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Update spree! Be sure you don't accidentally skip a chapter!

Enjoy the updates!

At the break of dawn, all three Amegakure genin and their sensei were wide awake and getting ready for the day. Azumi strapped scrolls to her belt, securing her sword to her back and flipping her hood over her dark blue hair. As she sharpened a few kunai she glanced at Kana, watching as she prepared herself.

Kana sheathed her twin kodachi with a satisfying 'click,' tucking away extra kunai and shuriken in her pouch. Her long white hair was brushed and then put in a ponytail to keep it away from her face. She took great care in sharpening her blades, almost distracting Azumi from the fact that Kana used a lot of taijutsu and often fought using ninjutsu.

Haku was also busy with his hair, tying his long, silky black hair back in a bun. He tucked various kunai and senbon into his weapon pouches and sleeves, hiding plenty in his large sleeves.

Lastly, Tsubaki shuffled through some papers, checking over all the details for this afternoon's events.


The walk to Konoha's arena was silent and uncomfortable. Haku smiled in an attempt to keep the mood light but ultimately failed. Kana was focused and had nothing to talk about, and the same applied to Azumi. Their chaperone Tsubaki pretended to be reading paperwork as they walked, but she could feel the tension. All three of the genin were usually fairly talkative, but now they were focussed and silent.

The silence was broken when they approached one of the entrances to the arena where the final stage would be held. A man in a greek flak jacket with a Konoha headband greeted them kindly, holding out his hand for Tsubaki's paperwork.

"Morning," He chirped. "Exams forms please."

"Yeah, morning." Tsubaki replied, handing over the small stack of papers.

"Thank you, good luck to you all." He smiled, looking to the Ame genin when he spoke.

They all nodded before heading inside together.


"Well, I'm going to head into the stands, but I'll be cheering for you guys!" Tsubaki chirped. "Good luck!"

Kana smiled back. "Thank you."

Tsubaki grinned before heading off towards the spectator stands, leaving Haku, Azumi and Kana alone with the other fighters who had arrived before them. A Hyuuga boy stood by himself in the corner, not bothering to interact with anyone else, and the three Suna genin were chatting quietly by themselves. No one else had arrived, meaning that only the rest of Konoha's genin had yet to arrive.

As time went by and it got later in the morning, the chubby Akimichi boy arrived with his teammates, a male Nara and a female Yamanaka. The Nara eyed the competition warily, obviously worried for his teammates, his eyes lingering on the three genin from Ame.

"Good luck Choji!" The girl chirped, giving the boy a slap on the back.

"Thanks, Ino," He replied, munching contentedly on a handful of chips. "I'll do my best."

"It sucks that I didn't make it this far, but it would've been such a drag," Shikamaru sighed, grumbling when he glanced at the white-haired girl who beat him. "But good luck man."

"Thanks, Shikamaru, I'll win it for you guys." Choji grinned, offering Shikamaru a chip.

Shikamaru took the chip and popped it into his mouth, chewing like a cow. "Thanks, see you later."

Ino and Shikamaru then went to the stands, meeting up with Hinata, Kiba, Sakura and Lee.

"That Nara boy was shooting you some dirty looks." Haku said, his voice just loud enough for his teammates to hear.

"I know," Kana smiled to herself with a snicker. "Probably because I beat him in the prelims and he wanted to at least make it this far."

"Then I guess it was just his bad luck that made him be your opponent," Azumi shrugged. "Who knows, maybe in different circumstances the two of you could be friends."

"True," Kana agreed. "You never know."

As more time passed the spectator stands began to steadily fill up with people of all kinds. There were interested civilians, veteran shinobi, nobles, and you could never really tell who else was watching when things like ninjutsu existed. 

Out of the corner of her eye, Kana spotted movement in another area of the stands, an area that was heavily guarded and sectioned off from everything else. The Third Hokage himself sat down in his chair, joined by two people who sat beside him, hat's veiling their faces from sight. Based on their scent though, Kana knew who they were, and a grin stretched across her face. Shin chuckled from somewhere within the depths of her mind.

Just before noon, Naruto finally arrived, though there was no sight of Sasuke anywhere. Naruto was quick to make his way over to Kana, bursting with just as much excitement as she was.

"You ready for your match?" Kana asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" Naruto grinned. "What about you?"

"I hope I'm ready." Kana sighed.

"You'll do fine, I bet I haven't even seen half of what you're capable of!" Naruto chirped enthusiastically.

"Same goes for you, I'm sure you've got some tricks up your sleeve." Kana smirked, clapping him on the back.

"But about... After the Chunin Exams..." Naruto trailed off, awkwardly shifting his gaze.

Kana lowered her voice. "About going to Ame?"

Naruto nodded shyly. "I haven't told my team, and I told the Hokage not to tell Kakashi-sensei, I want to tell him and my team."

"I understand," Kana nodded. "I'll see what I can do after the exams, you'll have to say your goodbyes quickly, Ame's leader is not known for patience."

"Got it," Naruto nodded. "Well, I'll talk to you later, I'm going to go over and talk to Choji for a while."

The smile on her face faded once Naruto turned around, her nose twitching rapidly at a familiar scent she despised. Her gaze shifted back to the booth where the Hokage, Konan, and Pein sat, watching as another man clothed in the Kazekage's robes sat on the Hokage's right. But that didn't sit right with Kana, she had never met the Kazekage, so why did he seem so familiar? He must have noticed her staring because the corners of his eyes were crinkled, as if he were smiling. Granted, she couldn't confirm if he was, in fact, smiling because of the cloth over his mouth and nose.

"You've been staring for an awfully long time," Haku said, diverting her attention. "Are you alright?"

"I don't know." Kana sighed.


Sasuke still hadn't arrived, but despite that, the Chunin Exams were underway, the crowd roaring in excitement, eager to watch the fights. Kana sighed, her mind drifting to her family back in Ame. How long had it been since she saw them? A month? Two? Maybe it just felt longer because she missed them.

"Face the crowd," Genma, their new proctor said. "They're cheering for you after all."

Kana faced the crowd with a sigh, still lost in her own thoughts. But a booming voice cut through all the rest, making nearby parents cover the ears of their children.


Kana's eyes lit up, staring directly at Hidan and Kakazu. Hidan gave her two huge thumbs up, while Kakazu bowed his head, clearly not wanting to be seen with the idiot sitting beside him. Kana didn't yell back, but she nodded sharply. 

They definitely got her message. "It'd be disappointing without any bloodshed."


Sorry about not updating, but I am working on an update spree of three or so chapters for you guys! Make sure not to accidentally skip one!

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