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Please note that Kana can draw blood when injured by her own kagune or biting herself (like her thumb for example).

Kana sat on the floor of her room, staring at the school she received from Pein. It was just a small white scroll, not very large at all, and a red band wrapped around it. She removed the band slowly, placing the scroll down and unravelling it. The scroll was completely empty except for a large ink square that was filled with intricate designs, which were made of characters.

"Is this a seal?" Kana asked, recalling the brief lesson she was given on them, courtesy of Sasori.

Kana placed her hand in the center of the square, channelling her chakra into it. That seemed like common sense to her at the time. The square glowed a bright green, and before she knew it, she had vanished from this world.


"What exactly did you give Kana anyway?" Kisame asked, leaning back on the sofa.

"I am curious as well." Itachi agreed.

"It was a scroll I found in the Amegakure vaults," Pein replied. "A summons scroll to be more exact."

"Oh, so she just has to sign it in her blood, right?" Sasori asked.

"No, not exactly." Pein sighed.

"What the fuck do you mean by 'not exactly?'" Hidan scoffed.

Kakazu and Deidara nodded.

"Pein! What the hell is going on!" Konan suddenly exclaimed, standing up quickly.

Pein narrowed his eyes at the blatant disrespect but was cut off again.

"Kana's chakra signature is completely gone!"


Kana squinted into the darkness, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the sudden change in lighting. The air smelled damp and musty, from this, she guessed that she was in some kind of cave. The only question was what lived there?

"A human?" A voice asked, then retracting their question. "Wait no, your scent is off, you're not completely human at least."

Kana's eyes finally adjusted, and she peered into the darkness. Bright blue eyes stared into her own eyes, and she could make out the outline of a head. Long nose, sharp teeth, furry face, and tall pointed ears. The figure stood at roughly six feet tall on all fours.

"Tell me, who are you?" The animal asked in a smooth feminine voice.

"My name is Kana." She said, keeping any and all traces of fear out of her voice.

"And my name is Lupa, mother of the Wolves." She replied, bowing her head just slightly. "Did you come here in hopes of signing a contract?"

"What's a contract?" Kana asked.

"It is something that will let you summon wolves to your aid, or simply for companionship if you wish," Lupa explained. "However, first you must pass a test."

"What's my test?" Kana asked, her eyes sparkling.

"We have to see how well you mesh with us wolves," Lupa hummed. "What skills do you have that are wolf-like?"

"I am learning how to track, and I can be very sneaky." Kana answered, quite proud of herself.

Lupa smiled, which looked more like a snarl.

"Impressive little one," She chuckled. "Now, I want you to meet your first summon."

Lupa howled, a sound so loud that it made her tremble. The walls seemed to shake and rumbled for a few seconds. When her mightly howl ended, a much quieter howl was heard in reply, before the sound of running hit Kana. A small gray wolf skid to a stop before Lupa, hastily bowing his head and then getting up quite excitable. His tail wagged back and forth as he looked from Lupa to Kana.

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