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Kana returned to their camp about an hour later, specks of blood and dirt on her face. What was she supposed to do with the remains? Itachi sighed at her appearance, his brow creasing.

"Please go and wash up, we are not far from the seat." Itachi sighed. "Just don't be seen."

Kana nodded, but before she could leave, Kisame stood up as well.

"I'll go with her."

Itachi's eyes narrowed threatening, but he agreed, giving Kana a wary look. Kana simply smiled back, unafraid and confident.

Kisame walked at the girl's side as they made their way to the water's edge. The trip passed in complete, silence, making Kisame uncomfortable. He hoped the rest of the Akatsuki weren't this quiet.

"So what did you do with him?" Kisame asked as Kana knelt at the water's edge.

"I thought that was obvious," Kana distantly replied, cupping some cool water and splashing it on her face.

"I mean, I have a guess." Kisame shrugged.

"Then why don't you take a guess?" Kana suggested. "I will either answer or stay silent."

"The blood near your mouth," Kisame mumbled. "Did you... Eat him?"

Kana stayed silent, nodding her head once and keeping her back turned. Kisame sucked in a sharp breath, but remained unafraid.

"Does that bother you, Kisame?" Kana asked, her tone sturdy.

"Honestly, a little bit." Kisame sighed. "But, most shinobi these days have some kind of quirk. I'm seven feet tall and look like a shark."

Kana chuckled. "I guess you're right, there are strange people in the Akatsuki too."

Kisame sat next to Kana as took her hair out of it's ponytail and began scrubbing the blood out. The two talked a bit here and there, trying to find similar likes and interests.

"What's something you don't like?" Kisame asked.

"Sushi," Kana scowled. "Scratch that, food in general."

"What about weapons?" Kisame asked.

"Oh, I just use kunai and shuriken for now." Kana replied. "I'm still learning."

"What about swords?" Kisame suggested. "Would you ever try a sword?"

"If you taught me, sure I would." Kana smiled. "All the Akatsuki are responsible for teaching me stuff."

"Then when we get to the base, I'll be sure to look for a sword you can use." Kisame smirked. "Sound good?"

"Sounds good!"


Itachi sighed, the worry lines deepening for a moment before letting up.

He was worried about Kana, not Kana and Kisame, but Kana in general. She said she didn't need to eat for a while, so why was she eating? Something came out if her back and stabbed a man. Can she learn to control that? Not to mention the personality swap that occurs when she's hungry.

Itachi sighed again, this was proving to be a quite the problem. He gently rubbed his bandaged arm, frowning slightly at the memory.

Kana and Kisame returned, both of them smiling and talking, Kisame being the more talkative of the two. Kana looked at Itachi and smiled, however she averted her eyes when they landed on his arm. Her eyes had been so full of guilt, although she might not have known what that was.

Little Monster [An alternate storyline]Where stories live. Discover now