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Kana and Pein dashed through the treetops, only the moonlight guiding their way through the thick forests. Kana focused heavily on her footing, while Pein let his thoughts wander. He had already begun formulating a plan to take over Amegakure and get rid of the current leader, Hanzo.

Just up ahead, Pein spotted something sticking out of a tree, something large and green, wearing a familiar cloak. No doubt about it, it was Zetsu.

"Kana, please continue ahead, I will catch up." Pein ordered.

"Okay, see you in a bit." Kana nodded, not stopping when Pein completely stopped.

Kana rushed forwards, enjoying the wind as it whipped through her hair. Pein leapt to the branch where Zetsu waited.

"Did you find him?" The white half asked.

"Yes, in fact, you will be going to get him in a few days." Pein replied.

"How come we aren't bringing him back now?" The black half growled.

"Two reasons really, firstly, he has something to do first, and secondly, there is something we must do first." Pein replied.

"What is it?"

"I'll explain when I get back, in the meantime, please inform everyone to begin packing up their belongings and to prepare for a mission." Pein ordered.

"Got it, boss!" White Zetsu chirped.

"Idiot." The black Zetsu scoffed.

Zetsu sank back into the tree disappearing from sight. Pein cracked his neck and sighed.

"Can't wait to pay him a visit..." He smirked. "For Yahiko."


Kana glanced behind her when a faint scent hit her nose. She didn't panic however, it was a familiar scent, one of rain. Pein speed through the trees before he slowed down, hopping from tree to tree beside her.

"What happened?" Kana asked, not sparing him a glance.

"I had to speak with Zetsu," He replied. "It's nothing that should concern you."

"What was it about?" She asked.

"About our mission, and the next few missions." Pein answered her, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

"New missions?!" Kana exclaimed. "What are we doing next?!"

"We will be going to retrieve a man named Hidan from the village of Yugakure," Pein replied. "Another man rumoured to have another form of immortality."

"You mean, he can't die, right?" Kana asked, scrunching up her face in concentration.

"That is correct, although his form of immortality is supposedly different from Kakazu's." Pein nodded with a sigh.

"How is it different?" Kana mumbled. "I mean, immortality is immortality, what's the difference?"

"That, I am not quite sure of," He sighed. "I know very little of the kinjutsu Kakazu has from Takigakure, and I know next to nothing about this Hidan's form of eternal life. All I have are theories, guesses, and information from other people."

"What is a kinjutsu?"

Pein rolled his eyes, quickly tiring of all her questions, but answering nonetheless.

"A kinjutsu is simply a forbidden technique, something that has been banned from being used or taught," Pein replied. "The Jiongu is an example, currently no one else is known to have it, and Takigakure hasn't been seen using it since Kakazu was a shinobi of Taki."

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