Chapter 3: Only Time Will Tell

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We walk into the packhouse and Forest grabs my hand. As we are walking I see a metal door in the hallway we are walking down. I assumed this was the dungeons and started to walk towards it, with my head down realizing this place is no better than my old home. All of a sudden Forest yanks my hand making me go into another direction and that's when I get confused. Forest frowns as he notices that I was going towards the dungeons and he stops in his tracks and turns around looking at alpha "Hey boss are you sure he was treated right in his old pack?" forest asked the alpha as he is walking towards us. As he goes to pick me up I flinch without realizing it. I shut my eyes tight knowing that in my old pack that if I flinched when the Alpha was coming towards me I would get a beating. Alpha picks me up and holds me close while answering Forest "No I don't, I had a feeling from all the flinching that the kid is doing that they use to harm him." Alpha starts to walk into the direction of one of the rooms and he opens the door setting me down on the bed. I look around seeing the room was really simple but then I felt my breath hitch when I realized whose room this is. This is Flames's room. I know that because his scent was stronger than the others. Flames kind of scares me...especially since he doesn't like to talk but he was different than me cause I knew he could. I look around and notice the walls are a navy blue and the floor is made of dark oak wood. The dresser in the corner is made out of the same wood as the floor and the covers on the bed are a baby blue. I look up to see alpha has left and I get off the bed quickly remembering that I was dirty and Flames wouldn't be happy if I ruined his covers. I sigh in relief when I see that I didn't get anything on the covers. I hear the door open and Flames walks into the room. His eyes held panic as he looked around the room but once he looked at me he seemed to calm down. "Come on kid let's get you cleaned up." He says while looking at me as if he was making sure I wouldn't try to run. I stared at him with fear in my eyes as in my old pack the only time I got to clean up was when I had to fight. I start to back up into the bed silently begging Flames to not hurt me. He starts to walk towards me and that's when I back away faster trying not to cry. I keep thinking no in my head hoping he will understand somehow but as a gets closer I begin to shake my head quickly and started to cry. Flames picked me up and I start to kick, punch, everything you could think of as a try to get away from him. Flames set me down on his bed and I start to calm down but then I realized that he was mind-linking the alpha. I jump off the bed and try to run but he grabs me holding me tightly

the second the alpha gets in here I stop crying and my face goes blank. My face lost all of its emotions as he came in since in my old pack the alpha would beat me if he saw any emotion in me. Alpha frowns at me and then takes me from Flames. He walks into one of the doors in the Flames room. Once he opens it I notice it is a bathroom. Alpha sets me down on the counter and that's when I notice Flames walk into the bathroom with some clothes. Alpha leaves the room and Flames goes over to the bathtub. He starts the water up and he walks over to me. He goes to take off my shirt but I fight back. For some reason, I don't want him to see my scars... Flames takes my hands in one hand and he starts to take off my clothes. He sets me down into the bathtub and starts to wash my hair. After my bath, he picks me up and puts a towel around me drying me off. He sets me on the counter while grabbing my clothes. Once he helps me get dressed he walks back into his room sitting down on his bed holding me for a bit. Alpha walks in a bit shocked and that's when I assumed that Flames doesn't get close to people that much. "So... I'm assuming you have made up your mind?" Alpha asked Flames and Flames nodded "Good I'm glad but Cody just to let you know from what I've learned you will have a long way to go before you get close to the kid." Flames nods again and then replies "I know but I'll take the challenge we both know why I wanted to take him in in the first place." He says and I can tell that from the tone of his voice that something happened to him. "Yes, yes I know now come on let's go eat." the alpha leaves the room and Flames gets up, bringing me downstairs. He takes me into the kitchen and sets me down at the table. I quickly reach out for his hand not wanting to be left alone with all these people who are staring at us. "Hey kid it's ok I'm just getting some food," Flames says and I hear gasps and whispers flood the room

"I've never seen Cody act nice towards anyone"

"Ya me neither especially after her"

"Honestly I didn't think he knew how to be nice"

"I wonder who the kid is? I didn't think Cody would let another kid near him after what happened"

"It's probably just an act. Alpha Storm probably needs someone to gain the kid's trust and just got Cody to do it"

As the words sink in, Flames growls fill the room and he walks over to me picking me up and holding me a bit too tight. "I chose to be the guardian of this pup. the alpha didn't make me do anything and I'm being kind to the kid because he's my responsibility now and I will do anything to make him happy!" *he yells leaving the table setting me on the counter while fixing our food. After he's done cooking the food he sits down at the table with me in his lap. Some people are still staring at him with shock and others too scared to even look this way again. Flames hands me my fork and I start to eat while he eats his food. After I am done eating Flames brings me into the living room where the others were. Ocean notices us first and he smiles at me patting the spot next to him for Flames to sit. The others looked a bit confused about why I was with Flames but didn't say anything. "So any luck on getting him to talk?" Ocean asks Flames hoping for a certain answer "No but tomorrow I'm going to buy him something to write on so he can talk to us that way." Ocean nods as he turns on a movie that they all start to watch. My eyes start to get heavy while the movie was about to be halfway done, and after a while I finally let myself drift off to sleep

Cody's Point of View (Flames):

As I am watching the movie I notice that the little pup is sound asleep. I stand up slowly telling the guys that I was going to bed bringing him with me. As I lay in bed, little pup snuggles closer to me whimpering in his sleep. It hurts me seeing him freaking out like this. I made a promise that I would never love anyone again...but this pup he changed my mind the second I saw him I knew I had to protect him and protect him I will. I hold him close trying to get him to stop whimpering and eventually he calms down. Once he fully calms down I lay closer to him closing my eyes.

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