Chapter 29:The News

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                                      Alec's Point of View:

I follow Daniel's dad, scared more than ever as Daniel's failed attempt at an assuring smile didn't seem to help. We walk into Daniel's office, his dad sitting in his seat, and I sitting in the chair just in front of his desk. He takes out a laptop, not saying a word as he turns it around, facing it towards me. Looking at it, it shows me taking a file out of the alpha's cabinet and quickly leaving. I stare at the video with shock and confusion, but at the same time, I wasn't worried.

The video showed me taking the file at 9 am, but the person framing me made one mistake. I was with Daniel that whole time eating breakfast. If they wanted to frame me, that should've done it at night when I was away from him.

I sit up straight and look his dad in the eyes, saying, "That can't be me." He looks at me confused, still wary of the situation but kept his mouth shut as he knows I was going to continue, "The time on there says 9 am; I've been with Daniel the entire time." Daniels dad's eyes went from wary to shock. He quickly left the room to talk to Daniel. I moved closer to the video and tried to see how exactly this person got it to look like I was the one who did it.

I sit back in my seat, my breathing less heavy now that I know I am safe. I rock the wooden chair, leaning back and forth, it almost falling but never doing so as I wait for his dad to come back into the room.

I hear the door open; looking back, I see Daniel looking worried. He quickly walks over to the computer, ignoring me as he stares at the screen. For some reason, this makes me nervous, as if my mind is blinded by the fear of Daniel not believing me. I knew he would, we knew each other for years, yet deep down in the pit of my stomach, something felt off.

Daniel walks over to me, grabbing me by the arm, my fear growing worse as he brings me out of the room. I follow silently, wishing that he would say something. Something to tell me whether he believes me or not, whether he will ban me from here or hug me tight. I felt like crying. My chest felt heavier with every step, my heartbreaking to the beat. We finally arrive at my room; Daniel shuts the door and turns to me, leaning against the door. He sighs and looks at me with a sad smile.

"Sorry for worrying you; I didn't want to say anything while we were in the hall. With a traitor in our midst, that would be the dumbest thing to do." I sigh in relief, tears almost evident in my eyes. I sit on the ground, looking down. Daniel walks over and sits beside me. We sit in silence, but to be honest, I wish it was anything but. "Hey, don't worry, we'll find out who did this." I nod, laying my head on his shoulder, trying to calm down. 

He rubs my head as I start to breathe calmly again. I don't remember when I fell asleep, but it seems Daniel did too, as I woke up to us both leaning against the bed, my head still on his shoulder. I sit up, rubbing my eyes, and stretching my arms.

I look over at Daniel and notice the bags under his eyes. I smile slightly, proud of my friend who works so hard for the benefit of everyone. I stare in the mirror, wondering who would want to betray someone as amazing as him. After washing my face, I walk back into my room. 

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