Chapter 8:A Start of a New Life

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I wake up to see my dad not in bed and I quickly get up to look around. I walk downstairs to see him talking to the Alpha. I hide behind the wall and listen to their conversation. "Are you sure we should send him to school now,  what if he gets frightened or can't handle the crowds." The alpha listens to my dad's concerns and then puts his hand up, "I know you are worried, but it's about time your son joined school, you can't teach him everything." My dad nods sighing in defeat. He looks over this way and smiles. "Hey kiddo, let's have a talk shall we?" I nod and follow him into the living room. He sits down on the couch, beside the alpha, and pats beside him. I climb on beside him and snuggle into his side. He sighs and smiles looking down at me, "How does going to school sound?" I look up at him confused, "What is a school..?" He spends the next ten minutes telling me what school is. It sounds scary but it sounds like it would really help me. I nod to going to school and he smiles. "Okay, then you will start school next month how does that sound?" I nod a bit nervous but ready. We spend the next few weeks shopping for supplies, getting clothes and anything I might need to start school. Finally, the day came, my dad was driving me to school. I move nervously in my seat worried about today, but not wanting to worry my dad I try my best to stay calm. He pulls up to the school and takes me out of the car. We walk inside and I look at the long hallways with many doors. We finally make it to the principal's office and I hold on tighter to my dad. We walk in and the principle smiles down at me. "Ah, this must be Daniel" My dad nods and they start to talk as I look around his office. It has a normal desk you would see in a principals office, and two chairs in front of it. To the left is another door which I assume is the assistant principals office. To the right is a couch with a bookshelf beside it, and a coffee table in front of it. I look back at my dad to see him shaking hands with the principle and walking back over to me. He takes my hand and we walk out of the office towards one of the classrooms. I get nervous and try to yank my hand away, my dad looks down at me and picks me up holding me close as he walks into the classroom. I have my face hidden in his shirt as I hear him talking to, who I'm assuming is the teacher, someone. After a few minutes of exchanging words, my dad sets me down in a chair. I look up at him with fear in my eyes and reach back up for him. He shakes his head no and kisses my forehead telling me to behave. I cry out following him out to the door but someone grabs my hand. I look up to see it's the teacher and she's smiling, "Hey sweetheart it's alright, come sit back down and once the others get here we can introduce you." I nod slowly and go back to my seat. It takes 10 minutes for everyone to get into class and I get more nervous seeing how many people there are. After 15 or so students walk in the class the teacher tells everyone to quiet down and calls me to the front. I stand up beside her looking down, "Okay class, this is our new student Daniel, he's mute so he won't really be able to talk to you but please show him kindness." I look up to see a lot of guys not paying attention and the girls smiling sweetly as I look at them. I sit back down and the teacher starts class, all of a sudden a piece of paper is pushed beside me. I look at it reading the words.

"Hey I'm James, is it okay if I write you on here?"

I look up to see a tough looking guy smiling sheepishly at me. I nod and write on the paper.

"Nice to meet you. May I ask what this school is like?" 

James looks at it and smiles and quickly starts to write

"Yeah there is a lot of tough looking people but we are all decently nice, you can hand out with my group if you want."

I smile and nod, the rest of the class goes with us writing back and forth talking about things we like to do and James telling me more about the school. Once it was lunch James showed me his table and introduced me to his friends. I was wary at first because these guys seem really tough and mean but as we started talking I realized they were really nice. At the end of the day my dad drove up and picked me up asking me how everything went. I told him how it went and he asked me why I chose to not talk. I explained that it makes me feel better writing and not speaking in person. He nods as we go home, I'm glad today went well. 

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