Chapter 5: My Name And Past

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I wake up in the bed and see Flames sound asleep beside me. I sit up and stare around the room trying to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness around me. It's been weeks since the day they took me in and I've been having nightmares ever since. Sometimes it's of my mom and other times it's about what happened to me at the old alpha's pack. I look back at Flames and I smile. I'm glad he took me in and I'm learning how to play around with the others without flinching. I'm also getting better at reading and writing and soon I can finally talk to him. I get out of the bed trying not to make a sound and make my way to the alpha's office. I slightly open the door making sure he isn't in there. Once the coast is clear I sneak in and grab my notebook and pencil. I sit in the alpha's chair and start to practice writing.  I start to write sentences and the time starts to fly by as I continue my lines. I jump as I hear the door open and comes in the alpha. He stares at me with surprise in his eyes, not expecting to see me there. I drop my notebook and quickly get out of his chair. "Oh, hey kid I didn't expect to see you in here you can continue what you are doing." I grab my book and start to continue writing on the floor as the alpha sits in his seat. Flames walks in awhile later still looking a bit frantic every time he can't find me. He looks down at me and smiles and then talks to the alpha. "Hello alpha, I see the kid is in here." The alpha looks up and nods. Flames comes over and picks me up and he brings me into the living room with the others. "Okay, guys I think it's time for the kid to tell us what we've been waiting to know." I look up at Flames and then down at my book realizing just how far I have gotten.  He sets me down and I flip it to another page. I breathe in, a bit nervous, and start to write.

 My name is Daniel. I can't remember who my mom is but all I know is that I was taken from her when I was born.  

Flames takes the book and starts to read a big grin on his face. He hands the books to the others and they all smile as they read. Happy they finally get to know my name. "Okay, my name is Cody," Flames says and then he points to Penny "That is Parker" Then he points to Ocean, "That is Oliver and last but not least," he says as he points to Forest" That is Charlie" I nod as I continue to write. 

May I ask what I am to you guys?

Flames reads it and frowns and hands the books to the others. Ocean grabs it and smiles. "Huh, I didn't think about that I guess we all are like uncles to you and Cody is your dad." I look at Cody as he stares at me waiting for a reaction. I smile and nod and continue to write. I tell them about what was happening to me the past nine years and Flames got mad a few times but calmed down. After I got tired of writing we all start to watch some tv and later we go eat dinner. I look up to the others and start to remember their names knowing I should call them that now but I also feel like I should tell them about their nicknames. I grab my notebook and start to write

So Ocean said you are my you see me as your son..? 

Flames grabs the book looks confused and then realizes what I mean, "Of course and who is Ocean?" 


Flames laughs and calls Ocean into the room "Oliver come look at your nickname for the kid" Ocean walks over and reads the book smiling, "Oh cool what is the others nicknames?"

Parker is Penny, Charlie is Forest, and my dad is Flames, I based it off your eye colors...

They all smile as they read their nicknames laughing and loving the names. As they continue to talk about the nicknames Charlie starts up a movie and we all pay attention to that. I sit in Cody's lap and try to go to sleep as it has been a long day and as darkness takes over me I smile knowing that I finally have a family and I can finally have a normal life.  

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