Chapter 34:The Weight of the War

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        I feel the worry and anger, knowing something horrible was coming, and it hurt knowing I had no control or idea of when it was. It's been a couple of weeks since the whole Jacob thing happened. The warriors and I have been training non-stop, always ready just in case we are attacked. Chris was preparing everything in the pack for when he leaves and calls for help from our allies. I also know that this is taking a toll on Hailey as I am rarely around now. I have noticed a slight change in her attitude but let it be as I assume it's because of the upcoming war. I walk into Chris's office and start helping him pack all the stuff he needs, and I hand him the note the rouge gave us. Chris smiles sadly at me, knowing that there's a chance they won't help us in this time of need. I start to put all the papers he would need for this trip; Sarah walks into the room and starts to help pack. I notice her packing her things also, and I raise my eyebrow at her. Sarah glares at me and answers my stare, "I'm the luna of the pack; there's no way I'm not going with my mate to help get our allies to fight in this war." 


          I smile softly and lift my hands in surrender, knowing that when Sarah has something set in her mind, she's determined to do it no matter what. Chris and Sarah pack everything they need and start walking outside to their car. Chris and I go over everything I need to do while he's gone one last time before he gets in the car. I nod at him as the car drives off, and I make it to my office. The intense feeling of worry and fear is heavy among the pack, but I try to ignore it, knowing I need to stay strong for them and me. I knew I had paperwork to do, and after that more endless hour of training, but I had to check up on Hailey one last time before I got too busy to see her daily.

        I make my way to the bedroom to see Hailey sleeping on the bed. Checking the time, I furrow my eyebrows, wondering why she was asleep this early. I walk over to her and rub her arm softly, hoping to wake her up. Once she stirs, I kiss her forehead and quietly ask her if she's okay. Hailey smiles softly at me and nods, "I'm just drained from all the work; lately, I'll be fine." I nod, kissing her head one more time before letting her go back to bed. I walk back towards Chris's office and grab the files he had informed me to work out before he left. I walk into my office and see Alec sleeping on my couch. Despite us finding out it was Jacob, Alec still would rather sleep in my office than anywhere else. I shake my head, grabbing a cover out of the closet putting it on top of him before sitting down at my desk. 


      I look over the files making sure everything is in check, knowing everything had to be perfect and ready for whenever this war starts. After about five hours, I set the papers down, getting half this week's work done. I look over to see Alec still asleep on my couch and shake my head; what's up with everyone sleeping during the day? I sigh softly, knowing that it's primarily because of the countless hours of work. I look at the clock and slightly nudge Alec, knowing that training is starting soon, and Alec said that he wanted to help with the war. I could tell Alec slightly blamed himself for all of this, seeing as if he had never shown up, then Jacob would have never given that file to the rogues. Despite his constant self-blame, I keep reminding him that despite it playing out that way, he's also why we found out Jacob's true colors, and I remind him that if it didn't happen, perhaps he would've done worse. Alec groans quietly but slowly sit up, "Training starts in thirty minutes."

           Alec nods and stretches, going towards my office bathroom. I smile softly and start making my way to the training fields, knowing I had to set everything up. Once I made it to the training fields, I got all the equipment out, setting them all up in the formation we were going to practice today. I knew rogues wouldn't play by the rules; I suspected that wolfsbane and silver would be used. So today and tomorrow, I will give everyone small doses of both and practice fighting with it within their systems. They'll have two sparring partners, one will have the knife laced with silver or wolfsbane, and one will be on wolf form. Once the fighting starts, the person with the blade will hit the one in the wolf form. This will force them to shift. They will have to figure out how to fight against the other person with the knife to ensure that they gained the advantage. By the time everything was ready, it had already hit thirty minutes; everyone had filed in and were prepared for my command. I explain everything to them, making sure everyone knows what exactly will be happening today. 


      I hand a knife to each person, and their partner shifted into their wolf forms. We practice taking advantage and learning how to get the upper hand in the fight. Once everyone figured out how to keep their head in the game despite having poison in their system. After eight hours of straight training, I tell them all they can stop for the night. I gave another speech and informed everyone that we would be meeting at the same time tomorrow. With one last nod, everyone left the training field. Alec makes his way back to my office, and I make my way to my bedroom. I quietly open the door to see Hailey still asleep in our bed. I smile softly at her, knowing something was up, but I wouldn't bother her about it until tomorrow. I lay down in the bed and lay beside her. I pull her close to me before closing my eyes. 

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