Chapter 24:The Next Level

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We walk back to the packhouse after we finished staring at the stars and Sarah talking about how the wedding and ceremony will go. 

I walk into Sarah's room with her laying down on the bed. "You know, I was thinking having you move into my room with me but then I realized that this room of yours has more story and I wouldn't want all your painting to go to waste, so I was wondering if I could just move into your room with you." Sarah laughs and nods at me kissing my lips as I quickly get up to go grab my stuff. 

After an hour I got all my stuff in her room. I quickly lay down beside her and pull her close thinking about everything that has happened in my life so far and with that, Sarah and I drifted off to sleep. 

                                     Daniel's point of view:

Me and Hailey smile as we see Chris and Sarah walk back in talking about the ceremony, letting us know she said yes. Hailey and I were sitting in the kitchen eating a late-night snack while we were waiting for Chris and Sarah to come home. 

They clearly didn't sense us as they walk up the stairs. I smile at Hailey kissing her lips lightly as we continue to eat the cookies we stole from the cookie jar. After we ate the cookies Hailey and I went up to our room. I pulled her close to me as I sat down on the bed. Hailey and I have been close and our mate bond made us closer. 

I sigh and put her in my lap laying my head against hers. "You know with helping Chris plan the proposal it got me thinking. You and I have completed the mating bond and we know everything about each other but our past and I think it's about time I told you mine."

"As my father said my full name is Daniel Christopher Johnson. I was born of this pack but when my dad was traveling for pack business he chose to bring me with him for some reason. While we were walking towards the other alpha's land rouges attacked us. The reason why we walked was that the alpha's pack was a neighboring pack and the land between ours was only 10 feet from the other. My dad was knocked out and I'm assuming I was taken when he was. The alpha quickly brought my dad back to the packhouse and presumed I was dead. Then four years later the alpha was informed of a child being held in a pack not too far from ours needed a new home. I noticed that my beatings stopped for some random reason. A week later I was brought out of my cell and thrown in front of another alpha. I was mute then, being in that cell made me give up on speaking. I thought this alpha would be the same as all the others heck I even thought when we went to the private packhouse that we were heading for the cells. After a while, my dad and I figured out I was his son he lost a long time ago and I started going to school. We had a small war that my stupid self ran to get the royals to help for, heck I somehow found a way into the kingdom and I asked the woman for help. She was the one who I thought was my mother for a while. When she told me she couldn't help me it broke me, but later they came to help. After the war I met Sarah, she was like me having a hard life and everyone thought we were mates. My dad warned me not to get close to her like that as there is a low possibility we could be so, so I made sure to never fall for her. Sarah clearly gained a crush for me over the seven years we spent together but she knew better than to act on it. Then I met you. So that's pretty much my life story." 

Hailey stared at me, processing what I had said and smiled. "My life wasn't as bad as yours, I was a warriors daughter at my old pack. My pack was attacked and we clearly lost, those who didn't want to join the attacker's pack were to become rouge. The pack killed my father so twelve year old me gladly left and I was a rouge for five years. Then I ended up on your land as I was too tired to realize I was on someone else's land." 

I nod pulling her closer to me, Hailey lays down yawning while I go to turn off the light. I lay back on the bed and pull her close to me as we both let sleep take over us.           

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