Chapter 35:Running the Pack

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I wake up with Hailey snuggled into my side. I sigh softly, knowing this wasn't going to last long, but I still wanted to savor this moment. I sit up, pulling Hailey with me. She groans quietly but wakes up. She stretches her arms and looks at me with a small irritated look in her eyes. I smile at her, kissing her forehead before pulling her out of bed. "Don't give me that look; you had slept since four pm yesterday." Hailey's eyes widen slightly, and she nods slowly, probably wondering how she slept for so long. I pull her into the bathroom, having her take a shower with me before we get ready. Once we were dressed, I pull her into the car. Both of us sat in silence the entire time. My mind busy with the work I have to do after this and Hailey because she's probably still wondering how she slept for so long. 

      We pull up to a small restaurant; it was decently empty, seeing as it was only six in the morning. I knew she hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday, so I thought before we got too busy, I'd bring her to eat some breakfast. Once we make it inside, we sit in one of the small booths, waiting for the waiter to come over as some of them were still getting everything ready. The waiter makes her way over, and we order our drinks and food, knowing we were in a rush. I stared at Hailey as we sat in silence, I could tell her mind was occupied with something, but I didn't know what. "What's wrong?"

         I asked, hoping she would open up to me. Hailey smiles softly and rubs her hands up and down her face, "I've just been so stressed, with the war and everything I seem to be feeling sick, and I can't tell if it's the worry or if it's something else." I nodded, feeling awful for neglecting her for all this time. "Alright, I don't have to start work until seven, we're taking you to the doctor, and before you say anything, I don't care if we find out it's just a small cold; your health is important to me." Hailey nods, smiling at me. We chatted a bit after that, talking about plans and the war while waiting for our food. Finally, it showed up, and we started to eat; I knew we were a little rushed because it was already six twenty and we still had to go to the doctors, but we still took as much time as needed to ensure we still got the time we needed together.


        Once we finished eating, I paid for the food, and we made our way to the hospital. I look at the time to see it was six forty; I sigh knowing I would have to postpone work a little bit for this to ensure I didn't stress Hailey too much with the time cramp. I look over at Hailey to see just how sickly she was looking. I continue to watch the road as I state, "I'm going to start work a little later, which also means I probably won't be home until two am tonight, but this is more important than some paperwork." Hailey nods, not having the energy to argue. We get into the hospital, and I quietly take her up to the doctor I would visit as a kid. I knew he mainly worked with kids and pregnant women, but he was the only doctor I knew from this place, so if I was going to have anyone check up on Hailey, it would be him. 

  We walk into the room, and I smile at him. He snickers softly, knowing exactly why I came to him despite the many doctors here. "You know, Daniel, if it weren't you, I would be sending you both out, but luckily for you, I have no one to check up at this time. Hailey, take a seat; I'll be with you guys in a minute." Hailey shakes her head softly but sits down as I smile brightly at them both. When he got back into the room, I got a phone call from James; I quietly walk out of the room while they both discuss what was going on with her and answer the phone.

"Hey man, what's up?""Hey, you know how you asked me to drop those one files off?""Yeah?""Well, some of the papers fell out, and I know you don't start working yet, but this seems important. I think it would be useful in training tonight."

I look over at the room Hailey is in as the doctor starts doing tests on her; I sigh and quickly tell James I'll be there before walking back in.

"I gotta go, but once you find out what's wrong, I want you to come straight to my office and tell me, okay?" Hailey nods and continues to tell the doctor what was going on as I walked out of the room. I quickly leave, making another phone call to have someone pick Hailey up to bring her to my office when she gets her results, and make my way to the office. I quickly parked the car and found James sitting on the couch next to, not so surprising, Alec sleeping. I smile, taking the file from his hands reading them over. The file goes over the rogue patterns and their fighting skills that we've gained over the years. I wince about how I was right about them using silver and wolfsbane when it comes to their wars.


 I sighed, sitting down at my desk and continue to read the information in front of me. I take notes on them while also dealing with other pack problems. I spend two hours taking notes on the rogues' movements and abilities while also going through pack problems and complaints. After another three hours, I finally got all the paperwork done for the pack, and I took all the notes I needed for training tonight. Looking at the clock, I notice that it's already eleven, and Hailey still hasn't shown up. Before I could get ready to mind-link her, she walks in with a grim look on her face. She looked like she was ready to cry. I quickly stood up and made my way over to her, worry all over my face.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" I hold her face in my hands as she blankly stares at me. Before I could say anything else, I hear her faintly whisper."I'm pregnant."

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