Chapter 37:The War

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    I make my way back to my room, walking quietly on the thought that Hailey was asleep. The hope and determination that once flooded my brain now were turned to dread and worry as I looked down at my sleeping mate.


       I continue to watch my mate silently, as my mind rushes a thousand miles as if it was a train that could never stop. After a minute, I finally lay down, wrapping myself in her arms as I try to forget the events occurring in our lives. My mind is still running as I drift away, my heart with a wishful thought that this all be over soon.


      As my eyes begin to open, I suddenly hear a burst of chaos occurring in the hallways. Startled, I move into a defensive position to ensure that Hailey won't be in danger no matter what. I stay there, listening to every voice and scream echoing through the halls. It wasn't until Chris called my name in a panic that I quickly got up to find him. I search the halls, but like a wave, I continue to get pushed by the amounts of people running and screaming in the hall. Having enough and wanting to know what is wrong, I order everyone to stop.

         Once everyone sits still, I look over to a warrior that had seemed to have been trying to get the crowd to calm down. "What's happening?" The warrior looks up at me with concern and fear as he replies, "We are under attack Beta Daniel; everyone is trying to get to safety." I nod and look over to the crowd, "For those who cannot fight, follow this warrior to the bunker; for those who can and are willing follow me outside." Everyone nods as we start to make our way to the front of the packhouse; before I take another step, my eyes widen.

      I had left Hailey in there alone, sleeping. I told everyone to go outside without me, and I would be back as I rushed to the bedroom. I quickly pick up Hailey, who somehow slept through all that chaos, and rush over to the warrior leading everyone to the bunker. I promptly handed her to him, ordering him to hurry and get everyone to safety. If Hailey weren't in the situation she is now, I would've asked her if she wanted to join the fight as we are equals, and it's her choice, but I'm sure she doesn't want to put the baby at risk.

     I make my way outside, finally finding another warrior; I grab his shoulder, turning him around, "So what's the situation?" The warrior looked at me with a bit of shock as I assumed he wasn't expecting anyone to grab him from behind, but he quickly recollected and replied, "Rouges are at the border, we're holding them off, but it seems that they might be able to get through soon." I nod and quickly go to find Chris.

      I follow his scent until I finally see him yelling orders at the front line. I quickly run up to him, "What's the plan? Why haven't they attacked yet? From what the other warrior was saying, I thought the war was already going on." Chris looks at me with a stone-cold face as he replies, "We don't know; they said the war starts today but won't engage; we cannot do anything because they aren't on our borders yet." I nod and stare at the rouges, trying to figure out what their plan is.

       Finally, as if someone got the match to light after multiple tries, the rogues cross the border. In that split second, everything seemed to speed up; at once; everyone was fighting, some in wolf, some in human form, everyone determined to win the fight. As I fought off some of them, I noticed how many of them were falling. They made it seem as if they would be stronger, yet they dropped like flies one by one. I became more determined, taking them down one by one; our pack fought harder and harder as their numbers decreased. I paid attention to everything around us, how many of our warriors were falling as theirs.

      I continue to fight, blood all over my nails, I knew shifting might cause me more problems, so I stayed in human form. I lose track of time as I claw at another rogue's chest, his eyes wide as he takes his final breath. I grab the head of another rogue, staring him dead in the eyes, probably looking like a mad man, as I yank his head off, the last look on his face being of terror. I continue to tear through more and more rogues, making sure none of them can even come close to where the packhouse is.

       As I take another one down, I notice something in the corner of my eye. I see my dad fighting off three rogues before one of them slashes into him. My world freezes; everything slows as if time became irrelevant. I hear a scream; I can't tell who as my mind floods as if water were to have filled my brain. Finally, my head cleared enough to realize that the screaming was coming from me. I run towards my dad, his body becoming limp as they keep attacking him. I take them down as if they were nothing but a fly buzzing around my head, my adrenaline, and determination to get to my dad powering my drive.

      Once I get to my dad, I hold him in my arms, the others ensuring that the rogues cannot get to us as I try to help him to his feet. Every time someone tries to attack, I take them down, shielding my dad, making sure no one can cause any more harm. Finally, we get to a medic, I quickly lay him down, and the medic looks at his wounds. Time seemed to freeze once more as he checked; I held my breath as I waited for the medic to inform me of his situation. The words repeating in my head, whether good or bad, 'He'll be alright' 'He won't make it, I'm sorry. It seemed like forever before the medic looked up at me with a shaking head. My world crashes like glass shattering into a million pieces.

      I fall to my knees, not knowing what to do. My father's wound was fatal; my heart goes numb as I think about how my father will never meet his grandkid. My eyes go red; I can no longer think straight as I stand up and run back into the war. I take each rogue that comes near me down, not thinking just killing them, one by one. It seemed like a decade before I heard someone scream that we won. I noticed a few rogues were left as they ran off our land. My eyes are still seeing red as I feel tears fall down my face. I knew I had to hide my pain; this was a time for victory; I had to be strong for the pack no matter the loss.

       I smile at my pack members as their eyes hold a gleam of pride, everyone screaming with joy, sadness, and determination. The war was finally over, but now a vacant spot sat in my heart. I ran back over to where my father was; they had already covered his body with a cloth. I stare down, pain evident in my eyes. No longer able to look at him, I look around for Chris, wondering how he feels now that the threat is gone.

   I see Chris helping the wounded and quickly run over to him. I give him a sad smile as he looks at me and does the same. "How many casualties?" Chris looks down, and a small smile forms on his face, "Well, less than them, I suppose?" I chuckle slightly as a bitter taste forms on my tongue. "That's good; I guess we'll get a full count later, now is a time to tend to the wounded and help those who are mourning for their loss." Chris nods; that cold but now sad look is back on his face as he helps the man walk. I go around helping the injured get to the infirmary, carrying who I can, letting them lean on me.

   After a few hours, it seemed like a dream, everyone injured in the infirmary patched up or being tended to, the bodies buried whether they be pack members or rogues. I stare down at my feet, not knowing how to feel. I knew I had to see Hailey; I had to ensure she was alright. I knew they didn't make it to the packhouse; however, after seeing my father die right before my eyes, a small part of me had to ensure she was alright.

      I make it back to the packhouse, looking around for her as many people flood the halls. Everyone was cheering, grieving, or had no reaction to what just happened as even though the war took hours, it felt as if it happened in a flash, barely even a dream. I walk into our room to see Hailey sitting on the bed with a slight smile on her face. I smiled back at her; we stared at each other for a good minute before everything came crashing down. As my adrenaline wore off, I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face as I finally realized.

My dad is gone.

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