PoisonIvy says.

"Why do you need my approval?" Mist says. All the dragons look at eachother.

"Well you kinda seem like the leader we need for this insanely hard task." Tacobacc says, everyone nods theirs heads.

Mist gives the strange group of dragons a half smile, "Well, I do have an idea on how we can save Pyrriah. But first we'll need to free the other dragonets."

"And then?" Starstreak asks. Mist turns her half smile into a wide, slightly crazy one,

"Then we have a leader to kill."


The dragonets are flying across the Claws of the Clouds Mountains on their way to the Hidden Kingdom, in hopes of freeing the other dragons. Moondust, the Icewing-Nightwing, flies up ahead to where Mist is gliding on a gentle breeze. Cumulus' eyes narrow in disgust as the hybrid flies past, the Skywing mutters some strange things before catching sight of a bird and flying after it in hope of eating it. Moondust ignores the crazy Skywing and comes up to Mist's side,

"What do you want?" Mist asks bluntly, searching the skies for any danger. Moondust clears her throat,

"What's the plan?" She asks bluntly, "Hazard and Crystal were wondering." Mist scoffs, which makes Moondust growl at her.

"I'll tell you all right now if you are so DESPERATE to know." She tilts her wings to slow herself down until both she and Moondust are hovering in the same spot. Mist turns around to the rest of the dragons.

"Why'd we stop!?" Nightsky snaps. Hurricane peers at both Mist and Moondust,

"By the look on Moondust's face, I'm guessing she asked Mist a question but didn't get the response she wanted, so instead Mist will give us all the answer. And by looking at their shocked faces, I'm right."

"Oh shut up Seawing." The male Nightwing hisses at her.

"She's not wrong though." Mist says,

"What is that you wanted to tell us so desperately?" Cascade asks, getting impatient.

"Well, Moondust here was wondering what we are going to do once we have freed the dragonets. I was going to tell you after we had done it but right now we don't have the time so we may need to split up."

"Why should we split up? Is there another place we need to be?" Firefly questions, desperate to save her home. Mist nods her head,

"You see, we can't defeat the Bushwings and Rainwings powerless."

"So we get some powers for ourselves?" The future princess of the Rainwings looks at Mist confused.

"No that would just result in Lyre taking our powers. No, we need to take--"

"--Her powers from her." PoisonIvy finishes Mist off. She nods,

"Get rid of the source of the power, and her, and every dragon she has made an animus is then just an ordinary dragon once again." Dingo cuts in,

"Wait but Leader Lyre is no fool. If you were thinking of tricking her in any way we're doomed already."

"Luckily I WASN'T thinking of doing that."

"She's thinking of the enchanted book in the library at Jade Academy..." Starstreak mutters to herself, reading Mist's mind.

"I was thinking of the enchanted book in the library at Jade Academy." Mist explains at the same time Starstreak does. She turns to the Seawing-Nightwing and raises an eyebrow(?).

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