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"So, who was that?" Azumi asked, jabbing a thumb at the blonde Kana had just spoke with.

"That's Naruto, we met in the Land of Waves on seperate missions." Kana replied.

"Is he always so... Depressing?" Azumi asked.

"No, actually he was the most cheerful of his team." Kana frowned.

"What a happy bunch." Azumi snorted.

"I don't know what happened to make him like this..." Kana sighed.

"I don't know either, but we have to focus on the exams now." Haku said softly.

"Yeah, you're right." Kana nodded, sadly glancing at Naruto.

Teams continued to chat, and all the Konoha genin except Naruto gathered around an older Konoha genin. He was much taller than them with fair skin, dark eyes, gray hair, and round glasses. He wore a blue headband with Konohagakure's symbol on it around his forehead.

Kana's ears could just pick up on their conversation, and she could hear him giving away the stats of someone she had never met named Gaara. A few more names were dropped, but only one caught her by surprise.


The white haired boy raised an eyebrow.

"Last name?" He prompted.

"No idea, but she's the girl in the back with white hair." Sasuke replied.

Kana turned away as the horde of Konoha genin looked her way. They didn't even hide their obvious staring. Didn't they know that was rude? Kakazu, Pein and Konan made sure she was well mannered.

"Ah, yes," The boy smiled. "I do have a card for her, but since I didn't know her name I titled it under 'unknown.'"

He reached into the small box and picked up a card, placing it between his fingers. Kana reacted quickly, not sure how much he knew about her. A chakra string arched over their heads and attached itself to the card. Kana yanked the string and the card flew towards her. The genin watched as the card seemingly flew into Kana's hand, and sighed when she ripped it in two.

Mentally, she reminded herself to thank Sasori when she got home.

The blank pieces of the card fluttered to the ground and scattered on the floor at her feet. Kana continued to watch the commotion from her seat, focussing all her attention on her hearing so she could hear what they were saying. A boy wrapped from head to toe in bandages stood on his desk, yelling out to the taller Konoha genin so loud that Kana didn't need enhanced hearing.

"Put this on your cards!" He exclaimed. "All of the Otogakure genin will make chunin!"

"We'll see..." The teen mumbled in response.

The Otogakure genin sneered from underneath all his bandages and jumped to attack the gray-haired boy. He quickly ducked under the boy who lunged at him and smirked in victory, however that didn't last long. He hunched over and lost his breakfast, making Kana cringe when the smell drifted over to her.

Before any other kind of fighting could take place, a tall imposing man walked in, his scarred hands slipping into the pockets of his black trench coat. His face was also horribly scarred, the scars running all the way up his face and disappearing under his black Konoha bandana.

"Pipe down!" He barked, silencing the room. "Oto genin, do you want to fail right now?"

"No, sir." He replied, quietly sitting down.

"Then no fighting without the permission of myself or another proctor." The man grumbled. "My name is Ibiki Morino, and I'm going to be your proctor and worst nightmare for the first part of the exam; the written test."

Little Monster [An alternate storyline]Where stories live. Discover now