Chapter 33:The Reality

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I continued to punch the wall, anger coursing through my body. I knew I should stop, and I knew that this would fix nothing, but I had to take my anger out on something. Hailey sat on the bed, watching me punch a hole in our wall; I don't know why she didn't stop me. Perhaps she could tell I needed this. My mind went back to Jacob; how could he do this to us? Had our friendship only been a farce? There had to be some meaning to our group with how long we had been together.

I had trouble accepting the fact that he genuinely did not care for us. Then I thought back to his words before his declaration. He brought up how the war was never meant to happen. If he did not care for us, then why be upset over the war?

I shook my head. Obviously, He only cares about us losing the pack because he knew it would make him a "low-life," just like Alec. I took a shaky breath, trying to calm down. I look over at Hailey; she was staring at me with concern. I slowly stood up straight, closing my eyes and calming myself down. It seemed that this had taken a larger tow on me than I thought it would. It did make a difference in being told something, and it happens in person. I didn't fully comprehend that one of my closest friends had been the traitor. Yet seeing him in that jail cell made me realize the reality of the situation.

I walked over towards Hailey, watching as she scooted over on the bed and laid down. I laid my head in her lap, closing my eyes once more. Hailey sat there quietly, playing with my hair. It had a calming sensation, yet my body still stayed tense as I thought about what Chris was talking to Jacob about. I look up at Hailey, and she was smiling sadly at me; she could feel my pain despite not truly understanding the situation. That's when it hit me. Hailey was in the dark; I sighed, feeling awful but also thankful for the mate the moon goddess gave me. I looked up at her with sad eyes and explained everything to her. After I was done, Hailey looked angry. She couldn't believe Jacob had done such a thing.

My eyes widen as I realized Alec was still sound asleep in my office, not knowing we found the guy who framed him. I quickly jumped up, pecking Hailey's cheek, before running towards my office. I open the door to see Alec on the couch, looking at Me and Hailey's photo.

I sigh before sitting beside him, "We found him." Alec looked up at my shocked, and just before he could ask who it was, Chris came into my office. He looked angry but calmed down once he saw the two of us, "Tell me what he told you because once you left, he wouldn't speak." I nodded and told him everything, having to stop a few times so that I didn't get up and punch the wall. After I was done, Chris was nodding, and he sighed, "I think we should lock him up for good; killing him would do us no good as it would be an easy out for him, so that's what we are going to do."

I nodded, happy that they weren't just going to give him the death penalty. We both went into my office, going through papers and preparing the announcement we will have to give the pack. No leader wants to give their people bad news. After we set everything up, we neatly gathered it all together and left the room. We walk down the hall, every step echoing through the silent halls. News already spread about Jacob, but nobody knows about the war except the three of us. We make it to the field, looking around, knowing that soon this would be the spot we'd have to announce the news.

We stand up on the stage, setting everything up before sending out a mind link, calling for a pack meeting. After about thirty minutes, everyone was there. I stand up tall beside Chris as he stands at the podium. He coughs loudly, gaining everyone's attention and making his notes neat. He sighs lightly, not knowing how to start despite having it all written down. He looks at the pack one last time before speaking.

"I know you all are wondering why I gathered you here today. Some of you have half an idea of why this meeting was called. While others do not have a clue. We had a traitor amongst our lands, for those who haven't heard, and today we finally caught him. He is now locked up within the dungeons and will stay there for the rest of his days. Sadly, I announce that is not what I called you here today, though that's what I wish this were about. The traitor has given away files to the rouges, which as a result, gave them a confidence boost. I sadly announce to all of you that we are going to war."

Everyone burst into noise; everyone was freaking out; Chris coughed, gaining everyone's attention once again.

"I know you all are worried, but I swore on my life that I would protect you all, and that's what I'm going to do. Training starts tonight; those who want to be a part of the war will be, those who have mates and refuse to risk their lives may reject. Warriors are automatically put onto the training list; you knew what you were signing up for once you started training. We need as many fighters as we can get, men and women; we will train as much as we need, in human and wolf form. We will meet at six o'clock. I hope to see many there; let's hope this war's fatalities are low and pray to the moon goddess above that we come out on top."

Everyone sat in silence, not knowing how to react to the news; some whispered, wondering what would happen next. Chris and I walk off the stage, going towards the training fields. Though we said six, we knew we had much to do to prepare for this war. We prepared many scenarios; anything we could think of that could happen we prepared fighting strategies for.

Six came faster than I felt it should have. Chris had left an hour ago, leaving the training to me. I knew it was my job to train the warriors, and I also knew Chris would be going soon to inform our allies of the situation. I smiled proudly at the men and women who stood before me. Many of them were warriors, but many were regular pack members more than willing to fight for the people. I followed the strategies Chris and I made and made sure everyone understood what was needed to be done.

Once it hit ten o'clock, we stopped training. I was proud of how well the training went despite many never fighting once in their life. I looked at all the warn-out fighters before standing up and clearing my throat.

"Tomorrow, we shall practice more on being between wolf and human form. We have no idea how these rouges fight, but just in case they plan to bring silver and wolfsbane to the fight, we must be ready. We shall also do silver practices. As you all know, silver is painful to us, but we have certain equipment that will make it where it cannot hurt us. As for wolfsbane, that's why we are practicing in human form. If you were to get injected, it's best you know how to fight against a wolf once it takes effect and turns you back. Don't believe that just because you were turned back that you can not win the fight. You all are great fighters, and I know even at your weakest point, you can win and make this pack proud. That being said, we do not know when they will attack, so we should practice as much as we can, knowing all we can do is be prepared. Tomorrow we meet at dawn; I hope to see you all there. We will start training when the sun rises. You're all dismissed."

I look at them all as they stand up, each one nodding respectfully as they walked past me. Once I get back to the packhouse, I lay on the bed beside a sleeping Hailey with just one thought on my mind. We will win this war if it's the last thing we do. 

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