Dare #2 Qibli's Amazing Mind...

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Oceanbreeze: Hello viewers, Scavengers, dragons, animals and, of course, readers!

Jade Winglet: *excepts that their 'host' will talk to the 'wall' no matter how much they complain. *

Oceanbreeze: Last time you were here, we got a fabulous dare from one of our readers! Winter our frozen buddie had to reveal a deep dark secret... *takes out a mic from nowhere* How do you feel Winter, after Moon ran off after you kissed her?

Winter: *death glares Oceanbreeze*

Oceanbreeze: *smiles awkwardly and turns slowly away from him* Well someone's feeling a bit 'cold' today *She says at the camera, random voices laugh from everywhere.*

Jade Winglet: !!!!!??????

Oceanbreeze: *chuckling* ahhhhh... I'm hilarious...

Winter: I hate you...

Turtle: *gulps* soooo... do you have any new dares???

Peril: *Nods her head* Yeah because I'm getting REALLY bored!

Oceanbreeze: *clears throat* Ahem, well luckily for you dragonets, another dare just came in... *snaps talons, a scavenger appears*

Winter: Stop doing that! You'll scare the scavenger!

Oceanbreeze: *shrugs shoulders and makes scavenger disappear, reads dare*

Kinkajou: *bounces up and down* We'll what does it say? Who is it for? Ooooo is it for ME!?

Oceanbreeze: *ignores the way-to-brightly-coloured dragon* We'll it's for Qibli and Moon... Kinkajou will you go grab them?

Kinkajou: *scurries off*

Winter: *worries that Moonbli might be apart of the dare*

Moonbli: *walks back into the cave with their tails in twined*

Winter: *Face turns sour*

Oceanbreeze: *whispers* And the plot thickens... *laughs evilly*

Peril: What on earth is that suppose to mean... Your REALLY weird.

Oceanbreeze: *grins freakily, then turns to the two 'lovebirds'* The dare is for Moon to- *whispers in Moon's ear*

Moon: You want me to do that? But why? Qibli will get so embarrassed...

Winter: Well I don't know WHAT you have to do, but you HAVE to do it... because I had to... even if I may or may not have wanted to and I didn't mean to, but I did and I wish I could go back in time and change it but I can't and-

Oceanbreeze: Winter?

Winter: What!?

Oceanbreeze: You're rambling.

Winter: Oh...

Oceanbreeze: Okay Moon tell the rest of the winglet what you need to do, then take it away!

Moon: I-I- have to read Qibli's thoughts...

Qibli: *face turns white, slowly gives his sky fire to Moon*

Moon: *narrarating Qibli's thoughts*

Qibli: Three moons this is embarrassing, yikes she is actly reading my thoughts! Think good thoughts, good thoughts... Wow Winter looks really angry, probably because me and Moon's tails are in twined... ARRRRRRRRRRR did I just say that!

Qibli: *goes red in the face*

Moon: *continues narrarating*

Qibli: Ahhh how long will this last!? Will all my friends think I'm stupid and weird for thinking these things!? How many more dares will I get!? Will I ever stop asking so many questions to myself? Why is my face so red.... ugh!

Oceanbreeze: You can stop now Moon.

Moon: *Quickly chucks Qibli's sky fire back to him*

Qibli: Th-thanks.... *awkward silence*

Peril: Wow... your mind is terrible and confusing.

Kinkajou: *Glares at Peril* What she means is your mind is wonderful.... according to Moon

Moon/Winter: WHAT!?

Moon: ah-em-arrr yes... Yes it is...

Qibli: *blushes*

Winter: *snorts out frostbreath in anger*

Turtle: Here comes the love triangle...

Peril: Honestly, I'm kinda sick of it.

Qibli: *sighs, grabs Moon's arm and drags her next to Winter.* I don't belong with you, he does, I know that now... and one day,  I will find someone almost as wonderful and perfect as you...

Kinkajou: *sobs* that was, just, beautiful *cries into Turtle's shoulder*

Turtle: *blushes and smiles happily*

Winter: *stares at Qibli in shock*

Qibli: *Does a nod that says, 'I'll be fine'*

Moon: *smiles sadly and kisses him quickly*

Qibli: *looks shocked at first then gives her a small smile*

Peril: *sighs with relief*

*Happier starts playing*

Oceanbreeze: Ah this is too much! *brings out a tissue and blows into it* Until *sob* next time *sob*

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Thankyou so much to megawesome7 for yet ANOTHER amazing dare! Remember to comment you truth, dares and OC'S!
- Winter

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