Chapter 7:Figuring Out The Past

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Cody picks me up and puts me in his lap as he holds me close. I snuggle into him as I realize just what this information means, I could be his son. I look up into his fire-red eyes and start to think. Getting down, I walk over to the mirror and look at my complexion, I look like Cody is some way but instead of fire-red eyes, I have dark grey eyes with a tint of gold. I look to his dresser and see a photo, that I did not notice before. I walk over there, trying to grab it. Cody notices what I am trying to do, and walks over and grabs it for me. He picks me up and sets me on the bed showing me the framed photo, "This was my wife, Molly."  I could hear the sadness in his voice, as he stares at the old memory. I look at her eyes, smiling as I see, she has dark grey eyes, like mine. I look up at Cody and I notice he's thinking the same thing. He smiles and holds me close. "You know, I was shocked when you just randomly talked, and I didn't expect that to be your first words." I laugh nodding, I snuggle closer to him. "Do you remember what your mother looked like?" I nod, but then stop realizing the woman I would see in my dreams, wasn't my real mother, then I wondered. Did I create someone in my mind to feel as if I was going to be saved? I frown realizing the truth, that woman was merely my imagination, a way to cope with the pain. I shake my head no, "I, I think that woman I use to see in my dreams...wasn't real" Cody nods and I can tell he understood what I meant. I frown and Cody stands up with me in my arms. We go downstairs to see the others laughing and preparing dinner. They smile when they see us and they hand me a plate with food on it. Cody sits me down at the table and I quickly eat the food, I jump down from the table and I run over to the others. Charlie smiles at me and picks me up while sneaking me another piece of food. I giggle and quickly eat it but then I hear someone cough behind us. I look over and see Cody smirking at us. I frown wondering if he's angry with me taking more of the food. Cody notices this and walks over to me. He takes me from Charlie and smiles, "So you going to take food and not share with me?" After seeing the smile on his face I could tell he was not angry and I smile shaking my head and quickly jump down to hide behind Oliver, he laughs and quickly picks me up running into the other room. We all are laughing as we are running around. The alpha walks in and I quickly stop laughing and look down scared he would be angry for all the noise we are causing. He smiles and walks on, I sigh in relief as the guys snicker. "I thought I was going to die of embarrassment!" Charlie says as he is was wearing a pink apron that he had on when he was cooking lunch for us. I laugh and Charlie frowns at me, "Hey! That's not funny!" I continue to laugh as the others agree with me. Cody quickly grabs me and smiles, "Looks like I win!" Oliver frowns as he notices what has happened, "Hey no fair! you cheated!" Cody laughs as he walks away with me, "Sorry I won fair and square, and besides me and Daniel have to get going." I look up at him confused about where we are going and he smiles as he walks towards the front door. We get into the car and Cody starts to drive. After 30 minutes we end up to our destination. It looks like a modern restaurant and we walk in. We get seated and Cody hands me a kid's menu. I look at the foods not understanding what they are, I choose to get the chicken as it's the only thing I know. Cody gets a large meat thing and once it arrives he lets me have a bite. I eat it, liking the taste I ask for a bit more. He laughs and gives me half of it and I ate it along with my chicken. Once we were done eating Cody picks me up, "So kid, how did you like eating out with just me and you." I smile and nod while laying my head on his shoulder. I let the darkness take over me as he sets me down in the car. I'm glad to finally have a place called home.     

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